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MP3 Player recommendations

GJF (Competent) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 14:34

I want to buy my first MP3 player. It must have function buttons that can be felt in the dark rather than touch sensitive controls, Radio, Mic recording. I want a player that I can just switch on and go to the same track where I left off so I don`t know if they all do that. Line in would be a plus. I want it mainly for audio so sound quality goes without saying. Any recommendations.

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 14:53

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 19:01

how much do you want to spend?

this one`s £25

This one`s £40

This one`s £75

This one`s £80

This ones £100

& this one is £150

This item was edited on Friday, 15th August 2008, 20:21

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

Mister Smee (Elite) posted this on Friday, 15th August 2008, 19:11

A dictaphone.

Use your finger like everyone else.

Ba-dum-tish. Thankyou, thankyou, I`m here all week.

We`re on a baby hunt and don`t think
we don`t know how to weeeeeed `em out.

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

GJF (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th August 2008, 16:02

I`ve been looking for weeks just wonderd if anyone on this forum could point me in the right direction ?????? up to £150 Thanks for those pat-w

This item was edited on Saturday, 16th August 2008, 17:08

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th August 2008, 20:36

Its a 1/3 less of the budget you mentioned, but I would recommend you check out the Creative Zen X-Fi 8GB MP3 Player
This is a new model, a mate of mine has just ordered one & I`m very impressed with the spec.
The killer extra of this one over any apple, is you can use a SDHC card as well as the in-built memory
Play sell a 8gb sd card for around £14. (The price is changing all the time with this size of card)

You can keep the music you want on the main memory, & add movies or anything else you want, photos ect on the card.
It can record from the radio if you want it to, you can even use it as an alarm
This is a pre order item, you might want to wait till some reviews are out first.

I have a Cowon D2, which I like a lot, but its not a player I`d recommend for a first MP3 player.
Also, its a touch screen, which you said you didn`t want.
I still think its worth a look. Here`s why.

It has a DAB radio, which I`ve never seen built in in any other MP3 player. (Apart from a nasty Phillips player Argos used to sell)

You can set it to timer record from DAB or FM radio

It also has an SD card slot, & a tv out, so you can watch movies on your tv. The lead for tv out is an extra, i got mine from e-bay for about £8 (The cable, not the player!)

Not easy to find, and the firmware has to be updated right away to use the DAB, but its one of the best MP3 players I`ve ever seen (IMO).

Oh, i forgot to say, yes, it does have resume play, I use mine for audio books. You can also bookmark any film or audio track so that you can return to any point you set.
It can also record with a line in cable, but its an extra, don`t know how much it would cost for the lead, as I`ve not looked for one. e-bay would be most likely place for one of those.

It also has a very good, long-lasting built-in rechargeable battery

You can see it at This Link

This is still under the budget you stated, so you could buy a case & a 8gb sd card from Play & still have change.

I got mine from SVP, but they no longer sell it there.

hope this helps

the line in cable is at the link above, near the bottom of the page for £8

This item was edited on Saturday, 16th August 2008, 22:07

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

GJF (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th August 2008, 15:33

Just had a look at the D2 and the Zen. The D2 looks like it has everything I would want but the touch sensitive screen. My main concern is not so much that I cant manage technology in fact I have always been into it but I want something I can switch on at the side of the bed without having to look at it, just by feel and then resume a track I have recorded onto the player. What would be the steps in doing this with the D2 and the Zen when it arrives. PS I like the Sony bu tit dosnt have the radio Have been looking at the iRiver E100

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th August 2008, 16:40

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

Juls (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th August 2008, 15:56

Ive got the Sony and love it. Sound qualilty outdoes most others on the market and for the price its a steal. Do you really need a radio?

Have never heard a good review about iRiver (although Im sure someone here will say they find them great)


RE: MP3 Player recommendations

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th August 2008, 19:59

I want something I can switch on at the side of the bed without having to look at it, just by feel and then resume a track I have recorded onto the player. What would be the steps in doing this with the D2

You turn the D2 on with an on/off switch, then tap the screen to pick the player you want once (i.e. DAB or Music or Video) then tap once again to start the last file played.
So, that`s only tapping the screen twice to start it playing.
Its very quick to start.

Anyway, as i said, its not the ideal first MP3 player (IMO) it takes a while to get the hang of it, but I do think its the best all-round player I`ve ever had.

How about this SanDisk 8GB Sansa Fuze?
Well inside the price you set, this also takes a micro sd card & has a FM radio (not DAB)
When this player first came out i saw a 8gb in silver, but can`t find that one from a UK website at the moment.

I do own a Sony, its an 8gb model of this player and while i still use it, i miss the bookmark for audio.
It seems to remember multi video markers, but it can only remember one audio place.
What that means to me, is that if i want to switch to another audio book, i have to remember where i was up to with on the previous book because i can`t set a bookmark to return at the point i set, because this player can`t do that.
I don`t know if other Sony`s have an index marking, as this was my first Sony MP3 player.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th August 2008, 21:05

RE: MP3 Player recommendations

GJF (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 20th August 2008, 14:01

Had a look at the reviews on the SanDisk and coincidentally I was having a look at one in Curry`s Monday. I found the touch wheel a bit hit and miss. As there was nothing stored on it I couldn`t test out the track resume.
So with the D2 without looking at the screen do you think I could reach over and tapping the screen with my finger do you think I could tap it in the right place once I got used to it to select the player resume a track. I like the idea of having a timer record on the radio on the iRiver E100 and the D2 has that as well right.

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