Page 1 of Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

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Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

Thesourmillman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 3rd July 2001, 18:24

Anyone got it yet?

And more importantly, is it any `good?` (I`m using `good` in the broad sense of the word, as we all know the scriptwriters in his films aren`t exactly award winners)!

But as Jackie`s films go - it is any good?


RE: Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

Fozzy_Bear (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2001, 11:04

i got this film the other week from dddhouse and it was a typical jackie chan movie good stunts some funny gags and a ok story line. But it was a wierd soundtrack as the movie started off in chinese then changed to english and back to chinese depending on who jackie was speaking to and it was not dubbed english either. but i would recomend this for any jackie chan fan.

RE: Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

Thesourmillman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 6th July 2001, 20:03

Thanks Foz, (Whukka - whukka!)

I am a big Jackie fan and I`m very grateful for your reply.

I much prefer it when it`s not dubbed. (Even by Jackie in post-production or post-synced as they call it the industry).Did you find it detracted you from the movie? Or it was ok?

It`s a long shot but are there any extras perchance?


RE: Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

postie31 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 7th July 2001, 13:16

if u want jackie chan films mate try they,ve got loads on vcd the pictures are top and u also get extra stuff with them like documenatrys/gag reels...presentation boxs..i bought accidental spy from them for about $ came with a documenatry..and a box which opens out into a pop up explosion scene with jackie chan escaping..:)

RE: Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

Fozzy_Bear (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th July 2001, 14:54

there is a making of feature and some actor bios. the making of is in chinese with no subtiltes so i havent actullay got round to wacthing it yet. there may be more features i cant actually check cos i lent it to my cousin.

the movie is`nt dubbed it just changes from chinese to english and back and forth at pionts (maby u knew this and i have just miss-interpreted ur post) but the change in languages did not distract me at all it was good film and worth the whole £12 thereabouts.

RE: Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

Thesourmillman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 17:28

Thanks for the link, Postie - I`ll check it out in a mo.

What I meant by `dubbed` or rather post-synced was that Jackie (or the other actor) says his lines in English and then re-records them in a studio at a later date, in English. Therefore dubbing over the original on-set recording which is often done in Jackie`s films (eg Rumble in the Bronx - I think).

Majorly looking forward to Rush Hour 2, though.


RE: Jackie Chan`s Accidental Spy - any good?

tpr007 (Competent) posted this on Monday, 9th July 2001, 23:32

I`ve done reviews for many HK films including Jackie, and Accidental Spy - including info about the DVD.

I originally bought it from a while back (about a tenner)

look here for all the info you could want:


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