Info and forum posts by 'kingofpies'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 6th March 2002, 11:52, Last used: Monday, 14th February 2011, 12:02

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This user has posted a total of 79 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Time for the annual, what are you working over xmas? Thread.

Goes against the cliched `hogmanay scotsman` image, but 99% of my friends/colleagues are the same.

Yes, Hogmanay can go poke itself. Can go out on the lash any night. Although many women seem to lose their self respect at Hogmanay so I enjoyed that aspect when I was single.

RE: The X Factor Winners Song

Does she offer anything new as an artist, that we haven`t seen before?

Wouldn`t it be great if that mattered. :(

Anyway, good luck to her - as long as she doesn`t win any awards that involve her having to make a speech :) (based on her reaction on Sat to winning).

RE: The X Factor Winners Song

"`s the why and how on this one that bugs people."

I can`t stand the X-factor; never have enjoyed it and never will. Maybe for this reason I`m just desensitized to it. Either that or it`s because while I love listening to music, I`m not particularly attached to any particular artist or version. In fact, I`m almost jealous about some of the passion people are showing on this.

I`d much rather that a good tune was covered than have a Mr Blobby or Bob the Builder at the top of the charts. To be honest, I`m more upset that Status Quo entered the chart with a Christmas release! :o

Anyway, was just curious why there was the backlash.

RE: The X Factor Winners Song

So, I guess I`m the only one that doesn`t think this song is as bad as all that. I definitely prefer previous versions of the song, but I still think this version is OK. It does have my pet hate though - gasps of air. Nothing worse than listening to a song mixed in with an asthma attack.

Is there a particular reason why people think that this song shouldn`t be covered and others can be? Cause surely there was a chance that this version could have been better - even if, to many, it hasn`t turned out that way.

RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

Haven`t played that, sorry. Round my place when it`s multi-player games to play, we generally choose, Mario Kart (mostly), Ghost Squad (short bursts only), or Big Brain Academy (think it`s only split screen, but can play in teams if I remember correctly).

UPDATE: I`m sure I saw Carnival Games get a shocking review somewhere. Think it may have been Gamecentral on teletext.

This item was edited on Monday, 8th December 2008, 15:12

RE: Can anyone recommend a good party game for the Wii this Xmas?

TBH, that looks like a good collection of multiplayer games to keep you going.

I haven`t played it yet, but de Blob looks to have a couple of good multiplayer modes. Supposedly the multi-player is best when you have 3 or more playing. Also, it`s meant to be pretty good in single player as well.

I`ve been looking at it myself.

RE: TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR Season 08/09 thread

Obviously I know that Crystal Palace are number 1, but who are 2 and 3? ;)

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

He has been instrumental in winning at least 3 of the last 6 games we have won.....last game his pass to Maloney won us 3 points, he can do that all season even half I would argue that he COULD be the difference and with £10 million on the line, would u take the chance??

You might be right, and I don`t disagree with your point, but I probably would take the chance. Free up some wages and bring someone else in. Also, who is to say that playing a fully fit player wouldn`t have helped the team create at least one goal (even if not directly)?

It`s only an opinion at the end of the day, but I`ve just got a feeling Celtic wouldn`t miss him as much as some might think.

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

He is no doubt a gifted player, but I certainly don`t think he will be the difference between winning the league and coming second - in the limited times I`ve seen him so far, he has been a shadow of the player he can be. He has the potential to make the difference, but he strikes me as someone working his notice.

I still think Celtic should try and get what they can for him. Then bring in some fresh blood that can make an impact and help Celtic push to the title.

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

Correct. They believe they can get him to commit to a further season. Hope they manage to convince him. However he has spent the last 8 years in Europe and seems to want to return home. We`ll see how it all pans out.

That`s fair enough. Although if I was involved with the decision making at Celtic, I`m not sure I`d be gambling on it.

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

Really surprised that this is up for debate. Now that Celtic are out of Europe, there seems very little reason for them to turn down money in January for the benefit of 5 months of Nakamura`s services.

If a player for my team made it clear that he wasn`t going to stay, I`d be mortified if the club didn`t try and sell him for as much as possible ASAP. I`d appreciate the player`s love of the club, but would want them to prove that by trying to earn the club as much money as possible. Also, would they really give as much effort in case they got injured?

I can only assume that Celtic have got the impression that they could make him change his mind, and want as long as possible to do it.

RE: Man Utd flops

In reply to bowfer`s post: Alex Notman?

I remember the hype surrounding him, but he was totally useless. Mind you, most supposedly good/promising players that have gone to Aberdeen seem to be rubbish. Frustrating.

This item was edited on Friday, 29th August 2008, 15:55

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

If you browse by the tags (rather than folders) then music on you internal and external memory is displayed in one big list. How easy that list is to navigate depends on how you have tagged your files.

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

Regarding the tracks being shown on the main menu.

Tracks are displayed in accordance with your preffered settings. You can choose to browse by ID3 tags or folders. If you browse by ID3 tags (think it`s ID3 anyway), the tracks on the internal and external memory are displayed in one list. If you browse by folders, you browse the the content of each memory source individually - like browsing your hard drive using My computer.

Orginally, the D2 only supported folder browsing, but added ID3 support through a firmware update.

Hope this helps.

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

Good stuff. Cheers for that.

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

Pat - From your post, I get the impression that the quality of the DAB is better than the FM? Whilst the FM in my current D2 is better than my previous players, I haven`t been blown away with it. However, the possibility of a decent DAB radio certainly would make the D2 DAB my first choice replacement for my current D2.

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

I`m not sure I have seen a manual. I`m presuming it must be supplied as a PDF though. I never needed a manual as it was all relatively straight forward.

The settings can be accessed from the main menu.

- To enable the resume feature, just select the resume entry in the General settings menu.

- To enable the skip/pause, configure the User defined button setting in the General settings menu. The + and - buttons can be set to be control volume or fw/rw tracks (I think). The menu button (positioned between the volume buttons) can be set to skip to the next or previous track OR pause/resume. However, if you select either skip next/previous, the button also does pause/resume - Hold down the button to skip track, press the button to pause/resume.

Amongst other things you can change are: the background wallpaper; equalizer settings; whether the D2 is seen as a USB or MTP device (MTP is for napster and similar); how fast the scan speed is through tracks.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 27th August 2008, 15:05

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

As a D2 owner, I thought I could contribute. I`ve owned mine for about 18 months and I still like it. The battery life was the main attraction to me buying the player.

The D2 is a great player once you get used to the touch screen interface. Also, by tweaking the settings you can tailor things quite significantly. For example, you can enable/disable the Resume setting. Also, I have mine set up so that I can lock the touch screen but still change the volume, pause and skip forward to the next track by using the 3 buttons on the top of the player.

I would say 4Gb should be OK, but only because it has an SD slot. As far as I`m concerned, I`d buy as much storage as you can afford.

Also, I`m currently experimenting with using Napster to Go with it. It works well even though it is not listed as officially supported.

I am currently thinking of replacing my player as I damaged the screen at the beginning of the year and I`m using that as an excuse to buy a new toy. I am seriously considering buying another D2, even though it is nothing new.

Hope that information helps.

RE: IPODS - great deals

For those who keep missing these iPODs and just want a hardrive MP3 player, I stumbled across a 20Gb Rio Karma at pixmania for £201.

I haven`t bought one yet as I`m still sussing out all the different players - looks a good deal though.

RE: Have you finished Beyond G&E ?

You need to dodge his attack rather rather than hit him. I used the back flip, but I believe that you can also use the B button dodge.

Once you dodge, then you can give him a slap.

RE: Gamecube. Is it really worth outlaying £99?

I`ve got mario kart and I am loving it. However I find that the single player mode is really only for unlocking extra stuff for the multi-player games. Multi-player is amazing fun. Single player isn`t nearly as much fun - still enjoyable though.

If you want a racer mainly for single player get F-Zero (it`s meant to be bloody hard though).

RE: MP3 quandary - which do I go for?

I`ds also go for the Iriver 120 if I could afford it. It can be connected to a hifi via a digital connection, has a FM radio, can encode direct from CD (without PC), and I think it can be used as an external hardrive. This means you can upload tracks back to your PC if you want to via drag and drop. (you can`t do this with the Ipod).

The battery life is also better than the Ipod.

The only concern I have with the Iriver is that it is said that the battery is not replaceable.

RE: GAMECUBE PRICE DROP! £79 from Friday 10th

I see amazon has the Zelda Gamecube bundle for £95 - that`s got to be a bargain.

They also have new releases and pre-releases for £29.99.

RE: Does the GC`s price-drop affect the...

I`m not so sure that it makes it a must have for those who haven`t got a console already (although it probably should). However, I think it will make it a must have for those who already have a console and fancy picking up a second console.

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

I don`t know if RS3 is going to be multi player, but I believe they are including a 2 player co-operative version of RS2.

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

This has got to be a steal for anyone who hasn`t bought a gamecube yet.

I would recommend grabbing one of them and getting Eternal Darkness , Metroid Prime, Zelda and F-Zero to start with - then it`s only weeks till Viewtiful Joe, Mario Kart and Rouge Squadron 3 + others.

Absolute bargain.

RE: Tiger Woods 2004

I spotted the cube review on IGN today, so here`s the link:


I must say that the Zodiac looks like an immense `gadget` (how should it be defined?)

Anyone know much about it or have any thoughts on it?

RE: Who`s got an Ipod then?

I think you can directly encode with the Ipod, but they have chosen not to publicise it because it is quite complicated.

I agree with the comments about the Iriver. It does every I`d like (except AM radio for the football results) but is £80 too expensive in my opinion.

RE: Who`s got an Ipod then?

I am tempted with the new 20gig, but...

How long does the battery last for? I see that it is quoted at 7 hrs, but I would imgine with real use that would be closer to 5 - is that accurate? If so, I can`t see the point in storing 20gig of music if you can only play 5 hours worth (no use for holidays etc).

Also, does the ipod act as a removable drive and allow you to upload songs back onto a PC?