Page 1 of The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

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The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 10th August 2008, 01:02

The 1st of many im sure ;)

Celtic Pre Season Report

Update for the new season for anyone interested , my views only, feel free to agree or (Bowf) disagree :)

Pre season gone now, most noticeable thing for me is how stretched our squad is, struggling to fill the bench for most of the games and only adding so far McCourt and Samaras albeit for relatively small amounts due in no small part to Lawwell who seems to be a master at getting the prices down, Samaras was agreed £3 million before the season ended and he managed to get him for £1.2 So quite a saving.


Boruc: Still feel he is top 5 keeper in world, think he has enhanced his reputation after the Euro's where he was named by Shearer as the Tourney's top keeper, rated at £15 million which has scared off his suitors which suits me fine. He's our most valuable player and if we can keep him it will certainly help our chances of reaching the KO stages of the CL, or possibly further.

Brown: Solid back up to Boruc but showed last season when we lost the Holy Goalie how many points we dropped just how hard a job he has filling in for Boruc.

Hinkel: German International, signed in Jan, hasn't settled as well as we hoped but with pre season behind him its make or break time, has looked fantastic and ordinary during the season and better going forward than defending so big season ahead and with a strong challenge from Caddis, Wilson and possibly Doumbe he knows he has to work for his berth, hopefully that will help him raise his game

Wilson: Versatile full back who can play either flank and has been hampered by injuries since his signing, will be hoping to get to Jan without any major problems to help him win the right back or more likely left back position, has potential and if he gets a decent run should force his way back into the international scene.

Perrier Doumbe: Arrived on loan and another who Lawwell waited for and eventually got on the cheap, also versatile, playing on either flank but another who is injury prone, don't think he will ever be more of a squad player but his versatility makes him useful to such a small squad.

Caddis: Young full back who has been most impressive pre season in the right back and more surprisingly right midfield position where his pace, energy and final ball have shown that maybe this season is the one for him to break thru in, a fan favourite because of his never say die attitude and enthusiasm Caddis may end the season as right back ahead of Hinkel.

Naylor: 1st season runner up for player of the year, last season his form dipped and he was rumoured to have family problems which seemed to suggest he was on his way back down south, he ended the season well during the 7 match winning streak which won the title and if his head is straight I have no doubt he could get his form back but constant links down south suggest he will be gone sooner rather than later.

Cuthbert: Another from the reserve squad who could play a major role this year after an impressive pre season, can play right back but more happy at Centre Back and will be pushing Caldwell and McManus for a spot if given the chance thru injury or suspension, enthusiastic ball winning player who is improving his distribution with his experience, would have no qualms if he won a 1st team spot.

O'Dea: Another youth team product who made a break through last season, can play left back but like Cuthbert more happy in centre of defence, with Naylor's possible move may find himself in a battle with Wilson for the left back position unless Celtic get a new one in before the transfer window closes.

Balde: Still at Celtic Park as his wages scare of interested parties, when called he never lets the team down and still preferred by some fans to Caldwell but unlikely to start unless injuries prompt changes from the manager.

Kennedy: Still not fully recovered from his numerous injuries and has been loaned out till January to see how his fitness and form holds up, if he returns to anything near his best will challenge for a 1st team slot but with his contract up next season this is make or break time for the talented young Centre Back.

Caldwell: Not a fan favourite by any means, not helped by playing out of position last season after numerous injuries to the right backs, but his form in last 3 months helped as much as anyone to win the league for Celtic and his partnership with McManus for club and country has blossomed and even though Celtic have been linked with numerous players for his position he will be hard to shift and his versatility could be vital during the long season.

McManus: Celtic skipper struggled last season in his 1st as Celtic captain, perhaps feeling the weight of expectation, with his 1st season a winning one hoping to see him settle and make his position and captaincy a stronger one and whether it is Caldwell, Cuthbert, O'Dea or a new signing McManus is vital to the Club and Country and if he improves on last season it will help in our struggle on the domestic and European front.

Nakamura: Showed how much he was missed last season when we had a shocking December and January, vital player for the club with his last season approaching will be looking to make a telling impact again down the flanks as well as helping his countryman Mizuno settle into the club, his final ball and dead ball finishing will again show how important he and McGeady are down the flanks

McGeady: Celtic's best player, won player and young player of the year, has added confidence and goals to his repertoire and he is improving year on year and he has been the best player in the pre season games, fans looking to the wide bhoy to show just how good he can be at home and abroad.

Brown: Looking to get back to his form at the start of last season, before the sad passing of his sister put football to the back of his mind, pre season has shown he is reaching his peak again and his work rate and vision are there for all to see, if he can make the centre midfield berth his own he would be the final part in the jigsaw as Celtic seek a defensive midfielder to finish off the side

Donati: Disappointing season for the Italian and one who looks likely to head back across to Italy, may spring a surprise after a full pre season as he has shown glimpses of the ability that had Milan pay £10 million and Celtic pay £2 million but generally does not look suited to the rough and tumble that is the SPL

Hartley: Only real candidate for the holding midfield role which is so important for Celtic and unless Crosas comes in and makes the position his own cant really see anyone taking Hartley's role after he and Robson pushed Celtic to the title ahead of Brown and Donati who were assumed to have won the centre midfield positions. His experience for Celtic and Scotland will be vital although his age may push Strachan to resting him more than he would like.

Robson: Inspired signing by Strachan that was the winning signature for me, Robsons 1st touch was a fantastic free kick which opened his account and his ability to play centre or wide left midfield could be vital as Nakamura and McGeady are rested for different reasons, will be an interesting battle between 4 good midfielders for the 2 main spots.

McCourt: Surprising signing from WGS as he brings in the wide player who has potential but will need to improve leaps and bounds to touch Nakamura or McGeady but hopefully he will learn from the 2 wide players and come in when required due to injuries and suspensions.

Mizuno: Injury hit 6 months the Japanese international will be hoping to get back on track and battle Nakamura for the wide right position, youthful and enthusiastic at his move he now has to combine that with grit, determination and some consistency to have any chance of making it at Parkhead.

Sno: Another player with loads of potential and showed that by winning a place in the Dutch Olympic team and has been on bench of full side, Defensive midfielder who would seem more suited to the SPL than most but for one reason or another has not made the breakthrough many expected after a very encouraging 1st season. Linked with move to Spain but turned it down to fight for his place at Celtic so may be a surprise player in the centre midfield position.

Hesselink: Another player who (for me) is surprisingly not a fan favourite, Injury hit last season he still managed to win a place in an exceptional Dutch Squad for the Euro's and has been subject to interest from Jol's Hamburg side with a £7 million bid allegedly being turned down flat by Strachan, formed an impressive partnership with McDonald last season and has had a good pre season, hopefully injury free he could be the most important player at the club this season as he teams up with Samaras, McDonald and any of the young strikers who may make their mark.

McDonald: Top scorer in his 1st season and a steal at £700, 000 from Motherwell, big season ahead as defenders know what to expect, has not looked fit pre season and is still without a goal, and with challenges from Samaras, Hutchinson, and the reserve lads he will know that nothing is for granted and he will have to show the boss and fans that he is the clubs No 1 striker.

Samaras: Helped the club win the title after arriving on loan, agreed fee of £3 million looked over priced to me but Lawwell negotiating it down to £1.2 looks a more reasonable price and well worth taking a chance on. Scored for fun in Holland and moved for £6 million to Man City, he is still only 23 and a full international in the Greek squad, will be hoping to get his chance early and show he has the goals to keep the spot his own.

Hutchinson: Signed from Boro in Jan after coming thru their youth ranks, another who had a stop and start season with injuries, don't know a lot about him but obviously highly thought of at Celtic and will be interesting to see how he does.

Killen: Make a very limited impact and while at the Olympics now not expected to play anything other that a squad role and could be moved on before the transfer window shuts.

Sheridan: Reserve team striker who is hoping to make an impact this season, Highly regarded at the club and could be a surprise package if he gets a chance, strong striker who leads the line well and another who has come thru the youth system at the club.

McGowan: Another hoping to be promoted from the reserves, scored pre season and good strike record for the reserves, will see if he is good enough to break thru, starts on bench for 1st game which will be encouraging for him

Manager: WGS has still his critics, stunning really given his record over the last 3 seasons, enough that he was (by some) expected to walk after the 3rd league win, he again proved them wrong to stay and continue to build for the future by targetting younger players and still trying to unload the older high wage earners at the club. Pre season has seen him tinker with his away formation, probably with europe in mind as he tries desperately to improve on our dismal away record and hopefully get us past the last 16 in europe.

Another couple of signings at least are expected including Crosas from Barca, a centre half and left back with depending on getting Balde and Graveson of the wage bill and moving on Riorden could possibly add a midfielder and/or a striker. Celtic have a chance to really push out in front of their Old Firm rivals with the £10 million + coming in from the CL with Rangers possibly forced to sell their main assets McGregor and or Cueller to make up for the shock knock out in Europe.

Celtic will be looking to start strong and get points on board before the CL begins with Rangers concentrating on the league we will be hoping the CL does not prove a distraction and leaves the players fit and well

This item was edited on Sunday, 10th August 2008, 14:27

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

UNNR (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 10th August 2008, 21:13

A fair reflection on our current team. Well done.

Must admit Mbilko that Caddis is my hope to break into our 1st team this season. Played well when he got an opportunity last season. One of my good friends over the water have told me to watch out for McCourt if he can improve his fitness. I`m sure once fit Mizuno will get his chance. He has been impressive in the reserve games b4 his injury.

Got a feeling we still have 2 signing to look forward to. 8) One of which will surely be a left back.

Celtic were pretty one paced today and first touch seemed to let them down (cobwebs still possibly) but a winning start to the defence of our title none the less.

Sp00ky11am 11/11/1918

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th August 2008, 09:44

LOL, you typed all that out for an audience of one...... :D :D :D :D
Has your therapist recommended you do this?
It`s a known technique, to get people to write letters as a cathartic tool, knowing they won`t actually be seen anywhere.
It just makes the writer feel better.

This item was edited on Monday, 11th August 2008, 10:48

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

UNNR (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th August 2008, 09:47

Eh? I make it an audience of 2

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th August 2008, 09:54

I didn`t read it.
I just had a laugh at the length of it.
Something I suspect you`re all too familiar with.

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

UNNR (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th August 2008, 10:07

Don`t think i`ve ever seen your puny tackle have I?????????????????????????????

Were you the guy on C4 with the really small one?? Ah I know who you are now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th August 2008, 10:13

Hang on, you`re admitting you watched a C4 documentary about penises?
Oooookaaaaaaay...... :/

This item was edited on Monday, 11th August 2008, 11:16

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Monday, 11th August 2008, 19:19

Two Celtic players have been involved in an incident at a Glasgow pub.

Celtic and Scotland midfielder Scott Brown was assaulted outside the Bamboo club in the city centre at about 0230 BST on Monday.

Defender Darren O`Dea, 21, was arrested in connection with the incident. He was issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice for breach of the peace and released.

Another two men, aged 18 and 19, were also arrested. Strathclyde Police said a report would be sent to prosecutors.

When will these young players learn unfortunately u cant go into town without some numpty with a drink wanting to pick a fight with them, hope its lesson learned and no one was hurt :(

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th August 2008, 08:49

Be realistic, mbilko.
We all know what Scott Brown is like as a player.
He`s a hothead, flying into tackles, picking up booking left, right and centre and often reacting to players/officials in an aggressive manner.
If he`s like that in his professional capacity, one can only imagine what he`s like on the beer.
I`m not saying he started it.
I`m not even saying he reacted, in this instance.
I`m just saying the evidence is he won`t shy away from trouble.
I`ve seen trouble involving players from various teams, including my own, in the past and I can tell you, on those occasions, the players were hardly the innocent bystanders they would like to be seen as in the press.
I remember Andy Goram getting a pasting in one Aberdeen club.
He was stupid go out in Aberdeen after a Rangers game anyway, he was clearly mental to act `billy big time` in the process.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th August 2008, 09:54

RE: The Official Celtic Season 08/09 Thread

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th August 2008, 09:08

Well according to the report, Brown was attacked and walked away and hailed a taxi, O`Dea went to his aid and McGeady stayed well clear, so imo Brown did nothing wrong. (well apart from being daft enough to think they could have a night on the town without bother!)

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th August 2008, 10:20


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