Info and forum posts by 'xHCx'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 12th November 2001, 21:05, Last used: Monday, 12th November 2001, 21:05

Access Level: Competent

About this user: short, fat

This user has posted a total of 172 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.15 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Aldi -- Pentium 4 160 GB Hard disk £849

I was told the same thing about the XP discs, apparently MS wont let them bundle it with it and buying a new XP cd wont have all the licence agreements, so the only way to get things working again is to use the recover disc which basically restores the system to its factory settings, bit of a bugger if you`ve only lost a couple of drivers.... not cheap to buy either.

RE: Whiskey in the Jar OH!

It`s not on the UK CD singles

1. Whiskey In The Jar
2. Blitzkrieg (Live 24/11/98)
3. The Prince (Live Live 24/11/98)

1. Whiskey In The Jar
2. The Small Hours (Live 24/11/98)
3. Killing Time (Live 24/11/98)

1. Whiskey In The Jar
2. Last Caress/Green Hell (Live 24/11/98)
3. Whiskey In The Jar (Live 24/11/98)

not sure where you could find it K! TV could be your only hope

RE: Aldi -- Pentium 4 160 GB Hard disk £849

Time also have a top spec machine similar to this for only 699 (with 512Mb of RAM) or 799 (with 1024Mb of RAM) It`s got a 3GHz Athlon 160Gig HD and a DVD-RW drive, again no monitor but cant really go wrong can you?

RE: Has anyone bought the Red Hot Chili Peppers Greatest hits (with Ltd Ed Dvd)

Not as simple as that, 16 vids, about 5 or so little segments on a few of the videos, a 13 minute making of- for By The Way, and 80 minute road movie type doco and an audio commentary, all for little more than the price of the regular CD, plus the booklet, inlay etc are unique to the double pack. F-ing marvellous if you ask me! not your standard 10 minutes of crap like most of the DVD`s with CD`s.

RE: Those neon blue LED`s on crap cars - whats that all about???

The thing that get`s me is you get all these kiddies buying a corsa then spending obscene amounts of money on spoilers, skirts, alloys etc and don`t touch the standard engine. Surely because the car has been modified the insurance premium would increase? so why not just use the money on a better car than a corsa? Personally i prefer understated cars because it leaves the tw*ts in their Saxo`s and corsa`s wondering how the hell a Corolla has just blown them away.

RE: Michael Kamen - R.I.P.

S & M was a masterpiece, a well deserved Grammy for Call of Ktulu. Really gutting, no more live S & M sets.

RE: Music question re REM - In Time: The Best of REM 1988 - 2003

There are some other glaring omissions, Drive being a major one (although there is a different version on CD2, which since i have the album version anyway is probably a good thing) and most of Monster, Crush with eyeliner, tongue etc.... but then again it`s not a singles collection is it....

btw, is there anyone who was into music in the early-mid 90`s that doesn`t own a copy of Automatic For The People? Even as a big metal fan back then (Sepultura, Pantera, RATM and a lot more obscure acts) i bought a copy....

RE: Jasper Carrot DVD.s where to buy?

Have any actually been released? I don`t recall ever seeing any but surely the time would be right for a detectives box set....

RE: Chainsaw Massacre Remake - Good or bad?

It did make more jump on more than one occaision, was it really necessary for the main girl to fall tits first into a pool of water? probably... definately a good re-visualisation, no-one got up or said a word in the cinema i was in until about 45 seconds after the credits had started to roll, must be a record in this day and age....

RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

I don`t understand, most companies are complaining about how much it costs to come up with all of the special edition features, then, after 8 months in the case of Daredevil, they stop using them, i can understand if it was like the AB Halloween box where they could only licence so many copies of no.6 but why are fox doing this? do they want us all to get the 2-discerss in the first week or lose out?

Sopranos Season 4: R1 or R2?

Basically i want season 4, i have 1-3 from R1 but they released S3 R2 in the same packaging as the R1 editions, if they do this with S4 the only other thing is extras, does R2 get all the same stuff as R1 with 5.1?
I`ve tried a couple of comparison sites but none have it listed yet....
Anyone shed any light?

RE: DVD Player with SACD.

there`s a cheap pioneer model (not sure of the no.) that plays both DVD-A and SACD... actually come to think of it i`m not sure it plays DVD-Video... hmmm... not much help am i?

RE: DVD collecting - Whats the point?

I have no friends :(

I have lots of DVD`s :D

I`m still happy... kind of... :/

RE: Road safety topic - should headlights be used when it`s raining ?

Can`t agree more although it would be difficult to enforce as what is the definition you want to place on rain, spitting, drizzle etc... but it does help visibility, i always put my side lights on at the very least. But then there`s the t**ts who drive with everything on, front fog lights included, i find them infuriating.

Always try to stay out of bikers ways, pulling over that bit further in queues of traffic, it`s just the ones that come tearing up behind you at over a ton and expect you to get out of the way that gets me they spoil it for the rest.

RE: House of a 1000 Corpses

Absolutely love it, i`m off to watch it in the cinema when it comes out next month just so i can experience it on the big(er) screen, cant wait for Rob to finish the unrated edition but i`m not sure why he would want to do House of 2000 Corpses instead of another more original script.

RE: dark angel-NO SPOILERS PLEASE!!!!!!!

The end of S2 was great, it was more arc-based like buffy instead of the original stand alone episodes and Jim Cameron finished the series off by writing and directing the finale, i admit there was a lull with some duff episodes but Jessica more than makes up for it.

Mary Whitehouse Experience

Does anyone know of any reason why this cant at some point be released on DVD? I ask because it`s one of those programs i saw when it was first broadcast and the BBC have never repeated it since, same with Newman & Baddiel: In Pieces, they were hilarious at the time but will they still be now? I know Rob Newman still uses a lot of the material in his stand-up shows and it still works....

As lots of old TV shows are coming out, maybe this will be one of them.....

`Lovely... milky, milky....`

RE: So what`s your favourite One Hit Wonder?

But hasn`t John Otway had more than one hit, i distinctly remember `Bunsen Burner` on TotP a few months ago.... or am i missing the point?

RE: House of 1000 Corpses!

I got no booklet either, nice pacageingbut why the flap? it lead me to believe that there shouldn`t be a booklet as the chapter stops are on one of the folds. It`s a shame there wasn`t some of Robs other work on the disc like the `More Human Than Human` video but then i suppose there are rights issues but maybe the next edition?

Anyone heard that Robs next project will be Ho1000C2?

RE: X files- what is the difference between collectors ED.

Not quite:

Season 1 24ep - 7 disc
season 2 25ep - 7 disc
season 3 24ep - 7 disc
season 4 24ep - 7 disc
season 5 20ep - 6 disc
season 6 22ep - 6 disc
season 7 22ep - R2 release september
season 8 21ep - R1 release this autumn
season 9 20ep

there is no difference between any of the worldwide editions (apart from some minor packaging differences on the early R4 sets) although most have easily past their original limited edition runs so are probably not numbered.

RE: Keyring Digital Camera under £ 10.00

I thought it was just me who the incessantly phoned day and night... to update my details of course... then flog me something or other, i used to use the `i`m a jobless student so why else would i be in during the dinnertime neighbours` line so they didn`t push too hard, now they call just after i get in from work before i`ve had chance to fire up the computer and stay on the internet all night..... why wont they leave me alone....... why me......

RE: Police Camera Action

Wasn`t that how P, C, A came about in the first place because he`d been caught drink driving before and it was a kind of community service thing about raising awareness....

RE: ITV1 F1 coverage V Ozzy Osborne

Both superbike races were excellent on sunday as was moto GP but why are the BBC treating it so badly, as usual, that`s why they lost the WRC and Touring Cars, i mean a 30 minute highlight package just isn`t enough, C5 showed all the races live last year but no, the BBC cant do that now can they.....

RE: Bon Jovi

Well there`s at least 1 decent band on the bill, Live have been added, for those who don`t know Live are an alternative rock band who have had a couple of top 40 hits over here but are huge in the states, their second album (realesed sometime in the mid-90`s) Throwing Copper sold over 8 million copies in the states and is damn good, since then they have released better albums but none as sucessful. Enjoy.

RE: Buffy DVD questions

Nothing can beat Buffy... except Angel, S2 & S3 are my favourite Angels, the only thing that changes with Buffy as S2 progresses is that not all the episodes are standalone, the become more arc based until the end of S3 where virtually every episode has followed on since. There`s also the crossovers between Buffy and Angel plus there`s so many references and in-jokes you can watch them many times and still find things in them.

RE: The crappest lyrics I have ever read!!!

"I`ve been to the year 3000, nothing`s changed `cept they live underwater and your great, great, great, grand-daughter is pretty fine." nuff said.

RE: DO YA WANNA ROCK? Well let me make a recomendation

Are you not forgetting just how fit they all look... spend years on Lookout, doing their own make-up and promotion and never get noticed, sign to a major, finally get noticed by the press and hopefully a wider fanbase and come out looking like Atomic Bloody Kitten, not that i`m against then looking fine but back in the days when they were a proper punk band ala The Distillers they were much better.

Alias release date finally announced.

According to it`ll be out September 2nd on a 6-disc R1 set, that`s really about all they have except retail will be $69.99 and they have it fot $52.49 so hopefully someone should have it for under £30. No other specs announced but if Dark Angel is anything to go by it may well not be anamorphic widescreen.... lets hope an R2 release is also forthcoming.

RE: What are your ten favourite albums?

My god a lot of you like Metallica and so far i`ve spotted at least 1 live album (Pantera`s 101 Proof.... ok i suppose you could count the corrs unplugged too each to their own...) and mine are...

Metallica - Master Of Puppets
NOFX - Ribbed
Mad Caddies - Duck and Cover
Machine Head - Burn My Eyes
Braid - Frame and Canvas
Pearl Jam - Vs.
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Less Than Jake - Pezcore
Strung Out - Twisted By Design
Sublime - Sublime

Damn that was hard, i too have got at least another 90 to add... i suppose it would get a bit boring then...

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th March 2003, 21:32