Page 1 of Hurrah - Withnail and I is here on DVD!!

DVDs & Films Forum

Hurrah - Withnail and I is here on DVD!!

Thesourmillman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 12th July 2001, 23:00

From released by Criterion.

Got my copy in the post yesterday.

There are some extras - photo gallery, short interviews with some of the cast and crew and some celeb fans. But, hell it`s one of those films that you buy because it`s a good film, extras or no extras.

Not seen it yet? The whole film`s a quote fest.

`Don`t threaten me with a dead fish!`
`We`ve gone on holiday by mistake.`


RE: Hurrah - Withnail and I is here on DVD!!

Colt Severs (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th July 2001, 13:11

Cool!. I want the finest DVD`s known to humanity! I want them here and I want them now!

This item was edited on Friday, 13th July 2001, 13:12

RE: Hurrah - Withnail and I is here on DVD!!

DazMack1979 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 14th July 2001, 18:25

Fantastic to see it on DVD at long last - quite pleasantly surprised to see the wee documentary with the film, I was under the impression we were getting sod all apart from the trailer. Non-anamorphic though, argh!

Any luck for an R2 release in the forseeable future? Pity about the lack of involvement from Bruce Robinson but as he`s said if they`re not prepared to give him a slice of the profits why should he? Shocking, the way he`s been treated over the film. Whoever recommended to me to read the book Conversations With Bruce Robinson a while back in these forums, thank you! Definitely recommended.

Right, I`m off to cook onions...


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