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Bargain Buckets Forum

IPODS - great deals

rudz (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 1st June 2004, 12:40

if u have`nt heard already, apple every wednesday sells refurbished as new products on their site, the sale starts 10 am, if u log on really early maybe u`ll get a good deal, itz not just ipods, they got imac`s as well, happy huntin, also if u know of any other sites that do great deals on ipods, post a note please, thankz :)

the important part,, herz where people


RE: IPODS - great deals

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 1st June 2004, 15:23

Was on there just last week, and there were a few iPods on there. Just be quick, they go fast!!!

RE: IPODS - great deals

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 1st June 2004, 15:44

That link just doesn`t work, can you check it? Cheers.

RE: IPODS - great deals

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 1st June 2004, 16:07

Link does work Roger I just checked it, you need to copy and paste it into your address bar. If you can`t be bothered, click here.

RE: IPODS - great deals

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 1st June 2004, 16:10

What kind of prices were they going for Ben? (and sizes)
If you can remember of course!

"I didn`t lose my mind, it was mine to give away"

RE: IPODS - great deals

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 1st June 2004, 17:30

They had new and old models, all sizes if I remember rightly. New models were 35% off the RRP, and older models were 45% off. Best to go on the site and see what the prices are and then taking the 35% off. :D

RE: IPODS - great deals

diverse (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 3rd June 2004, 10:31

you can get 15% of new products as a student or if you have kids at school, including IPODS!!

RE: IPODS - great deals

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 14th July 2004, 09:40

Thanks to those who gave the heads up on this - I think I`ve managed to get a refurb`ed 20Gb iPod for £210 today. ("think" because until I get the order confirmation they may still decline it)

Sold my 2nd gen 10GB one the other day as I need a more spacious one (and I wanted the 3rd gen version ;))

"I didn`t lose my mind, it was mine to give away"

RE: IPODS - great deals

kingofpies (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 14th July 2004, 12:17

For those who keep missing these iPODs and just want a hardrive MP3 player, I stumbled across a 20Gb Rio Karma at pixmania for £201.

I haven`t bought one yet as I`m still sussing out all the different players - looks a good deal though.

RE: IPODS - great deals

cody1 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 14th July 2004, 14:42

Yeah - but for £178.01 + Postage - you can have the Creative Zen Xtra 30gb player from Micro Direct

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