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Retailer Reviews Forum

AT LAST!!!! DVDBO deliver!

sportsmimic (Competent) posted this on Monday, 18th June 2001, 14:51

Hooray, at last. Just received a stack of DVDs including Traffic and Castaway. I see dicanio has got his antitrust aswell, so all stock must be through.
They`ve just shipped another four titles to me, so it will be interesting how long they take this time!
Happy viewing,

RE: AT LAST!!!! DVDBO deliver!

STUDMANGAV (Competent) posted this on Monday, 18th June 2001, 17:50

Great init? Got a pile of envelpoes too and my mates have aswell. Lets hope it was just a temporary / one off thing. Now to watch alot of films. d;O)

RE: AT LAST!!!! DVDBO deliver!

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Monday, 18th June 2001, 22:55

thats SOOO strange!!! i got my Devils Advocate through today too! something funnys gone on here.

anyone got a conspiracy theory for me...........?

RE: AT LAST!!!! DVDBO deliver!

UNBREAKABLE (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th June 2001, 02:21

Erm.. My SUPERMAN flew in too...

This IS strange!

Hello? FBI? Could l speak to an agent Mulder at your office please....

RE: AT LAST!!!! DVDBO deliver!

The Ironduke (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th June 2001, 07:03

stop mincing about or we will never know!

what countries stamps and labels where on the back?

please all tell us as I have a feeling they have been laying in Brussels for a while.

RE: AT LAST!!!! DVDBO deliver!

Sandy Richardson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2001, 11:32

I was waiting ages for my last discs from them, then all of a sudden a rush of envelopes came crashing through my letterbox. I think they probably got held up amongst the Mail strikes.

This item was edited on Thursday, 5th July 2001, 11:33

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