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Retailer Reviews Forum CRAP!

Kid Brunch (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 09:32

Man alive! I ordered "Phenomena" from them last friday (8th June).

They lovingly inform me that they will dispatch it on Monday 18th - "Thanks for your custom".

What the hell is this? This is my first order from them, and they prsume that I will be happy to wait for almost 2 weeks to receive it?

For christs sake I could order it from Play or and have it delivered in under 3 days!!!!

Bag `o` shiote.

RE: Supoib

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 11:44

i disagree they have a great service. I pre ordered buffy season 2 on dvd from them for £37 (which they honoured) and everyweek i got an update via email estimating when they expect it and this also reassure u that u aint being ignored or anything. Delivery was the biz. They sent it saturday aftanoon and i got it monday morning which was the actual release date. Hats off to them. I will use them again in the future even if its maybe to show loyalty to them for honouring the price. phenomena is prob quite rare and is not in stock some titles take a while to get. Have u checked ur order status on the site?

RE: Supoib

Kid Brunch (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 12:31

Yes I have, regularly. First I was told it would be shipped today, then they amended it so say monday 18th.

Phenomena was one of the discs on their special offer for £5.99 last week.

I wouldn`t think they would be selling "rare" discs off at £5.99.

And what the f**k is the story with a p+p charge of almost £2?

Crap - I`ll never order again.

RE: Supoib

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 12:35

The trick with Jungle is to order via the Lloyds TSB portal (see Bargain Forum) to avoid P & P.

As for their order tracking system, it is very susceptible to daily, nay hourly, change.

Have to admit 10 days may seem awhile, but if you check that order every day you`ll see the `estimated despatch date` keep a-changin`

Hope this helps.

RE: Supoib

samantha (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 13:06


Well i hope there isnt another dvd with the same name or you will end up with that one.


RE: Supoib

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Sunday, 17th June 2001, 03:05

Jungle are probably great at shipping stuff they have in stock, but I`ve tried about eight times to order things from them and they`ve only managed to supply what I`ve ordered twice, the other times either cancelling the order as unobtainable or quoting the delivery date as some time in the next decade. I keep trying to use them, because their predecessors Software Warehouse used to be one of the best computer etailers around. I don`t think it`s anything to do with being assimilated by one of the high street mafia (Kingfisher?), I think it`s more a case of their underestimating their masticatory capacity.

RE: Supoib

Sandy Richardson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2001, 11:42

I ordered Phenomena about three weeks ago, probably more for £5.99. They keep sending me reminders that it`s still on back order. It`s not very good is it. As for the £2.xx P&P charge, I was rather dissapointed in them.

Still waiting...

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