Page 1 of Dawn of the Dead -- U.S. Theatrical Cut HELP!!

DVDs & Films Forum

Dawn of the Dead -- U.S. Theatrical Cut HELP!!

Sandy Richardson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th July 2001, 10:42

Does anyone know where I can get Dawn of the Dead -- U.S. Theatrical Cut cheap, it`s the one with the different coloured squares on the front with the zombie`s head. Click below to see the front cover.
It`s from Anchor Bay!!!

A friend said they had seen it for £9.99 somewhere, but I don`t think they can remember where.

I can`t find it anywhere cheap, please help.

Kind Regards

This item was edited on Friday, 6th July 2001, 10:49

RE: Dawn of the Dead -- U.S. Theatrical Cut HELP!!

lawlesskfd (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th July 2001, 17:01

dont know why you want it m8 its,fully CUT ,to be precise its butchered.

p.s. i seen it @t but it was £18.75, dont know if that is cheap enough for you though .

This item was edited on Friday, 6th July 2001, 17:07

RE: Dawn of the Dead -- U.S. Theatrical Cut HELP!!

Sandy Richardson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 7th July 2001, 08:01

If it`s cut, forget it. I think the movie is great but I already have it uncut on VHS. I thought this edition would be uncut!

..and NO £18.75 is not the price I had in mind, more like a tenner.

Thanks for the info.


RE: Dawn of the Dead -- U.S. Theatrical Cut HELP!!

fac63 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th July 2001, 14:39

This edition IS uncut, it`s the U.S. theatrical version (the one Romero himself prefers) , not the flabby extended version which doesn`t actually have any more gore in it. I don`t think you will get it for a tenner though, I bought mine from dvdbo for about £13, if I remember correctly.

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