Page 1 of bought the minato - problem when playing reg.1. disc, am i doing it right?

Hardware Forum

bought the minato - problem when playing reg.1. disc, am i doing it right?

rach (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 10:14

Bought the minato on saturday from tesco and it`s great - thanks for all the advice on what player to buy.
Problem is when i play my reg.1. return to oz disc the picture suffers from a stilted look, like frames are being missed so it constantly jerks. It is still watchable though but makes you a bit dizzy. Does anyone know why?????
Could it be that the t.v. is not compatible with ntsc - but it`s pretty new and i`m sure that can`t be it.
It plays reg.2. discs okay but I`ve noticed a faint line appear on screen centre and move to the left off screen in my other henson dvd`s and little faint patches appear and then disappear. I thought that my be interference from the t.v. or something.
Thanks for your help!

RE: bought the minato - problem when playing reg.1. disc, am i doing it right?

Steve Hoyle (Elite) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 19:19

Select PAL60 video instead of PAL50 - the PAL50 conversion on that player is crap.


RE: bought the minato - problem when playing reg.1. disc, am i doing it right?

rach (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 10th July 2001, 10:01

thanks Steve
......but how do I do that?

RE: bought the minato - problem when playing reg.1. disc, am i doing it right?

Steve Hoyle (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 10th July 2001, 18:37

Sorry you have the user manual not me .... I cant remember how to change the video settings


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