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Retailer Reviews Forum not as the case

chrisinbath (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 29th April 2001, 15:00

Don`t use, I ordered bug`s life for 12.72 with them over a month ago, they billed me straight away and it is STILL on backorder!

They are useless, and they`re customer servise stinks to, they seem to just cut and paste the same crap everytime I ask them a question.

Anyone else had problems?

RE: not as the case

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 29th April 2001, 17:41

i donr like their ordering system using a different billing company. I tried to order pitch black from them and it came on the site at around £15 then in the billing zone it came to £30

RE: not as the case

nesbitt (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2001, 18:33

I dont use them anymore either because a while back I ordered `Three kings` and waited nearly two months(they said it was on backorder) eventually I changed the order to something that I hoped wasnt going to be on backorder,it still took almost a month to arrive,and when I ordered `Fight Club` I had to wait a staggering 3 and a half life certainly was ending one minute at a time.

RE: not as the case

chrisinbath (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 15:29

I just complained to them about there crap service and they cancelled my bl**dy order! Are they allowed to do that when I have already paid, I made a contract, I know under british law I could do them?

RE: not as the case

clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 18:26

Chris, an order (contract) cuts both ways - you have to agree to buy the goods, and they have to agree to sell them. Clearly, they aren`t agreeing to sell the goods to you, because you speak the truth !

It`s a bit like being escorted from a shop by a security guard because, to paraphrase my old man "they don`t like the cut of your jib, Sunny Jim"

At least you didn`t lose any wonga on the deal (or did you....check that they refunded you okay, Chris).

Incidentally, did you get your Jungle stuff okay ? Got my Tarzan today.

RE: not as the case

chrisinbath (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 1st May 2001, 18:34

In British law it i enter into a contract (offer and acception of that offer) they are legally bound to supply me with the goods, unless there are other factors e.g One party forced the other to enter into the contract, so why is this different? I am going to find out about American laws on this.

Clayts -The shipping dates for fight club and tarzan are tommorow, I am glad yours arrived, will keep you posted!

Oh ye back to the video-now stuff, when they refund me the money if the exchange rate is different I could lose some dollar on conversion back, if so they will feel my wrath!

RE: not as the case

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 3rd May 2001, 18:13

Hey Chris.

I`ve literally today just cancelled an order with them.
I ordered Road Trip Unrated well over a month ago, and it was on their website order tracker as `On back order` for most of this period.
I e-mailed them about a week ago asking them about it and they said they would normally hope to get titles in within a week.
As soon as I read this thread I cancelled it and re-ordered with DVDBO.

I hate being cynical (something which I can`t seem to help do) but I find it hard to believe that what appears to be quite a big company have problems getting recent dvd`s in - a few weeks wait I could understand, but lets be honest at the end of the day surely it can`t physically be possible to take a matter of months if you really give a sh*t about your customers??

RE: not as the case maybe).com

chrisinbath (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 3rd May 2001, 18:23

Good on you!

RE: not as the case maybe).com

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 30th May 2001, 12:00

Further to my above posting saying how I had cancelled the order, It has now been almost a month since I cancelled and guess what??? No refund as of this time. Strange how they seem to be able to take the money within hours of the order being placed yet take some considerable time to refund it.

RE: not as the case maybe).com

sportsmimic (Competent) posted this on Monday, 4th June 2001, 22:53

I`ve had a few problems with back order films taking forever, but waht really p***ed me off is that they cancelled an order for a film that was taking an eternity and refunded me, but because the pound against the dollar rate had changed, I was short by about 60p. I know it`s not a lot, but it`s the principle - I lost money for no fault of my own. Eventually they reimbursed me, but I`ll think twice before ordering again.

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