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smithy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 18:57


i am interested in the new pioneer 340 but have been reliably informed that there is no RGB output from any of the connections including the scart socket. is this a feature that i really need will the picture be considerably better with RGB? will the picture be acceptable without it ( i am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to films )

hope someone can help



Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 20:44

RGB, simply put, offers the best possible picture quality.

As the name (Red, Green, Blue) implies, the signals to drive the three electron guns that build up the three primary colours of the TV image are carried separately, on three separate wires. There`s no chance of any colour bleeding or similar artefacts - the picture will generally look significantly sharper than it would via a S-Video connection and vastly better than it does via a bog-standard Composite connection. So long as your TV has a RGB input, a RGB SCART connection will give you the very best quality of picture that DVD has to offer.

Almost all DVD players offer a RGB output via SCART. If the Pioneer doesn`t (that`s *if* it doesn`t, I don`t know whether it does or not) then it`s not going to give you the best from your DVDs, and frankly you`d be better off buying a much cheaper player that does do RGB.

After all, compromising on picture quality by using S-Video or Composite negates the main advantage of buying a "top brand" player like a Pioneer in the first place.



clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, 23:25

Mike G - fair point.

However, there is a school of thought (not one I necessarily agree with, mind) that says S-VID is a better picture quality than RGB. Can`t see it myself, but I think it depends on three things :

- your television`s capability;
- your DVD player`s capability; AND MOST IMPORTANTLY
- your own opinion

Smithy, I`d suggest getting yourself down to a shop that allows you to demo the player. There is a fine line between RGB and S-VID, and I certainly couldn`t agree with Mike`s point that a budget player`s RGB is going to be better than a mid-range player`s S-VID.

The only way to answer the Q is to demo, demo, demo...


smithy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th April 2001, 13:30

cheers mike g and clayts i`m off to the shops to try some out




Mike G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th April 2001, 12:48


I`ve since done a few comparisons and would now have to agree with you!

While RGB is *technically* better than S-Video, some TVs don`t seem to handle RGB very well (e.g. some Toshiba sets). Also, a Sony player I tried (can`t remember the model) was clearly better via S-Video than my Samsung was through RGB (though they both looked equally crap via composite).

As you say, demo, demo, demo.

I think the advantages of RGB over S-Video are a lot more noticeable with things like games consoles (where you have sharp edges, solid colours and areas of high contrast) than they are with DVD players.



clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 16th April 2001, 20:55

Cheers for that, Mike.

I dunno why, but supposedly `expert` magazines differ on their opinions about this matter. `Home Entertainment` are firmly in the RGB camp, whilst `What Hi*Fi` plump for S-Video.

What neither seem to realise is that most of us ordinary `average` folk don`t have access to the same top of the range TVs that they use to demo DVD players with !

Weirdly, my rented Sanyo TV hates RGB from my OnDigi box, but loves it from my budget DVD player !

I don`t think there can ever be an exact science on this one !


TeraHawk (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 17th April 2001, 07:21

clayts -
What unpleasentries does your Sanyo do with the RGB from your digibox?

If its anything like mine like low contrasted picture or a second moving image of a different channel ghosting in the darker backgrounds then maybe Sanyo have some work to do with RGB. The S-vid is excellent from DVD to TV.


clayts (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 17th April 2001, 18:42

Just the first one that you endure (I have a 28WN3) - very low contrast picture, very dull.

This may be down to the digibox (Pace OnD), but to be honest I`m not swapping it again - I`ve had five already in 18 months !!!

The DVD to RGB SCART picture is much brighter, but admittedly the S-VIDEO one is a lot more colourful, perhaps overly so. I prefer the RGB picture - the last few I`ve watched with my swanky new firmware on my Encore 450 have been absolutely fantastic pictures (Jaws R2, Sleepy Hollow R2 - funny cinematography on that one anyway, Natural Born Killers R4), with Jaws totally, er, jaw-dropping....

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