Info and forum posts by 'rach'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 30th June 2001, 18:16, Last used: Monday, 5th July 2010, 07:33

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 28 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DDDhouse

Thanks Cynic - I shall order them seperately instead!

RE: DDDhouse

I haven`t ordered from ddhouse before and was wondering if anyone here can tell me if I will get a customs charge slapped on an order from DDHouse?

I am looking to spend about fifty quid on anime but before shelling out I wondered what kind of fee I would be looking at.

Also, if any of you have any Hong Kong reg2 anime, can you tell me what the quality is like? I can`t tell how inferior it will be compared to it`s Reg 1/ Reg 2 UK counterparts. I have read in one of the threads that the only problem is the poorly written subtitling.

Many Thanks!

Anyone got their Splash January vouchers yet?

Oh yeah, another Splash thread. I wondered if anyone else out there was a glutton for punishment and ordered from Splash after receiving this email on 1st January:

SplashDVD - Start the New Year with a Splash
As a nice little bonus, any customer who places an order in January with a value of £25 or more will receive a free £5 voucher redeemable in February. This applies to each order placed and all vouchers will be delivered on the 1st February.

Now I don`t know if I am reading this wrong but I thought it meant EVERY order over £25 (each order placed in Jan) will qualify for a voucher. I emailed them four times throughout January asking for them to confirm this and they chose not to reply once so I went ahead and ordered three seperate orders over £25. I also phoned them on Saturday (because I haven`t received any of the three vouchers promised to be sent on 1st Feb) at 10.10am and was kept waiting for 2hrs and 50 mins until the line went dead at closing time. What a joke!

Has anyone out there had their vouchers issued on the day they said they would be sent?

I know this is a big case of `I told you so` but up until Jan I hadn`t had a problem with the two month waiting time for every order to be despatched but the near three hour phone call, my receiving a second-hand dvd last week and the failure to send out the promised vouchers and no response to my many polite emails throughout Jan leaves me floundering.

Do I have any rights? I asked them not to send me any more from my orders until they fixed the problems but yesterday they sent out yet another, they are just taking the p**s aren`t they? They won`t even tell me what I can do about returning the second-hand disc and getting a replacment and I think that is so the time runs out so I no longer have any consumer rights.

All advice greatly received!

Smallville (box set) picture problems - please help!

Anyone else out there got the R1 box set of Smallville yet? I know there are a lot of Lana (Kreuk) fans amongst the male contingency on this website.

Anyway, I imported this and have played each disc in the set and unfortunately they all have a line going across the top fifth of the screen where it `breaks` the picture making it impossible to watch.

Can anyone explain to me what this fault actually is???

I have a big array of R1 and R2 discs and have only ever encountered this problem ONCE before with an import on R1 of Brian Henson`s `Jack and the Beanstalk` so does anyone know why this happens? I hate the thought of posting them back.

Also, recently with my R2 purchases I have been getting a lot of discs that freeze once during the feature - is this to be expected on modern discs or should I get replacements?

Thanks for your help in advance,

Buffy Season 6 for £39.99 or less at CD WOW

Buffy complete Season 6, Region 2 for £39.99 (or less if you have the current £1 voucher being bounced around).

Forgive me if this link doesn`t work as it`s my first attempt!


RE: Cheap Louis Theroux DVD`s

Nice one tazz, Mr.Theroux is hilarious.
I am in central London tomorrow - Can you tell me where Cambridge Circus is as I`m not sure. Or where a Fopps is as I haven`t heard of these retailers either!

RE: The Mummy and The Mummy Returns - Ultimate Edition Box Set for as £17.49 (or £12.49 with voucher

Did anyone buy the R1 box set of The Mummy/Mummy Returns?
As I am finding it impossible to work out if the Reg1 has the Brendon Fraser (and other cast) film commentary or just the directors commentary. I have been on about 15 sites and they all differ in what they say is actually on the disc.
If it isn`t included I may as have to pay £30 (eeek!) for the reg2 double discs set where I know they include a cast commentary but I`d rather not pay that!
Does anyone actually own it???

RE: Is anyone here familier with The Mummy (full uncut version, Reg.2)?......

Hmm, thanks to you both for that, I guess the verdict is that I will have to shell out for the boxed set then at an extra ten pounds...I couldn`t find it listed anywhere that the storyboards are included on the ordinary `The Mummy` reg.2 dvd so I guess it isn`t!
Thanks for the advice to have a look at WH, I haven`t seen it in there and think that maybe it`s refering simply to the double dvd of `The Mummy Returns` but if it is the collectors box set I will be VERY happy!

Is anyone here familier with The Mummy (full uncut version, Reg.2)?...... I would really like to know if it has any storyboards on it? I know that the special double pack does include this but it is so expensive I would rather buy the two films individually if possible (Play is selling it very cheaply and lists the extras but it does not mention that the storyboards are included on the individual version, so I get the impression it is exclusive to the collecters pack). Anyone out there got that edition?
If anyone has The Mummy Returns double disc dvd can you tell me if that too includes any storyboards as Play are selling that at a good price too.

RE: Muppet Christmas Carol R2 - missing song or not?

Yes, this song is in the R1 version which I own and I am amazed it isn`t in the R2 version because I own the original UK vhs and it is included there. Brian Henson had to cut the song from the Theatrical release for time reasons but returned it for the home video release. I am glad he did because I like it too!
However, I am very irritated that it has been released only in 4:3 format in both regions as all these years I have been waiting for the proper theatrical release format of this work in widescreen and now they have finally released it they sadly chose tv format. Why do they still insist on doing this?!

RE: Pacific 1002 hack problem

Thankyou sooooo much !!!!! Hooray it now works with region 1 and I don`t need to stress about figuring it out any more.
Thanks Again to you all!

RE: Pacific 1002 hack problem

oops - sorry for the double posting

RE: Pacific 1002 hack problem

Yes, good to know which uses which code BUT it still says `wrong region`. I have the 27 page maual/NO pinging drawer and so I did the:
Is this definitely correct?
It still says `wrong region`.
Now I don`t know if I can take it back to Asda and swap it for another one to try because I can`t very well say I want to swap it as the hack doesn`t work! Should I tell them it doesn`t function right? Can anyone advise?

RE: Pacific 1002 hack problem

Thanks for that good info BUT it still says `wrong region`. I have the 27 page maual/NO pinging drawer and so I did the:
Is this correct?
It still says `wrong region`.
Now I don`t know if I can take it back to Asda and swap it for another one to try because I can`t very well say I want to swap it as the hack doesn`t work! Should I tell them it doesn`t function right? Can anyone advise?

RE: Pacific 1002 multiregion out of box

I bought this yesterday and it doesn`t seem to work as multiregion out of the box. Do you think I should change it for another one at Asda? I can`t get any of the remote hacks to work either having tried all the ones given on this site so far. Any ideas???

RE: Pacific 1002 hack problem

I just bought this machine today from asda and have spent the last hour trying the various hacks provided here BUT I can`t get them to work and I can`t figure out why!? Has there been a recent change with this machine? Everybody seems to hack it easily.
I have tried the various methods given here: with/without R2 disc, tray open/closed differing numbers for region etc. but no joy. The screen is green so presumably this is the latest one used by many of you and should work.
Let us know how you get on snoopydoo and anyone else with advice.....

RE:£10.00 off when you spend £20.00 or more!!!

Hmm, I went to Littlewoods extra but I can`t find any dvd`s. Can you be more specific about what I am supposed to click on to bring them up? Have tried numerous keywords and individual titles but to no avail...

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

I agree. I have been trying to access the dvd section since 2pm yesterday and every time it says it`s too busy. It`s obviously just been shut down by Tesco. If they don`t extend the sale isn`t that illegal as they haven`t fulfilled their promise? (false advertising).

RE: Best widescreen tv for £300?

Thanks Sanejo and Microman, Have fiddled around with that and all is well because the screen has stopped jumping and my discs are now working.Hooray.
Thanks for the advice!

RE: Best widescreen tv for £300?

Hi all,
Just bought the schneider £399 widescreen from asda and it plays my uk discs fine but PLEASE HELP ME as i cannot get it to play my region 1 usa discs. The screen goes up and down (discs such as fight club reg 1 etc will not play). I have put the tv setting on to ntsc playback on the menu but this does not help matters.
Please help as I really don`t want to have to return the telly to the shop.
Am i doing something wrong as the manual does say it is okay to change the setting to ntsc 44 or something like that as opposed to the pal format. I had no trouble with my old telly).
Thankyou !

RE: Best widescreen tv for £300?

Thanks for that.
Re. above question - I have the minato dvd player from tesco and you change region with a remote hack.....
But ideally I wanted to purchase from the supermarket chain as I have had nothing but bad experience with electrical retailers like comet.
The Schneider I saw at Asda was next to the silver one that you purchased Sanejo but was the black version for £323 which I was told had all the same features of the £399 but without the nice finish? I have just seen another one in there 28 inch model number 2803 with the dimensions of a widescreen but no one could confirm if it was a widescreen in reality as it was only £229. Have you seen it?
SO IS the Schneider widescreen STILL satisfactory in your opinion? I really want to buy this weekend.

RE: Best widescreen tv for £300?

I was thinking of buying this t.v. (the Schneider 28 inch widescreen) from Asda this week but am getting conflicting advice!!! Does anyone own one!

Some say it has (or had?) huge probs by changing on-screen format of its own accord. Although I read the tube is phillips which should be good.
The other two tv`s I was looking at are now out of the picture as they do not accept NTSC reg 1 discs:
tesco Bush WS6671 and
(BOO) currys, Matsui 28wn05

Can anyone help as i don`t want to spend my cash on a piece of poop.

can i play an RCE encoded disc on my tesco Minato dvd player?

following advice from you lot bought the gorgeous minato dvd player from tesco to play my R1 discs on.
But now i want to buy creature-tastic ` The Neverending Story` which for some lame reason is only available in america and warner bros. have slapped it with RCE encoding. Can i play this on my dvd player or will i have to go without seeing this film for many years to come?

bought the minato - problem when playing reg.1. disc, am i doing it right?

Bought the minato on saturday from tesco and it`s great - thanks for all the advice on what player to buy.
Problem is when i play my reg.1. return to oz disc the picture suffers from a stilted look, like frames are being missed so it constantly jerks. It is still watchable though but makes you a bit dizzy. Does anyone know why?????
Could it be that the t.v. is not compatible with ntsc - but it`s pretty new and i`m sure that can`t be it.
It plays reg.2. discs okay but I`ve noticed a faint line appear on screen centre and move to the left off screen in my other henson dvd`s and little faint patches appear and then disappear. I thought that my be interference from the t.v. or something.
Thanks for your help!

RE: Help please!!!! to choose a player for £150 - £200 that`s easily hacked to play reg.1

Well, in terms of the jog button, I do need it for work purposes (I am a storyboard and concept artist for music video and film and I use this feature ALL the time on my VCR for reference). You say that using the fast forward is exactly the same - does that mean that if you press pause repeatedly it will shift a frame forward as that is all I need....Like you say, my choice is otherwise limited so I`d rather know if I can get an ordinary machine and it will do the same sort of thing.

There are some good machines here so far that you`ve all pointed out but seemingly all without jog - however if you can tell me if the macine will do a frame advance ordinarily then it`s perfect.That way so far your strongest recommendatioins are the AIWA and MINATO and the more pricey WHARFDALE. Though no one has included the remote hacks neccessary?
Thanks for all this help - Rach.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd July 2001, 09:57

RE: Help please!!!! to choose a player for £150 - £200 that`s easily hacked to play reg.1

Thanks, I`ll have a look at these two but do really need the jog/shuttle feature which is why I found out those above.

Glad you told me the JVC needs to be chipped as I can strike that off my list right away. I`m looking for the simple option........

Anyone know anything about the Goodmans as I picked up a hack for it and wonder if anyone can tell me `bout the quality????

Help please!!!! to choose a player for £150 - £200 that`s easily hacked to play reg.1

I have collected a lot of reg.2 and reg.1 discs over the past couple of months but am still scared to part with money for a machine to play them on in case a hack doesn`t work!!! I just need final advice - simple,the machine must have a jog/shuttle facility and be EASILY hackable. My list is:

Grundig gdv200
Thomson dth4000u
JVC xv522
Goodmans dvd3000

All from currys/comet priced about £170. These shops never allow returns so I want to know exactly what works b4 I buy.Which is best and most easy to hack??????

(All this trouble because a film I wanted has not and never will be been released here on dvd only in the states (Return to oz) and I am desperate to watch it!)
Thanks Soooooo much for your advice!