Page 1 of VIDEO-NOW - What are these Bas**rds playing at?

Retailer Reviews Forum

VIDEO-NOW - What are these Bas**rds playing at?

Sandy Richardson (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 15th July 2001, 07:12

What in hell are playing at. According to a number of sources they have stopped trading but their website is still up and running and includes all the new release covers like The Mexican and Fifteen Minutes, I tried ordering and it would have gone through had I not stopped it at the final stage. It`s scandalous that if you haven`t ordered with them before you don`t get that crummy message about how they are not answering e-mails or phone calls and will not answer any. They will be refunding everyones order (bullshit) and everyone here knows that will never happen. Where is the law? I wanna` see these people get their just deserts.

RE: VIDEO-NOW - What are these Bas**rds playing at?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 15th July 2001, 08:45

Vide Now are a Canadian outfit, meaning UK`s reasonably good consumer protection laws are pretty much null and void.

If they are still accepting orders that is bang out of order. If you can find out who hosts their site it may be worthwhile contacting them.May also be worth checking the WHOIS register to find out who owns the website domain name. I`m not sure if there is a Canadian ambassador here in the UK, but that may be another way in.

Quite agree that companies who have hit the fan should not be allowed to do this - I`m an ex-Big Blue Sky customer who got well and truly shafted because the company continued to accept new subscriptions even when their "server" (i.e. two PCs !) couldn`t handle any more than 200 (out of 7000) connections simultaneously.

The whole thing stinks.

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