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Discs to look forward to.

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th July 2001, 00:21

There is a newer better version of gremlins coming out on dvd in september. It has to be better than that pile of sh*t they threw onto dvd before. seriously i heard the old version sucked.
Buffy the vampire slayer the movie is coming out september time. I am a buffy fan so naturally i have to get it.
Unbreakable/Sixth Sense pack is coming out in november. As i have none of these movies, it will be a good opportunity to get both of them cheap.
American Pie ultimate edition 2 discs. Slate me but this movie damn near killed me and i love it. What is putting me off is the fact that it dont have subtitles. Is this too much to ask? its much more useful than some of the sh*t they put on discs.
Forrest Gump 2 discs. An outstanding film. I hope the transfer is outstanding as i have been waiting long for this.

RE: Discs to look forward to.

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th July 2001, 13:16

"Slate me"

OK. American Pie? Consider yourself slated. :D

(apart from the bit with the hot exchange student)

RE: Discs to look forward to.

fac63 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 4th July 2001, 20:18

Were you being ironic with the title of this thread?

RE: Discs to look forward to.

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 6th July 2001, 00:53

Batman (Adam West, the original and best) SE 21/8/01
It`s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World 18/9/01
The Mummy Returns 2/10/01
Star Wars Phantom Menace 16/10/01
The Grinch 20/11/01

Eagerly awaiting confirmed dates for Shrek, Evolution, Tomb Raider etc.

I`m easily entertained.

RE: Discs to look forward to.

José Azevedo (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th July 2001, 05:06

Who knows when:

One From The Heart
The Year Of The Dragon
La Dolce Vita
Cuba (with Sean Connery)


Simpsons 1st Season

RE: Discs to look forward to.

Sandy Richardson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th July 2001, 11:18

There wasn`t anything wrong with the R2 release of Gremlins except the fact that it was totally devoid of extras. The print was crisp enough with no sign of artefacts, hairs or dirt. There was hardly any grain, I certainly don`t remember seeing any. I think the sound was only in Dolby Surround but that was fairly good too.

No extras at all though, which was a shame.

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