Page 1 of What region is best for BLADE!!

DVDs & Films Forum

What region is best for BLADE!!

Chivalry (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th June 2001, 23:22

lo all... i was gonna get blade from MVC as its up for 7.99 i believe,,,, but was wondrin if there is any difference between the region 2 and the region 1.. or 4 for that matter.. ??? which is best?? whats difference in extras?? (if any)plz lemme know as soon as poss as i was gonne get it tommorow afternoon(friday) or sat at the most.. if theres any,, cheers.. oh.. i noticed the box on region 1 is way better,,lol ;0)

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

Chivalry (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th June 2001, 23:33

hmm. i found a detailed view of differences... anyone know if there r worth it? hers the list for R1 discs......Audio Commentaries
Pencil to Post
House of Erebus
Cast and Crew Biographies
Original Theatrical Trailer
Scene Access
Print Option
Web Links
Blade Highlights

and heres R2
Deleted Scenes
Cast and Crew
Special Effects
Designing Blade
Behind The Scenes

hmm,,,the only other difference i can see is the R2 is Widescreen 16:9 Anamorphic and the r1 is Widescreen 2.35:1.. whats the difference? and does anyone know what all them extras do on the R1.. ;0) cheers again foryour time chaps.....Chivalry

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 00:32

UK disc is 2.35:1 widescreen as well (EiV always mislabel their discs)

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

Chivalry (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 14:51

so whar aboutthe extras?? any difference?? is it worth payin more the R1 ?

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

dogg01 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 21:14

Unmentioned on the box for both R1 and R2 is the commentary which is accessable through the Audio menu.

I also think the R1 version has an isolated score.

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

DVDan (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th June 2001, 23:37

The american disc has a short featurette about the different tribes of Vampires in the film, that the British doesnt. But hey, I have R2 ,and its great. Great picture, sounds and the extras are fine.

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

Thesourmillman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2001, 19:35

If you ever wish to compare DVDs, check out this site before buying:

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

Chris Legg (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th June 2001, 22:39

I have the R2 copy which is very good - but I`ve heard that the R1 version has a 5 minute longer running time.

This could be because of cuts, or it could also be due to the PAL speedup of 4%.

The extras are very good on the R2 disc, and the PAL picture is slightly sharper than an NTSC one, but if you want to make sure it is definitly uncut, go for R1.

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

ElbowRoom (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 10:22

Then again, you could probably pick up a copy of the R2 version for under a tenner from most highstreet stores, which might be a contributing factor...

Oops, you`ve already mentioned that. I`d go for the R2 version then - 8 quid is decent deal.

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st June 2001, 10:23

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