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Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

RWB (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 22:23

Today I popped into Asda to see if there were any good DVD offers, and was greeted by a blue Daredevil case. And then a different Minority Report sleeve. Eh? I thought, before picking the respective boxes up and seeing precisely no extra material described on the back (apart from a commentary on Daredevil...), and then realised they were single-disc editions.

So, Fox release (decent) 2-disc SEs, withdraw them quick, and then charge almost the same amount for a crappy single-discer...Reviewer users, stand united - protest against this! >:(

Rik Booth
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RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 22:57

Have they actually withdrawn the 2-disc editions completely, as in deleted?

That`s f*cked up if you ask me. I know X-Men 2 is getting released in both a 2 disc Special Edition and a 1 disc edition (you still get the commentary) but that the choice was up to the customer (naturally, I`ve pre-ordered the 2 discer :D ). But are Fox really going to choose for the public?

But I`ve not been to the shops in a while, but I`ll be having a look in on Monday to see what`s up.

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RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th October 2003, 23:49

When the hell are they gonna release True Lies SE ?

RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2003, 09:00

From what I know, Fox aren`t withdrawing the 2-disc sets. These are being sold thru with no more 2-disc stock being made. These are gradually being replaced by 1-disc DVDs.

Anil K, the original rock hard Ninja, Vampire Hunter AND Karaoke Terrorist
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RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2003, 12:44

...which is absolutely ridiculous, especially considering the price for the 1-disc is almost the same.

Rik Booth
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RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2003, 14:37

never mind true lies when are they going to release the next seasons of Malcolm in the Middle?

Why are we having to wait six months or more for the next season of The Simpsons? Why can`t they be like Paramount with there release Star Trek TNG and DS9?

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RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

xHCx (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2003, 21:28

I don`t understand, most companies are complaining about how much it costs to come up with all of the special edition features, then, after 8 months in the case of Daredevil, they stop using them, i can understand if it was like the AB Halloween box where they could only licence so many copies of no.6 but why are fox doing this? do they want us all to get the 2-discerss in the first week or lose out?

RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

RWB (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th October 2003, 21:47

8 months in the case of Daredevil? Well, the DVD release was 14 July, so make that 3 months...the theatrical date is irrelevant.

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RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th October 2003, 09:11

do they want us all to get the 2-discerss in the first week or lose out?


What they don`t want you to do is wait 18 months then buy it for £4.99 in a clearance sale.

It may be a bit nasty, but it makes a lot of sense...


RE: Grr...Fox continue to rip us off over their SEs...

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th October 2003, 19:03

Ive noticed alot of these single discs are included in bensonsworlds 2 for 16 offer
They are calling them vanilla versions(God knows why)
Anyway the single discers of the SE`s are
Moulin Rouge
Minority Report
Rocky Horror
Longest Day
From Hell
Pick up the double discs while they are still there :(
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