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DVDs & Films Forum

tube, missing gun

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th July 2004, 01:30

just seen these two films, the tube is korean i think, the missing gun chinese. both came into my local video shop the other day. i am a bit of a fan of japanese/korean and hong kong cinema but i hadnt heard of these two till the other day. the past few months has been really good for this type of film, i have rented out sympathy for mr vengeance, returner, versus, the sea is watching and a snake of june.

i wont go into much detail but i will say that i thought both titles were pretty good. tube was an action film. but done with a bit more style than the usual efforts from hollywood. it had some interesting shots and sequences, and considering i new nothing about it i liked it, but then i love all that over the top action and stylised violence, when its done well.

missing gun was a little different. it was a story of a cop who wakes up to find his gun missing, so has to find out who has it/ where it is etc. all this takes place in a very small town in the middle of nowhere. it was my favourite of the two, only because it was a bit different, ok the story was hardly original but it was the way it was done that was interesting, variety of shots, flash back and quite calming music which made it quite hypnotic at times, an odd one but worth checking out.

not for everyone, the ones i mentioned are rarely hired out, some not atall, but its good that i dont always have to send away to get to see these films.

RE: tube, missing gun

mutoscope (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 13th July 2004, 18:43

If you haven`t alreday, check out "PTU", by Johnnie To. Has a similar "cop looses his gun theme", is set over a single night in downtown Hong Kong with various elements of the police, from dectectives, internal affairs and the Police Tactical Unit.

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