Info and forum posts by 'mutoscope'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 25th September 2002, 01:06, Last used: Wednesday, 25th April 2007, 15:27

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 103 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.09 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Did anyone record Werner Herzog`s interview on the Culture Show last week, where he was shot?

Dang! The BBC website wont let me click on the clip because I dont live in the UK. I live in Ireland and have BBC 1,2,3,4, BBC world and BBC News 24 BUT they wont give me full access to the website?! This is stupid....

Did anyone record Werner Herzog`s interview on the Culture Show last week, where he was shot?

I`m a die hard Herzog fan living in Dublin and would love to get a copy of this. If anybody has recorded it in any format, I would be most grateful for a copy and would of course pay all expenses involved.

Problem encoding AVI to DVD advice appreciated

I have an AVI file at 23 fps in PAL. When I use NERO to make an SVCD or DVD from this file, it automatically ups the frame rate to 25 fps (the correct PAL rate) resulting in a jarring in the picture, where I gather two frames have been duplicated to make up the differance. This problem doesnt occur when I use DivxtoDVD to do the same job, but the picture ratio is out a bit. It seems I cant win either way! Any advice appreciated.

Ratio problem with Divx playback on my TV.

Ive recently picked up a stand alone DVD player that also plays Divx files. When I playback a Divx file of a TV show that has widescreen black bars, the player seems to add black bars to the black bars resulting in the picture looking 2:35:1. The ratio is fine when it`s played back on my PC. Its probably the limitations of the player (Nissan Divx from Maplins) but is there any piece of software that I could alter the ratio of the file to compensate for this?

Which TV should I buy, LCD or Plasma?

I was originally commited to buying a 42" plasma TV, but after reading around I`m leaning towards LCD. Though for the equivalent price I would only get a 32" LCD. It seems DVDs play better on Plasma, LCD cant` quite get the blacks the same way, but you run the burn in risk watching TV on a plasma due to the Channel logos on most TV stations now, never mind watching sports! Plus Plasma uses up twice the amount of electricity and are very heavy. Though it`s DVDs I will be mainly watching, which are definitely better on Plasma, LCD seems the more practical option.

More opinions would be appreciated!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th April 2005, 19:15

RE: What`s your favourite DVD extra?

Robert Rodriguez` "10 MINUTE F***ING SCHOOL" on The Once Upon a Time in Mexico disc! Who needs film school when you can learn it all from his DVDs! The mid boggles at the thoughts of how stupendous the SIN CITY disc will be. Dam, that trailer seriously rocks.


I disagree. Trailers are my speciality. There are as many crap trailers as good ones around (The worst at the moment I reckon are ALONE IN THE DARK & BLOODRAYNE - from the same director!) Certainly the circle is almost complete on the spine of the Star Wars saga. Though what the premis of the TV series is remains to be seen.

RE: Kung Fu Hustle

There`s a numbered limited edition version of the DVD out at the same time featuring a pile of cool stuff including a watch and a mold of Stephen Chow`s hand. The movie is showing in the Dublin Film Festival in a couple of weeks. Great to get a chance to see it on the big screen with a festival crowd before getting the DVD.

RE: Ju-on The Grudge.....Have you seen it?

Xmizu, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you say, except your derogatory use of the term "gay".

This item was edited on Friday, 23rd July 2004, 22:04

RE: What`s your favourite deleted scene?

Not sure aboout favourite, but one of the most memorable is the scene from SALVADOR where the general shows James Woods his jar of human ears, thereupon James Belushi vomits on the hooker thats blowing him. Yikes!

RE: HERO Director`s Cut 118 mins. released next week!

Everything I`ve ever ordered from them has taken 5 days to the day to get to Dublin.

RE: tube, missing gun

If you haven`t alreday, check out "PTU", by Johnnie To. Has a similar "cop looses his gun theme", is set over a single night in downtown Hong Kong with various elements of the police, from dectectives, internal affairs and the Police Tactical Unit.

What channel is the French Open showing on?

Is the French Open showing live or highlights on any channel? Cant find a listing for It on any TV channel. It started today and it`s not even listed on Sky sports.

RE: Which Kill Bill

If you read the above post outloud in the voice of "Comic Book Guy" from the Simpsons it`s quite funny. :D

Is there any other way to run backed-up X-box games other than with a mod chip?

Is there any other way to run backed-up X-box games other than with a mod chip?

Problem running games from my X-box hard drive

I`m made a back-up of my copy of Everything or Nothing onto the hard drive of my X-box, but when I try to run it I just get a black screen. I compared the files on the original disc and the backup and they`re both the same as far as I can tell. Any ideas what I`m doing wrong?

RE: The Pink Panther Collection

Beware, the Region 1 version is missing some of the extras from the Region 2 version.

Strange PC problem, need some help!

My PC has suddenly strted doing this for no reason that I can gather: when I click on the shortcut to connect my broadband connection, absolutely nothing happens. No error message or nothing. Just completely dead. So, I open my Outlook and click on send&recieve, I then get a message to say "cannot find that connection in phonebook". I re-steup my braodband connection, creating a new shortcut and all is well again. Then, I turn on my PC today and its back to where it was yesterday with the dead link and "cannot find...etc.".

Is this the result of some virus or worm I haven`t heard about? Any advice?

I`m running XP on a P4 2.6.

RE: Roadracers the film: Out on Dvd?

I saw this on Sky movies a few years back. Its not a particularly great picture but its interesting in following Robert Rodriguez work. This was the first film he made with an actual crew, and a union crew at that. His diary from Faber is better than the film I thought.

RE: Anyone seen The Twins Effect?

Its worth picking up for the fight scenes alone, which were chroegraphed by Donnie Yen, especially the opening and final battle. For all fans of Hong Kong legends DVDs, watch out for Bey Logan (who co-produced this film and was responsible for Hiring Donnie Yen) as one of the vampires at the start (He`s also in Infernal Affairs 2!) Its pretty impressive that these girls have never done martial arts before as they go on the attack with such vengence. Next to the vampire plot, you`ve got a typical Canto soap love plot with two cameos from Jackie Chan and Karen Mok (who kicked ass in "So Close"). Its a slick, glossy Asian vampire flick with some cool fights and cute twin girls (who are`t actually twins). Worth buying!

Ps. There`s a special ediition which is packaged like the ancient book in the movie and includes an actual steel dagger. I dont know how it got through customs!

RE: Battle Royale 2 - out this week!!

Got it from DDDHOUSE a few days ago, watched it last night. EXCELLENT! Quite a suprise as the hype for this picture seemed to vanish following its cinema release in Japan. Worthy sequel to the original. A total war movie. Stylistically a japanese Saving Private Ryan. Those kids get the bejesus blown out of them unmercifully in landing craft and on the beaches. The anti-American slant to the story was quite suprising. The first film never saw a theatrical release in the US because of its graphic content, so there`s no way this one will, one way or the other.

RE: pink panther

The box set is listed as SOLD OUT on PLAY. Is it OOP already?

RE: once upon a time in mexico shipping

According to PLAY it`s not released till Jan 20th, which site did you order it from?

Dialog track mixed way too low on Raiders DVD?

I watched Raiders on Christmas day and found that the dialoge track to be mixed very low compared to the sound effects and music tracks. I was struggling at points to hear my favourite bits of dialog over the racket. I have a Cyberhome DVD player connected to my tv with a scart so cannot adjust the individual soundtracks. Has anyone found this problem or did I get a dodgy box? (Haven`t checked the other two movies yet.)

RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

Cillian Murphy is playing the Scarecrow. He appears in the opening sequence of the film only, apperently.

RE: Whats the simplist none-wireless way to send my broadband connection upstairs?

Yeah, I`m running XP. So If I get a 10m nextwork cable and connected it between the ethernet ports in the PC and the Laptop that would be sufficent to get the broadband signal? ( A guy in Maplins told me I would need a router to even connect just the laptop & pc.)

Whats the simplist none-wireless way to send my broadband connection upstairs?

I have my PC and ADSL usb modem hooked up downstairs. I want to run a modem connection out the window and up to my bedroom where I use my laptop and X-Box (it`s about 10 meters). Which would be the best way to do this? My laptop has a ethernet and USB port, the X-Box has only the ethernet port for the modem hook-up. My ADSL modem is a USB model. Will I need to get a new modem with an ethernet connection to do this? As for example, if I buy a router to split the connection, I assume I will need an ethernet modem to hook up to it. I considered wireless but its out of my budeget range currently. Any recomendations?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 10th December 2003, 19:19

Jackie Chan played a villian only once, can anybody name the film?

I remember reading ages ago that Jackie Chan only ever played a bad guy once in his long filmography, but I cant remember the film.

RE: Can`t play my DVDs! Need help configuring windows to deal with macrovision

It`s just a bog standard intel graphics chip set with no TV outs. Its configured as is, the same way the PC came from the shop, but there must be some setting wrong.