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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 5th October 2003, 14:37

As of this Friday (Oct 10th). `bout time Nintendo of Europe tried to push the console.

Also got Metroid Prime, Super Mario Sunshine, Starfox Adventures and Mario Party 4 joining the Players Choice collection (£20 games)

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th October 2003, 06:32

Have you got a link for the list of "players choice" games?

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

kingofpies (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th October 2003, 12:50

This has got to be a steal for anyone who hasn`t bought a gamecube yet.

I would recommend grabbing one of them and getting Eternal Darkness , Metroid Prime, Zelda and F-Zero to start with - then it`s only weeks till Viewtiful Joe, Mario Kart and Rouge Squadron 3 + others.

Absolute bargain.

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th October 2003, 15:15

Minceman, any idea if RS III is going to be multi-player?

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

kingofpies (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th October 2003, 16:38

I don`t know if RS3 is going to be multi player, but I believe they are including a 2 player co-operative version of RS2.

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th October 2003, 20:51

Sort of.

You can race another player on split screen on the speeder bike section on endor, but as you said best of all if the WHOLE of RL2 split screen 2 player. My god, that first death star level is going to be fantastic playing with a wingman!

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

Satanica (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th October 2003, 21:37

Not got a link but will a list do?

Super Smash Brother Melee
Luigis Mansion
Medal Of Honour
Fifa 2003
James Bond: Nightfire

and as of Oct 10th
Metroid Prime
Starfox Adventures
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario Party 4

Own all but the EA games and they`re all good/great games (tho Mario Party REALLY needs 4 human players)

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

Wad (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th October 2003, 22:29

Get Pikmin, its great. Most overlooked title on the gamecube.

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 07:29


That was the first title I bought for my GC and I still havent gotten around to completing it. Can`t wait to see Pikmin 2 (now pushed back til Q2`04) - its bigger, more colourful, and theres even a 2 player mode.

RE: Gamecube Price Drop to £79.99

julianf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 12:35

Hi all - currently I`ve only got a chipped PSOne (old shape) which rarely gets played (very rarely), because of that and because I`ve already got a PC and a DVD player I`ve never been able to justify the price of a PS2 and more recently an XBox - so given that I`m not a fan of Mario (but like shoot-em-up`s like Medal of Honour, Unreal Tournament, flying sims) please give me the reasons why the Gamecube is now a great buy and why I should get one.


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