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CD-R and CD-RW

Fluffy_Bunny (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2001, 21:20

What are the uses for CD-R`s or CD-RW`s other than MP3`s, can you play photo CD`s etc on some players. Anyone any suggestions or things they use them for on there players. I`m only asking as I`ve just returned my LG3200E because it couldn`t play them but now i`m not sure what I need the option for anyway. I`m looking at a Logix 3000 player anyone had any experience with them, are they any good.

RE: CD-R and CD-RW

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2001, 21:36

Well the obvious use, and main one is really for audio CDs that have been copied. My player cant play either CDR or CDRW which is nippy because I cant play any of my.........errr............nevermind.

Also there are other things you can do with these formats, like making your own VCDs or SVCDs.


RE: CD-R and CD-RW

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 14th June 2001, 01:29

Yup VCDs, SVCDs, mini DVDs, raw MPEG1 files.....

They are very versatile little silver discs, and no mistake...

RE: CD-R and CD-RW

Thesourmillman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 14th June 2001, 02:39

Some other (legal) uses for CD-Rs and CD-RWs:

As prices of disks drop, you can become more bold with your uses and not have to worry about messing up when burning a CD-R. I found some for 12 quid for 50 disks! (Only 24p each)!!

Backup data and files (porn) before formatting your hard drive. Use them as extra large floppy disks to save those larger pictures or data files.

Create showreels of your beautiful artwork / animation ready to send along with your CV to get that cool job you`ve always wanted in the games or film industries.

If you have a digital cam-corder you can save your academy award entries on them. (Or to save the evidence of that New Year`s party that nobody remembered)! Never to have to buy anymore miniDV tapes again- just download the footage on your PC and tape over what you`ve just saved.

When you bugger up burning a disk, they make quite good Christmas tree decorations or even as coasters to prevent coffee mug rings.

RE: CD-R and CD-RW

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th June 2001, 09:44

I`m not sure if many DVD players allow the use of PhotoCD`s. But I hear it`s possible to make a VCD showreel of still images using Nero or some other program.

The best use Ive found my burner so far is just backing up all my MP3`s (all 7 80 mins CD`s worth!) and backing up other files. I`ve tried playing my MP3 CDR`s on my Scan SC-2000 and I`m quite impressed with the results, but since my PC is literally a few feet away from my stereo and both my DVD and PC are wired into it, it`s much easier to use Winamp through my PC.
Erm...I`m rambling now...
I`ll get me coat...

P.S. Is that the same Fluffybunny from UKC?

RE: CD-R and CD-RW

Fluffy_Bunny (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 14th June 2001, 19:23

Thanks for the info guys much appreciated, I`ll have a look at nero and easy CD.

I`m not the Fluffybunny off UKC but I am Fluffy Bunny off wireplay Q3A and RA3.

Cheers guys

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