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WinDVD Oops!!!!!!

brian wylie (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 23:03

Help required I am running Windows M.E. and during my clumsy attempts to set up WinDVD I am now stuck in region 1. I have re-installed the software but as soon asI insert the serial number I am put immediately to Region 1 any suggestions greatly appreciated.


RE: WinDVD Oops!!!!!!

Thesourmillman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th June 2001, 23:31

That`s sounds like a hardware issue. It would depend entirely on which MPEG-decoder card you have inside your PC.

Like my DVD-ROM, I had some multi-regional disks and changed the region each time. Not knowing that I was only allowed by my hardware to change it 5 times. Then, it locked on region 1.

My MPEG-decoder card is a Real Hollywood Plus. I solved the issue after long searches on the internet using two shareware packages: one to reset my region changability back to 5, and one to run before my DVD playing software, with which I can select my region every time I watch a disk (it also disabled macrovision and let me watch RCE disks too). If your decoder card is a Real Hollywood Plus I can help you instantly.

If not I suggest that you find out which MPEG-decoder card is in your machine and download similar sharewares suitable for your card that will: 1)reset your hardware MPEG-decoder card and
2)allow you change region, without having to re-install your DVD playing software.

Good luck - it`s tricky...

RE: WinDVD Oops!!!!!!

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Monday, 11th June 2001, 10:02

Do a search for something called DVD Genie. This will reset most players region counts that are software dependant. If that doesn`t work and your DVD drive is hardwired to the firmware then you`ll need to search out either a firmware hack or contact the manufacturer who should be able to email you a reset program. Be warned though, most DVD drives lock after 5 region changes and these region reset programs from the manufacturer usually only work 5 times (5x5 = 25 region changes) so if you`re planning on watching lots of multi region films then your best course of action is to try DVD genie and if that fails, go look for a hacked firmware.

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