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DVDs & Films Forum

manhunter ?

hannibal (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 14th July 2001, 23:32

is manhunter available on region 2 to buy yet ?

RE: manhunter ?

tpr007 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 14th July 2001, 23:54

Yep! It`s been out for ages!

Don`t know if they`re planning on a re-release since Hannibal and SOTL`s are due out soon.

RE: manhunter ?

Sandy Richardson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 15th July 2001, 06:15

Hello, I know quite a bit about this DVD since it`s one of my favourite films. Firstly Manhunter was released in the full theatrical cut in the UK some time ago, it was one of the first discs I ever had. Sadly it has now been deleted. Anchor Bay released a Region 0 DVD of Manhunter but this was a load of toss. I purchased the numbered LE 2-disc set. One disc claimed to be the full theatrical release, the other was supposedly the directors cut. Both discs were neither but just slapped together hybrids that left out key scenes of dialogue. Do not get the Anchor Bay edition as it`s crap. The print on the AB version was acually far superior to the UK version, but because it wasn`t the full version I sent it back for a refund. I heard that Manhunter would be re-released soon, that was a while ago, so it should show up anytime now. I can`t remember what company were said to be releasing it, but keep your ear to the ground and you should hear something very soon. Wait for the re-release, it`s the only option. I think it will be the same print as the BMG release which is now deleted.

Hope this helps.

RE: manhunter ?

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 15th July 2001, 11:28

I believe that Universal Pictures UK now own the UK rights to Manhunter

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