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Does the GC`s price-drop affect the...

julianf (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 16:57

..."Which console is the best" argument?

Personally I think that price has to be part of what makes a console, don`t you?

So with the news that the Gamecube will be £79 from Friday, and with all the special offers that this will spawn, is it the best console on offer?

And speaking of special offers - which websites are most likely to have some great deals come the weekend?


This item was edited on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 19:31

RE: Does the GC`s price-drop affect the...

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 7th October 2003, 23:25

For the second time now the gamecube is outselling the PS2 in Japan. And did you know that last month more dreamcast games were sold than xbox games in Japan!!!!

I would think this price should make it a must-have for people who are undecided which console to go for, and if the shops do some good packages this could be the best seller this christmas. Of course, Sony have yet to retaliate and its anticipated that the xbox will only drop to £99. Already microsoft are making a huge loss on sales of the console, so surely they can`t afford to go any lower?

RE: Does the GC`s price-drop affect the...

kingofpies (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 08:23

I`m not so sure that it makes it a must have for those who haven`t got a console already (although it probably should). However, I think it will make it a must have for those who already have a console and fancy picking up a second console.

RE: Does the GC`s price-drop affect the...

julianf (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 09:55

I don`t have a console currently (well, an old-style PSOne that never ever gets played) and I have to say that the price-drop is making me think about getting the GameCube - I think there will be some great bundles on offer in the run-up to Christmas but something that was said on another thread is making me wait a while - someone wondered if the price-drop might force XBox to do the same...if that happens then I`m back to square one, i.e. which one should I get.


RE: Does the GC`s price-drop affect the...

B4ilz (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 15:40

its good timing because of superb games like Viewtiful Joe and Mario Kart due for PAL release...

thing is i think the Japan sales are mainly spikes in interest though, stuff like Tales of Symphonia has just been released and the Japanese will lap that kind of rpg up but after the initial sales die down things will even out again....same with the Dreamcast, Border Down was released not long ago which is the kind of shoot em up the Japs love and the DC does so well which has led to renewed interest for a while....saying that XBox doesnt fair well over there anyway, they`re reluctant to accept a non home grown machine and most western developed stuff dosent have the same appeal to the Jap market eg more sports, fps style games....

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