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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Have you finished Beyond G&E ?

Corrach (Competent) posted this on Monday, 15th March 2004, 22:42

I have been having difficulity with the end of game baddie, so near the finish but still so far !

I have waded through all the final attacks, got through the bad versions of the pig and the soldier but keep getting beat by the fast attack from the glowing nastie that attacks in a sequence left back right top, repeat, etc.

I cannot get that `top` attack sorted and keep losing energy, how do you do it as your stick cannot strike upwards?

This attack is repeated when the screen goes blurred and the controls reverse, I now know to turn the contoller upsidedown but when the top attack happens, I cannot get by it and Jade dies.

Help please from those who have finished the game. I desperatly want to see the end film sequence.

RE: Have you finished Beyond G&E ?

kingofpies (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 16th March 2004, 09:19

You need to dodge his attack rather rather than hit him. I used the back flip, but I believe that you can also use the B button dodge.

Once you dodge, then you can give him a slap.

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