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Bargain Buckets Forum

VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

Wayne Roberts. (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th November 2001, 20:57 is well known for its cheap prices (due to being VAT FREE), but TESCO.COM are currently running another VAT FREE fortnight with all games and DVD`s FREE of VAT, making them, on average £1 or more cheaper than BUFFY SEASON 3 is only £54 (£9 cheaper than closest competitor).

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

joe pineapples (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th November 2001, 21:33

nice one Wayne - got a m8 who`s after the Bond boxset - i`ll pass it onto him. I wanted T2 Ulitmate myself, but they`re out of stock :-(


RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th November 2001, 11:44

nice one mate. There are some great bargains like bridgette jones for under £13 and pearl harbour.

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

johnmorris316 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th November 2001, 12:32

There is a thread running at The DVD Forums about people getting screwed by Tesco`s over multiple item orders. People have been ordering 2 or 3 DVDs in an order to save on postage. But Tesco`s have been changing them into single orders and so you get charged postage on each DVD making it quite expensive. Beware!

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

sparkster (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th November 2001, 12:55

Just ordered Godfather boxset for under £40.

I also ordered Face Off. If Tesco do charge me £1.75 per DVD they are infact breaking the law. The total order (with 1 p&p) came to about £50. If they take 2 p&p making the total £52 they are taking an unauthorised amount of money from my account. Haven`t read the other threads but if they do do this I`ll be contacting them with this info demanding my `stolen` money back.

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th November 2001, 12:56

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

mikeyf (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th November 2001, 13:32

Just ordered 5 DVD`s. You have to specify that you want to receive them as a single delivery. They have emailed me to confirm the total charge (£67.24). I agree with sparkster, if they then split the order and charge multiple p&p they are contravening the agreement.

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

Hominid (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th November 2001, 15:09

Taken from their main page

"Delivery is only £1.75 per order no matter how many items you buy from our music, video, dvd and games warehouses."

If they go against that then you`ve got a valid complaint.

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th November 2001, 16:25

Blimey! Give them half a chance to get the delivery out! I got some Taliban AK-47`s at a reasonable price you can have to rampage round your local Tesco`s with - never used and only dropped once. >:D

Nice bargain, I finally caved in and bought Godfather. Ta.

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

buddy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th November 2001, 16:50

Is it safe to order from here as there is no padlock was on the bottom of the checkout page? Or is the padlock and https just missing from my screen?

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

cat in the hat (Competent) posted this on Friday, 9th November 2001, 09:14

I ordered 3 items one yet to be released and specified that they should all be sent out as one item and low and behold 2 have been sent out today.
I even sent an email to confirm that i required only one delivery and have had no reply.
it`s only £1.75 but there is a principal please complain to there email if it happens to you many voices get noticed.
p.s. not sure if this is in the wrong forum now i`ve finished sorry if i`m in the wrong

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