Info and forum posts by 'Bryan A'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 8th July 2001, 18:42, Last used: Sunday, 8th July 2001, 18:42

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 40 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Be very afraid.

Arnie, in Predator, when he was trying to coax
Mr alien dude into the trap, towards the end.

PS, I`m not proud of knowing this, think I`ll go and change in to my anorak!


RE: Simpsons R.1 disc 3 problem?

Got a Pioneer 525, Disc 1 and 2 have been trouble free,
not made it to disc 3 yet tho.

RE: Which recent film has let you down the most?

Can`t believe no one has mentioned Perfect Storm!
What a pile of pants!!

Although Elizabeth whats her name was good, (but I only say that cos i`ve fancied her for years!).

RE: play 247 delivery

In Plays defence, they posted a few to me on Thursday, arrived Monday (R2). Maybe I`m just lucky....?

RE: - Speedy Excellent Service , Great price !

Futureent are great, have used them a few times without any probs,
just a shame that their site is such a nightmare to trawl through. I know they have a search facility, but this only displays the higher of the two prices, if the item is also in the `Cheap` section.

Ps I got my DH ultimate addition the other week, boy is it great!!!, I still haven`t finished going through all the features! Have to say though, the alternative ending for DH3, is a bit odd.



I saw the original trailer there, but it wasn`t downloadable (is there such a word??).

In light of what has happened, they will be removing it from the film, (and rightly so). But it is sad thouugh, as it was very impressive, I hope they still decide to include it in the features, but somehow I doubt it.

Thanks anyway,

RE: DISGRACEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what I was trying to get across, is a general statement to say that everyone is entitled to express their opinions, weather popular or not, (not exclusive to the Ireland situation).

However, they should do it in a way that does not directly affect the minds of innocent/undecided minors. For these are the ones, that may oneday change things, (many `growns ups`, have become, far too entrenched in their ways, to shift on the matter).

I know that invariably children, will grow up with the same opinions as their parents, but we can live in hope.

I try to live my life, without having any hate or ill feeling towards anyone (confirmed atheist), perhaps, I`m just being idealistic, but I just think that there is enough hatred in the world already........we don`t need to sow the seeds in the next generation.

For what its worth, I believe that both sides are as guilty as each other, for unnecessarily involving minors.


This item was edited on Saturday, 8th September 2001, 10:14

RE: DISGRACEFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Schnozzer, have to agree with you on this.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions/biases etc,
but if expressing them makes children cry.....they`ve got to find another way!!


RE: DVDIMPORT.COM - too good to be true? It seems so!

Sportsmimic, I can understand your frustration, I ordered Die hard Box set from them on 10 Aug, after 12days it still had not arrived, when I queried it, they told me they were out of stock, but they still manged to charge my CC!!

They confirmed that it was mailed on 24 Aug, but I haven`t seen it yet.

Bit gutted, Switch, as it looks like you placed your order after me, and received yours yesterday. Ho hum!

There is no doubt the Canadian sites are, but I can`t be bothered to spend anymore days sitting under my letter box waiting day after day, (had the similar delay with DVDBO). I`m sticking to Play/futureent from now on!


This item was edited on Tuesday, 4th September 2001, 09:45

RE: what dvds is everyone looking to buy in the next few months

Karate Kid Triligy boxset £15 from play :)
Back to the Future Trilogy, but I think I gonna have to wait more than a few months for that one!

Free voucher for ALL..... are giving away £10 to EVERYONE (today only)

Enjoy :)

RE: Shawshank Redemption at play247 for £7.99

Damn, and Damn again!

I have this already on VHS (£4), and R1 DVD (£12ish)
Why oh why, do I always get caught out!!!?

I am very tempted cos its great value, and its one of my top films, however I`d have to submit a business case to the missus, and I don`t think she`d approve. :(

Still, bloody great find, for such a fine film, well done Giz!

Even if its a mistake, we know good ol` Play always honour it.


RE: stargate s.g.1 series 1 helllllllllp....

Pete, no release dates available on the S1, R2 box set.......if it ever comes out, its gonna be a long wait!,
You can already buy the `best` of S1/R2, but its not had great reviews (key episodes missing etc), but you may already know that.

I`d advise you to get the R1 release if you looks fairly good vfm.

On a side note, do you know of any places I can download the new spidey trailer?, I`ve seen it at work and it looks fantastic, I just wanted to cut it onto CD, as the playback on my home internet connection is, v.dissapointing. :(


RE: Planet of the Apes R2 Boxset - Anamorphic?`s all makes sense now.

Thanks guys.


RE: Planet of the Apes R2 Boxset - Anamorphic?

Sorry to sound like a real bozzo guys, I aint got a clue what `Anamorphic` is.

Can some please explain it to me (in the simplest possible terms) please?

ps dvdcompare, is that like one of those dotcom sites, or a chain of shops!?....just kidding! :)

Thanks in advance.


RE: need porn!

Hehehe! Nice one OB :o)

Re: being married and knocking one off......As Eric Clapton/David Baddiel once said "Even if you have the real thing, it`s still fun to play `air guitar`"......


RE: stargate s.g.1 series 1 helllllllllp....


Its leggit alright, DVDBoxoffice have the 5disc version for around £45 ($98) NEW with free delivery! I`d much rather trust them, than an auctioneer, also have it, but its the US site, and they charge for shipping, hunt around I`m sure you`ll see it in a few more places!

Roll on 10 May 2002, I say!


RE: need porn!

I presume that only so you can test out the multi angle funtion on your player....right?


RE: Any good Bollywood DVD sites out there?

I`m not fan of these types of films either,
but its such a big market, they must be doin something right.

Each to their own, I say.


RE: A question about ` Flipper` disks

Pete, OBzilla! is right,
I`ve got a few of these myself, and was caught out the first time too!

simple rule. "Put down" the label, for the version, you do NOT want to watch.

I`m sure if most people were being honest, they`d admit to it too.

RE: Top 100 kids programmes..

Sorry Fuzzy, got me too!,

My earliest memory is of the mid 80`s, things like Bagpuss, Dungeons & Dragons and of course The new Shmoo. That not cos I`m young, its just that the ol` memory banks have begun to fade a little. :)

I missed the show, who made the top 10?

RE: If u had 2 Grand would U Buy CRT or Back Projection ???

Two Grand?....Fecker....boy, have you got DEEP pockets!

I managed to pick up a cheap LitePro projector, fairly good output, and takes up so little room (when not in use, obviously!), definately reccommend one,

but if I was being honest, you would probably get a better picture from the CRT..... No use at all, but just my thoughts!

RE: Play R2 bargains from £8.49

GIT! :o) ....enjoy while you can!

RE: Play R2 bargains from £8.49

Clayts, what are you doing to me!!? :(

I have already spent this months allowance at DVDimport, and seeing these bargains is pure torture!.

I soooo want to get some of them, but my wife will just not allow it,
she is still p`d at the last CC bill.

Oh man, so many bargains, so little cash!,

Do you have any idea how many marriages you are upsetting!! :)


RE: What`s the first site you log on to when going online ?

Check my mail, at the various webmail a/c, followed closely by the dvdreviewer bargain bucket, then of course, the obligatory visit to the Oz/Canadian sites to see what I can squander my cash on! :)

RE: Customs charges

Does anyone know how what value of DVDs can be brought into the country?. I tried the custom page, but couldn`t make sense of it.

My mate is currently in the US, and as he does not have a DVD player, he has v.kindly offered to bring me back as many DVDs as I want! What a result!! hehehehe!.

I know the limit is £36 for importing, but is there a higher limit if your bringing back gifts? :)

I tried the custom page, but couldn`t make sense of it.


RE: DVDBOXOFFICE - Delivery times

From my last experiences, about 8-9 weeks!!

I first used them at the end of last year, and they were great usually took about 4-5 days. But my last two orders, took so long, I`ve never used them since.

I read recently in these forums, that they have improved their delivery times, so they might be worth a second chance, IF they seriously underprice something.

Hope this help,

RE: DVDImport - Any good

Sniper, I placed my first order with them two weeks ago, (Die Hard Ultimate Coll bargain at £35), but they tell me I`ll have to wait another 2 weeks!

DVDImport are the cheapest I have seen for R1, and their reply was very quick, so I can`t fault them for that. However they could make it clearer when an item is out of stock.

I may have just been unlucky, as I`ve read good stuff about them on these boards.

Not sure what this `superbit` is, I haven`t seen it.

Incidently, think Clayts may kick your ass, as this should be placed in the retailer review forum!

RE: region one price comparison site??

Sophie, you could try

Its fairly good, although , I would double check the currency conversion figures.

Having said all that, you can`t go far wrong with, or (my current fav).

Happy Shopping!

RE: Way off topic....MS Excel

Thanks Clayts, I`ve solved it!

WooHoo! butt lives to see another day!! :)