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Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 12th December 2003, 20:13

As you probably already know, Christian Bale is Batman in the upcoming Christopher Nolan `Batman 5`, due for release Summer 2005.

Also, Michael Caine has been cast as Alfred.
Cillian Murphy has been cast as a Villain.
And in talks to play another villain is Viggo Mortensen.
And Katie Holmes is in talks to play the female role, most likely a love interest.

The first Spider-Man 2 trailer will debut online at on the 15th of December, at about 5.01am GMT. It will also be playing in front of The Return of the King, but most likely only in America.

I can`t wait to see Doc Ock in motion, because the pictures so far look cool as hell 8)

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RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 12th December 2003, 20:38

Wow, Michael Caine; is that official? That`s great casting by Nolan again... :D

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RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Friday, 12th December 2003, 20:58

According to Superherohype it`s pretty official, and he`s signed on for 3 films!

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RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

zenza (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 13th December 2003, 13:16

According to Superherohype it`s pretty official, and he`s signed on for 3 films!

:o :( :/

I hate Michael Caine.

RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 13th December 2003, 17:42

Lets not forget ex el CID fave Alfred Molina as Doc Ock.

I wonder how/if they are going to get his thang on with aunt may...........

RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

B4ilz (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th December 2003, 06:52

wonder who the Batman baddies will be

i dont know who Cillian Murphy would play but Viggo Mortenson and Katie Holmes could be Raas Al Ghul and Talia?

RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

mutoscope (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th December 2003, 13:50

Cillian Murphy is playing the Scarecrow. He appears in the opening sequence of the film only, apperently.

RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

chewie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2003, 16:39

That sounds a bit like a waste of a character, or could it be a set-up for another film?

Viggo as a bad guy, I mean a real villain in a film?
That doesn`t fill me with confidence. I mean, he`s great as Aragorn but I don`t get the feeling he can be "evil" in the right way for a comic book movie. Time will tell and I`m probably wrong ;)

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RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

RWB (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2003, 18:06

I have just watched the trailer and it does look very good indeed - although a little less footage of Spidey swinging would have been better. I am awaiting a hi-res Quicktime version, but one thing I did also miss was the much-hyped scene where Dr. Ock gets his was described in detail on AICN a while back. The opening, "Kiss me", sequence of the trailer was very well done, mind. :-)

I am more eagerly awaiting Nolan`s Batman: Intimidation, as that man so far has not failed to deliver and I feel the Black Knight is a much more rich all honesty Spidey is more lightweight and kids-orientated. Hopefully Nolan will deliver a 15-rated deep, dark drama with action, and not a PG/12-rated cheesy, action film with drama.

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RE: Batman Casting & Spider-Man 2 Trailer News...

HaGGis! (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2003, 18:50

Ah.. rick.. the boy i love to argue with...

Spider-man is NOT and NEVER WILL be kids stuff.. nor is it lightweight.. if you are refering to just the film then you are wrong.. if you are refering to the comic you are even more wrong... Death of Gwen Stacy, The Drugs Issue, The Sineater.. and currenty Flash Thompsons vegatitive state.. all VERY adult themed storylines... to name just a few...

kids stuff!!!.. pah!.. and yes.. i think i may be a dork

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