Info and forum posts by 'Thesourmillman'

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Joined on: Thursday, 3rd May 2001, 23:29, Last used: Thursday, 3rd May 2001, 23:29

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This user has posted a total of 36 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: The most depressing movies Ever *SPOILER*

Two moments that bring tears to my eyes (and I`m 28!):

The survivors and actors putting the stones on Oscar Shindler`s grave-

and the "Mom... mom!" bit in Awakenings.


Rush Hour 2

With only a handful of exceptions, it`s a very risky move to make a movie sequel. (Look at Highlander for example - at the end of the first film he was made mortal; his prize for killing ALL of the other immortals. End of story. Lord knows why they made any more or how there were more immortals all of a sudden).

But Rush Hour 2 is one of those films that OUTDOES the already good first film. HIGHLY recommended - I was in tears of laughter!

T :-)

One for any CG dinosaur fans out there.

I work for The Framestore - a visual effects\post-production company that did the CG dinosaurs for Walking with Dinosaurs. (And no I can`t get you a job - before you ask)!!

Just some inside info for forthcoming dino stuff:

1)Were working on a sequel to Walking with Dinosaurs called Walking with Beasts - about the evolution of mammals from the dinos. On air around Christmas this year.

2)Also, I`ve spent the last 10 months filming at Pinewood on an Hallmark miniseries called Dinotopia. Based on a series of childrens books of the same title about two boys who crashland on a lost island in the Bahamas. On this island dinosaurs and humans have learnd to live together - the dinosaurs even talk. Lee Evans is doing the voice for the main dino character. Deadline is next spring. Televised shortly after on the Hallmark Channel and then later on Channel 4.

3)Plus The Lost World (based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle`s book). With Bob Hoskins. Don`t know much else about this one but I imagine that it will come out on TV - next year.

Some of the work I`ve seen for all of these are just breath-taking and ground-breaking. Something to look forward to.


RE: How Many Dvd Movies You All Own Then ???????...

94 at the moment - no regretted purchases yet.

Hurrah - Withnail and I is here on DVD!!

From released by Criterion.

Got my copy in the post yesterday.

There are some extras - photo gallery, short interviews with some of the cast and crew and some celeb fans. But, hell it`s one of those films that you buy because it`s a good film, extras or no extras.

Not seen it yet? The whole film`s a quote fest.

`Don`t threaten me with a dead fish!`
`We`ve gone on holiday by mistake.`


RE: Region 1 Blackadder

If you look at the R1 disks that are available now at: - they`ve updated the contents of extras on all of the Blackadder series DVDs.



I was rather disappointed with the film. Not that I didn`t like it. Perhaps it was one of those occasions when everyone raves on about how good a film is, which gives you an image of a super-dooper film. Only to have your hopes dashed when you find it`s not as super-dooper as you came to believe. But an ok film instead.

I found it difficult to get imbedded into the storylines. Whenever I felt that I was getting close to `being in amongst it all`: the storyline changed and I lost it again. Kind of like trying to run up a slippery slope. I felt that it was just poking about for a story, instead of having something that all ties up nicely in the end without any bits sticking out - something to get hold of and fully comprehend.

But it`s just an opinion, mind!

RE: Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

Thanks for the link, Postie - I`ll check it out in a mo.

What I meant by `dubbed` or rather post-synced was that Jackie (or the other actor) says his lines in English and then re-records them in a studio at a later date, in English. Therefore dubbing over the original on-set recording which is often done in Jackie`s films (eg Rumble in the Bronx - I think).

Majorly looking forward to Rush Hour 2, though.


RE: 5.1 help

I have the exact same setup as you at the moment.

(Anyone please correct me if I`m mistaken)

Have you noticed that the amp has 6 co-axial input sockets (labelled 5.1) in the middle that you don`t seem to be using? Those I believe are what the `5.1` button on your remote chooses to when you press it. There`s no sound when you push the 5.1 button because there`s nothing plugged into your amp at those sockets!

On the DVD players that have a built-in decoder in them, these same 6 co-axail sockets appear! These are a 5.1 surround sound output which I suppose would plug into the sockets on the amp. Therefore, when the 5.1 button was depressed on the remote - 5.1 sound would emmerge from the speakers!

But one thing I don`t understand is that if the Sony HTK-215 has a built-in 5.1 surround sound decoder and the Scan SC2000 doesn`t, would you need a player that has these same 6 co-axial outputs on them too (such as Sony DVP-s725) in order to get true 5.1 surround sound or does the optical input provide this already?


It also seems that R1 Predator is uncut too (plus DTS). Can anyone confirm this who has it on R1?

Look at:-

for a comparison.


RE: War Films - Release dates... How can I find out?

I cannot provide an answer for you - but perhaps a solution.

There are two things you can do:-

1)Go into an highstreet retailer of such products (HMV, Virgin, Blockbuster..etc) look at the distributor of these films from the video boxes and then email them.

Expect the answer `thank you for your inqiry of ...blah... ..blah..
...however, there are no plans to release these films onto DVD release at this time or in the future.` !!!!

And you`ll never hear from them again - even when it does appear on DVD! (Sound familiar anyone?)

OR 2)Wait... ...wait... ...wait... ...patiently.

And enjoy what you have for the time being.

ps Don`t you think a re-make of the Dambusters would be good? Who would it star?

Good luck anyway - let us know the reply!!
T :-))

RE: Crouching Tiger Region choice

Whenever you are wondering whether it`s going to be R1 or R2 -
checkout and bookmark this site first:

T :-)

RE: Spaced Series 2

Fantastic news!

You`re not the only one with series 2 DVD on your mind. I`ve just done a bit of sniffing around and discovered this news:

"The Series 2 DVD will be released around Christmas and will feature a list of references, all the usual commentary
and even the occassional easter egg."

I found it on a Spaced website at

Something to look forward to for Christmas I think.


RE: Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

Thanks Foz, (Whukka - whukka!)

I am a big Jackie fan and I`m very grateful for your reply.

I much prefer it when it`s not dubbed. (Even by Jackie in post-production or post-synced as they call it the industry).Did you find it detracted you from the movie? Or it was ok?

It`s a long shot but are there any extras perchance?


Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

Anyone got it yet?

And more importantly, is it any `good?` (I`m using `good` in the broad sense of the word, as we all know the scriptwriters in his films aren`t exactly award winners)!

But as Jackie`s films go - it is any good?


RE: Whats the first dvd everyone bought?

Matrix R2

Before I got a DVD player to play it on!!

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

If you ever wish to compare DVDs, check out this site before buying:

RE: CD-R and CD-RW

Some other (legal) uses for CD-Rs and CD-RWs:

As prices of disks drop, you can become more bold with your uses and not have to worry about messing up when burning a CD-R. I found some for 12 quid for 50 disks! (Only 24p each)!!

Backup data and files (porn) before formatting your hard drive. Use them as extra large floppy disks to save those larger pictures or data files.

Create showreels of your beautiful artwork / animation ready to send along with your CV to get that cool job you`ve always wanted in the games or film industries.

If you have a digital cam-corder you can save your academy award entries on them. (Or to save the evidence of that New Year`s party that nobody remembered)! Never to have to buy anymore miniDV tapes again- just download the footage on your PC and tape over what you`ve just saved.

When you bugger up burning a disk, they make quite good Christmas tree decorations or even as coasters to prevent coffee mug rings.

RE: The greatest movie cliches ever

How do you like these apples...?

26 Things the Movies Taught You...

1) Large, loft-style apartments in New York City are well within the price range of most people--whether they are employed
or not.

2) At least one of a pair of identical twins is born evil.

3) Should you decide to defuse a bomb, don`t worry which wire to cut. You will always choose the right one.

4) Most laptop computers are powerful enough to override the communications system of any invading alien society.

5) It does not matter if you are heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts: your enemies will wait patiently to
attack you one by one by dancing around in a threatening manner until you have knocked out their predecessors.

6) When you turn out the light to go to bed, everything in your bedroom will still be clearly visible, just slightly bluish.

7) If you are blonde and pretty, it is possible to become a world expert on nuclear fission at the age of 22.

8) Honest and hard-working policemen are traditionally gunned down three days before their retirement.

9) Rather than wasting bullets, megalomaniacs prefer to kill their arch enemies using complicated machinery involving fuses,
pulley systems, deadly gasses, lasers and man-eating sharks, which will allow their captives at least 20 minutes to escape.

10) All beds have special L-shaped cover sheets that reach the armpit level on a woman, but only to waist level on the man
lying beside her.

11) All grocery shopping bags contain at least one stick of French bread.

12) It`s easy for anyone to land a plane, providing there is someone in the control tower to talk you down.

13) Once applied, lipstick will never rub off--even while scuba diving.

14) You`re very likely to survive any battle in any war unless you make the mistake of showing someone a picture of your
sweetheart back home.

15) Should you wish to pass yourself off as a German or Russian officer, it will not be necessary to speak the language. A
German or Russian accent will do.

16) The Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window in Paris.

17) A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating, but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds.

18) If a large pane of glass is visible, someone will be thrown through it before long.

19) If staying in a haunted house, women should investigate any strange noises in their most revealing underwear.

20) Word processors never display a cursor on screen but will always say: "Enter Password Now."

21) Even when driving down a perfectly straight road, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel vigorously from left to
right every few moments.

22) All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when they`re going to go

23) A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty.

24) If you decide to start dancing in the street, everyone you meet will know all the steps.

25) Police departments give their officers personality tests to make sure they are deliberately assigned a partner who is
their total opposite.

26) When they are alone, all foreign military officers prefer to speak to each other in English.

RE: Blackadder on Region 1

I emailed Play247 to reconfirm that R1 Blackadder will have more extras than the R2 versions.

Indeed, it is absolutely true. All of the extras listed for the R1 disks are correct.

So that was yet more of my money wasted on an hurried purchase by buying the R2 versions of 1,2 &3. Don`t you just hate that? The BBC have something to answer for, I tell you...

RE: Trivia question on Gladiator!

It is meant to be purple - as this is the imperial colour of Roman Emperors. End of story!!!

RE: WinDVD Oops!!!!!!

That`s sounds like a hardware issue. It would depend entirely on which MPEG-decoder card you have inside your PC.

Like my DVD-ROM, I had some multi-regional disks and changed the region each time. Not knowing that I was only allowed by my hardware to change it 5 times. Then, it locked on region 1.

My MPEG-decoder card is a Real Hollywood Plus. I solved the issue after long searches on the internet using two shareware packages: one to reset my region changability back to 5, and one to run before my DVD playing software, with which I can select my region every time I watch a disk (it also disabled macrovision and let me watch RCE disks too). If your decoder card is a Real Hollywood Plus I can help you instantly.

If not I suggest that you find out which MPEG-decoder card is in your machine and download similar sharewares suitable for your card that will: 1)reset your hardware MPEG-decoder card and
2)allow you change region, without having to re-install your DVD playing software.

Good luck - it`s tricky...

RE: Withnail & I

Do a search for Withnail and I under the news section of this site...

... and you`ll find that Criterion are releasing it on the 10th July.

Not so hot on the extras though:

`The disc is presented in anamorphic widescreen, Dolby Digital Mono sound and is also uncut. Extras will include pre-production photos, a poster and the trailer.`

Also being released simultaneously is How to Get Ahead in Advertising.`
Another great Richard E. Grant film!

RE: Akira finally on DVD!!!!

check out - they`re selling it for 24.99 due for release 21st July.

RE: The Usual Suspects

I`m pretty sure that it`s been out in the UK for a couple of years now. It`s in one of those thinner, clear plastic tread on it and it cracks cases. It hasn`t got any extras on R2 so I didn`t buy it. Good film though.

RE: Austin Powers 2 : R1 or R2, Which is best?

Check out for DVD region comparisons.

Austin Powers 2 - The Spy Who Shagged Me

Region 1

Commentary by creator Mike Myers, director Jay Roach & co-writer Michael McCullers
Theatrical trailer(s)
Almost 20 minutes of deleted scenes
Behind-the-scenes featurette + The Dr. Evil Story and Comedy Central`s spy-o-graphy, a spoof of A&E`s popular Biography series
Music Videos: Beautiful Stranger by Madonna, American Woman by Lenny Kravitz and Word Up by Mel B (aka Scary Spice)
DVD-ROM Features: Austin Powers and Dr. Evil Web Browsers and a playable demo of a trivia game by Berkeley Systems, "Austin Powers Operation"
2:35:1 widescreen anamorphic format
Dolby Digital 5.1 format

Region 2

Commentary by creator Mike Myers, director Jay Roach & co-writer Michael McCullers
Theatrical trailer(s)
Almost 20 minutes of deleted scenes
Behind-the-scenes featurette + The Dr. Evil Story
Music Videos: Beautiful Stranger by Madonna, American Woman by Lenny Kravitz and Word Up by Mel B (aka Scary Spice)
Hidden Cameo Menu
2:35:1 widescreen anamorphic format
Dolby Digital 5.1 format

RE: Blackadder on Region 1

I noticed that on Play247 too. I also bought the first three series from the BBC. I`m not going to be pleased if it`s true about the extras. Plus they`re (R1) getting series 4 and back and forth. Before us?? I think I`ll get those two R1 just in case it is true about the extras.

RE: Withnail & I

This is one of the very few films that I`d but without special features! Every line in this film is a quote-fest.
Class - and it`s British-made!

Why the hell do they release films without features anyway? Good films too, like bladerunner, goodfellas (TWO sided only), predator 1 & 2 all with the potential.. ..but no special features. Even though documentaries have been made on them. I`ve seen them.
Then they release a later `director`s cut` or `uncut version` with features - after we`ve all bought the first disk without features.

RE: Austin Powers 2 : R1 or R2, Which is best?

The only differences that I could make out when I bought my R1 copy were the extra DVD-ROM features - Trivia game demo (v.good), screen savers and a couple of other things.

RE: Charlies Angels - Bad movie

If you ever saw the trailer in the cinema (or now the DVD) you may have noticed that it was funny because of its cheese factor. Especially when you saw Bill Murray.

The makers knew that they were making a film of a CULT TV show. They also knew that it would be HARD to make a movie of it that could possibly be better or as good. So they cleverly went the other route of mocking itself in the making. The evidence is in the film itself:

- at the beginning when LL Cool J sees the in-flight movie, he comments on `another film from a old TV show` and mocks them all.

- the fact that some of the things they know / do are far beyond realistic ability (such as the vault security, transmitting radio waves to the Angel`s location through a knocked filling, indy car chase, knowledge of bird calls and habitat etc. etc) all suggest that it`s taking the p***.

-the list is endless...

Bad movie? No.
Good movie? Perhaps.
Fun movie? Certainly.