Info and forum posts by 'Sandy Richardson'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 5th July 2001, 10:06, Last used: Friday, 27th August 2010, 22:45

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 34 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

The Insider - cheap - any ideas?

I`m after Michael Mann`s The Insider, at a cheap price, any ideas?

Please help!

I saw it for a tenner at the Virgin site but there wasn`t another title I wanted, they were all crap on that page.


RE: Hong Kong Legends DVDs

The Region 1 release has the infamous nunchaku scene and more bone crunching. Loads of neat extras on the other side of the disc too.

The Region 2 release is a pile of s***!

This item was edited on Monday, 16th July 2001, 14:31

RE: Lock Stock £11 inc p&p

Can someone give me the correct URL for MusicBox, I can`t find it anywhere.


This item was edited on Sunday, 15th July 2001, 07:46

RE: Austin Power`s first movie cheap?

So where can I get it for under a tenner. At petrol stations?

Where else is it at - Woolies?

I`m after IMOM not SWSM, I`ve already got the second one.

This item was edited on Sunday, 15th July 2001, 07:42

The Insider - cheap - any ideas?

I`m after Michael Mann`s THE INSIDER - cheap any ideas?

I`ve seen it at the Virgin site for a tenner but I didn`t want any of the other crap titles from that page.

RE: LG3200 DVD player - £100 from Woolies

It`s fooked off completely now, not a sausage, gives you the same message as the Pro-Line. Which is bloody annoying, why don`t they just update the page to say "I`m sorry that product has sold out." "I`m sorry that product is currently out of stock, but we are expecting new orders soon etc".

This item was edited on Monday, 16th July 2001, 15:50

VIDEO-NOW - What are these Bas**rds playing at?

What in hell are playing at. According to a number of sources they have stopped trading but their website is still up and running and includes all the new release covers like The Mexican and Fifteen Minutes, I tried ordering and it would have gone through had I not stopped it at the final stage. It`s scandalous that if you haven`t ordered with them before you don`t get that crummy message about how they are not answering e-mails or phone calls and will not answer any. They will be refunding everyones order (bullshit) and everyone here knows that will never happen. Where is the law? I wanna` see these people get their just deserts.

RE: not as the case maybe).com

Thanks for the infomation. I just checked and it`s a DELTA card. I suppose no one here spent over £100 with
I hope they do refund me but somehow I doubt it, I`m with the TSB and I have always been pleased with their friendly and helpful service. They have helped me out on a number of occassions before, but somehow I can`t see them refunding me on this one.

Thanks again for the info. clayts.

RE: Does Scratches on the DVD disc effect it?

I know a bit on this subject. Right firstly if the disc is scratched it doesn`t nessasarily mean the disc is no good. Simply clean the disc from the centre using a dry cloth, do not use liquids, not even ones purchased from shops that claim they clean discs. Secondly make sure the disc is free of finger prints, often these can result in bad laser pick up, which is far worse that a thin scratch. If the scratch is deep and has actually harmed the laser threads, chances are the screen will either lock-up, cause laser transition problems or cause large group pixelisation which results in the large picture break up, you seem to mention. Never leave discs face down, this is clearly what has happened. Always replace DVD`s in their jackets when not in use. Also different players will play discs better than others which may contain scratches, it varies not on price but on the laser. Using a scratched discs can not harm your player, but one with dirt or sticky particals on could. Always check the disc before putting it in your player, especially if you have lent it from a friend or hired it from a rental outlet.

RE: Hong Kong Legends DVDs

Those Hong Kong Legends DVD`s are excellent quality. The presentation and the effort that has gone into releasing these disc surpasses loads of top releases. Especially when you consider how old some of these titles are.

Great stuff, let`s hope Hong Kong Legends keep up the great work for any forthcoming titles.

I have Iron Monkey, New Dragon Gate Inn and Legend of the Fighter.
They all look and sound great and have a great selection of extras.

RE: Nikita - R2?

I want this film, what are the best options available on DVD?

The DVD from
How reliable are they here?

RE: manhunter ?

Hello, I know quite a bit about this DVD since it`s one of my favourite films. Firstly Manhunter was released in the full theatrical cut in the UK some time ago, it was one of the first discs I ever had. Sadly it has now been deleted. Anchor Bay released a Region 0 DVD of Manhunter but this was a load of toss. I purchased the numbered LE 2-disc set. One disc claimed to be the full theatrical release, the other was supposedly the directors cut. Both discs were neither but just slapped together hybrids that left out key scenes of dialogue. Do not get the Anchor Bay edition as it`s crap. The print on the AB version was acually far superior to the UK version, but because it wasn`t the full version I sent it back for a refund. I heard that Manhunter would be re-released soon, that was a while ago, so it should show up anytime now. I can`t remember what company were said to be releasing it, but keep your ear to the ground and you should hear something very soon. Wait for the re-release, it`s the only option. I think it will be the same print as the BMG release which is now deleted.

Hope this helps.

RE: Who IS the worst actor EVER ?

Keanu Reeves and Julia Roberts.

RE: definitely do not suck!!!

If I don`t want to be charged customs fees when shipping at what is the best way to go about it?

Do I make the item a gift at the checkout page, or how else can I make it a gift.

I also need to order the discs individually to avoid going over the limit.

Any infomation on this would be greatly appreciated.

Ta` Very Much!

RE: not as the case maybe).com

I use two cards for online orders, one is a normal Credit Card from Lloyds TSB and the other is a Direct Debit card. I used the Direct Debit card for this order. Will I still be able to get the money back Video-Now have stolen from me. I popped into the bank on Monday and filled in some forms and they said they would look into it.

Any ideas?


RE: Shadow of the Vampire, Tell me Why!

I thought this film was quite awful. Willem Dafoe was good though.

RE: uk retailer for anime on dvd?

I would like to know if there are any trustworthy sites out there for anime and Manga titles, I have only found a few titles at the following:

Akira LE -
Black Jack -
Cowboy Bebop - -
Trigun -
Serial Experiments Lain -
Ninja Scroll -
Cyber City Oedo 808 -
Tokyo Babylon -
Perfect Blue -
Ghost In The Shell -

also: do a wide selection of Manga titles including the excellent Vampire Hunter, D, Petshop of Horrors and Serial Experiments Lain.

I have no idea about a UK supplier but you could try:

The Cinema Store
Unit 4b/4c,
Orion House
Upper St. Martin`s Lane
London WC2H 9EJ

Tel: 0171-379-7838 or ..7895

e-mail: rotsamenic[at]moc.loa

I have no idea if they do anime titles but their worth a try.


This item was edited on Saturday, 7th July 2001, 09:14

RE: definitely do not suck!!!

I recently slagged off and it was wrong for me to do so. I feel dissapointed that I slagged them off like I did because it really wasn`t their fault, it was my own. I ordered a number of discs from them without looking into the charges and the probability of the incurred customs fees. I have used on numerous occasions and am always very pleased with their service. I don`t see why I shall feel any different about .com, now I know about customs.

P.S - Sorry if I seem like a newbie but what`s an coupon?
I don`t want to do anything underhand or against the law!

This item was edited on Saturday, 7th July 2001, 08:52

RE: definitely do not suck!!!

Thanks for the info. I have never ordered from them before and now I know what`s happening thanks to you guys. I did order 9 discs from them, yes I did know how much I was paying before they shipped them. But I didn`t expect the customs charges, now I know to order only one at a time, I should be okay. Thanks again for the info and I can`t really blame Amazon, it is the law like someone mentioned and it`s hardly their problem if customs incur fees. I shall give them another shot in the future.

Thanks guys!

RE: Crouching Tiger Region choice

I don`t know if the R1 is RCE or not because my player just plays them regardless of Region or RCE encryption. I got my copy from

Super film I thought!

RE: Dawn of the Dead -- U.S. Theatrical Cut HELP!!

If it`s cut, forget it. I think the movie is great but I already have it uncut on VHS. I thought this edition would be uncut!

..and NO £18.75 is not the price I had in mind, more like a tenner.

Thanks for the info.


RE: Discs to look forward to.

There wasn`t anything wrong with the R2 release of Gremlins except the fact that it was totally devoid of extras. The print was crisp enough with no sign of artefacts, hairs or dirt. There was hardly any grain, I certainly don`t remember seeing any. I think the sound was only in Dolby Surround but that was fairly good too.

No extras at all though, which was a shame.


I recently ordered some DVD`s from I thought they were reasonably priced until I went to the checkout. They cost a bomb load in shipping costs. I paid about £20 extra for shipping. When they arrived they shipped them in 3 different packages, I ended up having to pay Import Duties, VAT, Customs Tax and Post Office Clearance Fees ON ALL THREE PACKAGES. I ended up paying about £50 in total just for Postage Costs!!!

NEVER AGAIN - Im sticking to DVD BOX OFFICE or other trustworthy sources. Preferably ones with FREE SHIPPING!!!

I don`t care if the discs are not available elsewhere, I`d rather go without than have to use AMAZON.COM again.

Has anyone ever had similar experiences with either Import Duties or AMAZON.COM?


This item was edited on Friday, 6th July 2001, 11:08

Dawn of the Dead -- U.S. Theatrical Cut HELP!!

Does anyone know where I can get Dawn of the Dead -- U.S. Theatrical Cut cheap, it`s the one with the different coloured squares on the front with the zombie`s head. Click below to see the front cover.
It`s from Anchor Bay!!!

A friend said they had seen it for £9.99 somewhere, but I don`t think they can remember where.

I can`t find it anywhere cheap, please help.

Kind Regards

This item was edited on Friday, 6th July 2001, 10:49

RE: Crouching Tiger Region choice

I think the R1 release is marginally better for extras, but I thought it actually had a much better picture transfer than the R2. I have a 32" WS TV and it looked mint. The R2 has more grain or it certainly seems that way, especially in the darker sequences.

RE: Credit Card Safety

Yeah, but the site is still up and running and shows all the new releases. Im thinking perhaps they are accepting new orders, but when customers check their order status they get that bogus message. Plus if they were not taking any more orders, don`t you think they would just close the site and set up a page which gave their customers a full apology and promised a full refund for all orders already taken. They are so dodgy it`s scary, I hope they did themselves too big a hole and someone, hopefully the law craps on them.


RE: Supoib

I ordered Phenomena about three weeks ago, probably more for £5.99. They keep sending me reminders that it`s still on back order. It`s not very good is it. As for the £2.xx P&P charge, I was rather dissapointed in them.

Still waiting...

RE: AT LAST!!!! DVDBO deliver!

I was waiting ages for my last discs from them, then all of a sudden a rush of envelopes came crashing through my letterbox. I think they probably got held up amongst the Mail strikes.

This item was edited on Thursday, 5th July 2001, 11:33

RE: Has anything happened to VIDEO-NOW?

That is absolute hog-wash, there talking a load of nonsense. They have been giving me a pack of crummy excuses ever since I first ordered with them. I wouldn`t be at all suprised if they haven`t done a runner with all the money they have robbed from us. Refund, my ear.