Info and forum posts by 'TeraHawk'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 19th December 2000, 10:18, Last used: Tuesday, 19th December 2000, 10:18

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: From Sheffield.
Love Action Movies.
Have - Toshiba SD100EB DVD Player
and Sanyo 32 Inch Widescreen DProLogic TV.
Would love to have videologics DTS speaker system.

This user has posted a total of 38 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: SHREK> Anyone else having BIG out of synch problems????

Just got around to flicking through some of the features and it seems fine - theres no big lip sync probs. I`ve got a Toshiba 110 so I am suprised the disk would have a problem for the Tosh 210.


My Sanyo 32" is the same with RGB - I do like the clarity, although duller, but what I hate is that when I press TV on the sky remote the TV seems to change from duller RGB to brigter `other`. So I just keep it at the normal setting (S-Vid presumably).

Pressing your Tv button on the sky ...does it do the same?
My setup is same as moncs. I will change the basic scart tonight for my gold shielded one to see if it makes a difference. I didnt notice much before but that was about a year ago.

RE: Stars Wars Episode 2

"why does he have to use so much cheesy kiddie tallk!"...
..maybe because it is for kids/teenagers

RE: SHREK> Anyone else having BIG out of synch problems????

I dont agree with only going back to the retailer if you know its only the disk at fault - from a principle-point-of-view.. especially with a Toshiba 210. Ive got a Tosh 110 and would think that if a disk wont play on this fine machine then I would like to get my money back and buy another film. If I had an low budget player then I would accept the dishonour of the disk and sulk and buy a better player.

This item was edited on Thursday, 10th January 2002, 13:44

RE: Would you pay £3.50 a month for DVD Reviewer?

Sorry-not me either. I am one of those that use this GOOD site when I need to and I havent needed to for two months so therefore a continous charge is not for me. I`ll buy the appropriate mags for the time whether DVD hardware, PC hardware or what the Car market is like. I can also review these at my leisure months later and it still only costed me 4-5 quid. I`d have to pay a continuos £3.50 to see something I read and paid for 3 months ago.

My main hangup is having another damn password and userid to remember just in case windows doesnt store it/loose it. I`ve got 25-35 userids and pwords already in a little red book. I wish the net would get on and use digital certificates/signatures.

RE: Simpsons - on it`s way

Its times like these that make me think I should have got a multi region player. This is one disc set I`d love to have but dont want to be laughed at by those WH Smith guys who have R1 players!!!! :)

Whats the cheapest and/or quickest way to get Tosh 110 to multiregion?

RE: Widescreen choice advice

How about Sanyo - I like my 32 inch silver one - looks good, views well and is Pro Logic. If budget is tight, go for NICAM, one can always upgrade with an amp later. wished I`d gone for NICAM now and saved a ton, although I`ve had some good sound results from DVD via a Tosh SDE.

RE: 32`` Widescreen Telly for £299

Sorry - got no interest in I`ll go back to the earlier point of IDTVs and cost. You end up paying for the decoder as part of the tele package - when I looked last year IDTV were about 400 quid more than non-IDTVs and considering you could get a Sky set top box etc for about the same - possibly costing a little more and loads more channels then I think the value for money is in Sky.

I also dont like IDTVs if something goes wrong with the decoder or the architecture changes completely then you may end up with a STB after all and obsolete digitial workings in the tele. They could make them upgradable like PCs but the PC motherboards change with new methods of storage, access etc that you`d still end up with a very techy upgrade to a tele.

I`m no expert but IDTVs aren`t that exciting. I`m not that much of a digital TV fan either - until they start giving more bandwidth to sound. Analogue sound through my basic system (no amp) sounds much better than from Sky.

RE: WARNING: DVD `Side Effects`

Maybe we could turn this addiction into something more:-
Hi I`m TeraHawk, 33 single, medium build with 36inches of widescreen and SD100 DVD player. Loves Action and Sci-Fi. WLTM sexy late 20s lass with similar interests and THX certified equipment. Definite romance with possible sharing of pop-corn (sugared) - oh..and diet coke!

RE: Picture

Dont know the answer BUT..
I`ve never used 4:3 on my widescreen; so if the problem is only apparent on 4:3 then I wouldnt worry about it. chill out, test it then buy one!

RE: DAMNIT! I have to be picky!!!

to WPKenny:
"Eat Lead Sucker..biddy biddy biddy"..Twicky, Buck Rogers

RE: Your life is ending one minute at a time!

I only told you to blow the bloody doors off!!
Micheal Caine - Italian Job

creases me up everytime I say that!!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th April 2001, 10:40

RE: Your life is ending one minute at a time!

"How can the same s*** happen to the same guy twice"
Bruce Willis - Die Hard 2
"By the power invested in me by the courts of this county I hearby comendere this vee-hical and all persons in it - and that includes you.. smartass" - Deep South Sheriff in James Bond. I think Live and Let Die.

RE: JOHN WOO IS OVER PRAISED (yes, I know I`m in the minority)!

Sorry guys - My mind only likes mindless action and fast chases and I think any film with his name in the director credit is worth a watch - I love to see what `tricks` he`s come up with in the film.

Admitidly MI2 was not as fab as hoped but it still had that wow factor in some scenes.

Joel Schumacher is another dude I would go to see what he`s conjured up.

Some directors just scream FAST ACTION and/or GREAT FILM.

RE: Greatest chase scenes in a movie?

Gotta be Cannonball Run with the Chics in the Lamborghini ;)


clayts -
What unpleasentries does your Sanyo do with the RGB from your digibox?

If its anything like mine like low contrasted picture or a second moving image of a different channel ghosting in the darker backgrounds then maybe Sanyo have some work to do with RGB. The S-vid is excellent from DVD to TV.

RE: cinemas - too expensive???

Although around the 4-5 pound mark my local Sheffield UGC (ex-Virgin) is damn fine place - I`ve never been to a cinema with such a good rate of decent in the rows of seats and space for your legs and little plates on each screen enterance telling you the projector type, sound system etc.. The gap between seats allows some moron-late-comer to walk between rows without the need for yourself to stand up and let them pass.

An odean in Blackpool opened a few years ago and sucks - they still designed it with minimal leg room..I dont mind paying £5 if they dont skimp on quality and comfort.

Anyway, it aint a cinema forum so I`ll stop gloating now.

Auctions and these so-called DVDs

After reading a thread on Auctions here, I noticed that on Yahoo there are quite a few Star Wars DVDs as well as new releases of major films.
They claim 5.1 sound and mention DVD not VCD.

What are these discs? Are they laser disc cut onto CD using MPEG2 coding or copies of videos?

Is it all a big con? I presume its not legal due to claims of Star Wars been on DVD which we all know Lucas is not going to do just yet.

RE: twaddle!!!!!!!!

give me a breaaaaaaak..the trilogy was an excellent piece of work for its time and still doesnt date as it so easily could have done. (take a look at Blakes 7!!!! and I consider this case-closed)

Ok - Phan.Menace was not that brill but thats a different matter.

The money from the shrewed product licencing is giving us Digital Sound and Vision for the future.

George is my hero
PS I was 10 also!!

RE: Are LG`s anygood?

Sorry did I miss something..try
Region Code Enhancement

Sky Digital- NICAM?

I thought I`d ask you guys cause your on the same wavelength as me and I read this forum nearly every day...
Whats the sound that Sky broadcast - I`ve just had it installed and I think that BBC/Channel4/5 from Sky are basic stereo and not the Surround infused NICAM signal I get on Terrestrial? Am I right?

I know that some Sky Digital is Surround Sound but which?

Toshiba is cool!

RE: Noisy Tosh

I`ve not noticed anything like that - but if it is there and you`ve made me aware of it and it starts to bug me ..damn you...I`ll come round your pad an.............
Sorry I digress ..up to now I cant say I heard anything above the norm.

Sanyo 32" rules - blacks not black but I`ve saved a Monkey
Toshiba Rocks - may not be a Tag Maclaran but I`ve saved a bloody gorilla!

RE: What TV series would you like to see released on DVD ?

They`ve already done my favourite...

RE: portable T.V. to go with tesco LG DVD

Is there no way you can save up a little more and get a cheap 24 inch widescreen? - It would be much better - you dont want to be watching 2.35 films on a was just too small when I saw Woolworths demoing that Proline thingy of a DVD player on a portable..bad marketing!
Although it was good marketing for Sanyo because I then decided I needed a widescreen TV so ended up spending an extra grand on a 32incher (not at Woolworths).

Sanyo 32" rocks - the blacks arent black but I`ve saved a monkey.
Toshiba rocks - may not be a Tag Maclaran..but I`ve saved a bloody gorilla!

RE: me? you too? we`re f**ked :D

Deep man..but totally agree with ya.

I`ve bought those that are brill on sound and special effects/explosions that will come across spectacular like on a DD5.1 / 7.1 system. I do get films I`ve seen and like (Heat, Gladiator) and those with excellent reviews (Private Ryan, erm...) which is why I wont buy Die Hard 3 even though I love the film..they`ve, allegedly screwed up on the editing to DVD...why oh why?

Toshiba Rocks!! (how an originally quaint phrase)

RE: SCART cables..........R gold plated jobbies any better than normal ones ?

For what I`m using it for - I have no worries about the sanyo but because of the size it shows up the crappy reception I get from terrestrial tv (in the valleys) which is why I`m going for SkyDigital. I`m not convinced that it handles RGB well but I dont know enough to narrow down my conclusions. The S-Video is perfect - I dont understand how RGB can be better (from a novice point of view) - but then again I dont have 2 grands worth of tele to show up any imperfections of the signal from DVD.

One of the main reasons I got it was because it was silver and looks please the missus!!

The pro-logic sound does the job until I can afford a separate amp/speakers. The price - £850 from Scottish Power (interest free) but if you can afford that in one go then websites like QED (?address?) who do it for about 750.

I`d be please to hear from any other Sanyo owners to determine the quality etc with regards to DVD. ydna[at]ku.oc.nadroja

RE: SCART cables..........R gold plated jobbies any better than normal ones ?

I didnt notice any difference between box-standard £7 pound SCART from Dixons and my Cambridge Audio £20 one with all the shielding/gold stuff. Is this because the dixons one (I think JVC) is decent enough or is it my tele thats naff?

I mention the tele because I get a clear/bright picture using S-Video via the SCART to SCART than RGB. The RGB is dull - as though the contrast is too low - obviously I cant change the contrast or it will affect all channels which are fine. The TV`s a Sanyo 32 pro-logic. Anyone had sucess with RGB to their Sanyo TV? and why are their hardly any reviews on the Sanyo 32" - no rude/snide remarks about Sanyo`s please!!!!!

RE: Is DVD a bit crap in terms of the rental market?

I`ve rented from and my discs have been fine as well as service - although I would have like a phone or address to be displayed on the initially made me feel as though they were trying to avoid us - but it`s probably to keep admin costs down.

I would like to try the other sites that offer the same service but at £2.99 / film / week - rather than movietraks £3.4x / film / week


You must have had a wet dream about the 756 (FANTASY!!), cause if it`s anything like the Philips710, 750 or 960 - then your wasting your money! - Style over Quality is what Philips are - in my feable opinion.