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Which TV should I buy, LCD or Plasma?

mutoscope (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th April 2005, 18:12

I was originally commited to buying a 42" plasma TV, but after reading around I`m leaning towards LCD. Though for the equivalent price I would only get a 32" LCD. It seems DVDs play better on Plasma, LCD cant` quite get the blacks the same way, but you run the burn in risk watching TV on a plasma due to the Channel logos on most TV stations now, never mind watching sports! Plus Plasma uses up twice the amount of electricity and are very heavy. Though it`s DVDs I will be mainly watching, which are definitely better on Plasma, LCD seems the more practical option.

More opinions would be appreciated!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th April 2005, 19:15

RE: Which TV should I buy, LCD or Plasma?

Paull (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th April 2005, 20:09

You`ve done your research & summed it up well. I had a 42" Plasma but now have a 27" LCD & it`s suprising how quick you get used to the `black`. Mine is a 600.1 contrast. I believe there is a 32" Humax at about 1000.1 comming soon. With DVD the picture on my LCD is very very good. There are 37" & bigger LCDs that get good reviews but they are pricey.

RE: Which TV should I buy, LCD or Plasma?

Brooktop (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 13th April 2005, 10:56

Seems like a case of apples and pears to me. Comparing a 27" screen with a 42" screen!!!!!! I have a 42" plasma and a 17" LCD - I know which I prefer!

If you like DVD movies...plasma wins on both price and PQ...for the time being.

Plasmas are heavy? Think u need more weetabix! They`re nothing compared to a CRT and certainly not a factor to consider in debating LCD v plasma. Get to the shops/friends for demos and go to the AV Forums website.

RE: Which TV should I buy, LCD or Plasma?

Markey (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 13th April 2005, 20:59

What about burn in? With most TV stations having logos in the corner of the screen and watching sports with the constant logos and score charts, I`d be well p***ed off if I start seeing ghosted logos after a year or two of viewing. Plus there`s the X-box factor with the HUD display.

RE: Which TV should I buy, LCD or Plasma?

Brooktop (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th April 2005, 09:27

Burn in affects LCD, Plasma and CRT. Modern screens have safeguards such as wobbling and peak limiting and are not much of an issue. A simple precaution is to go channel hopping after an hour or two. Even if you do get image retention, there are tools to help clear them. The Panasonic plasmas in particular are renowned for being pretty resilient.

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