Info and forum posts by 'Leigh H'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 28th December 2001, 17:27, Last used: Friday, 28th December 2001, 17:27

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: fairly new to this...have 3 year old panasonic 28``
a tosh dvd & VS10 surround

This user has posted a total of 44 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DTS DVDs... want to spend more time researching Cars rather than Home Cinema....a Ford Mondeo?????....what a load of poo.

I can hear the difference between DD & DTS....either you can or you can`t....a bit like the 100hz/50hz thing.

I feel better now

RE: Any advice on home cinema systems

That sounds good...shall I get rid of my Yamaha VS10...hmmmmm..maybe.

RE: Progressive Scan & Component Connections

Ok..thanks for that.

Whats HDTV and hows it related to progressive scan?

Progressive Scan & Component Connections

I`ve just ordered a Toshiba TV with Progressive scan. Now I find that progressive scan is useless with region 2 DVDs and only works on region this right? (I don`t own a region 1 disc)

Would I also need a DVD player with progressive scan?

Last hing, what leads do you need to connect a tosh dvd to a tosh tellie using the component sockets?

Thanks for any help.


RE: Widescreen TV experts??

Oh Hell!!

Because Westy recommended Toshiba...I`ve just seen a 28 100Hz for £484. Ok slightly more than the Panasonic but it has Progressive Scan, 1 extra scart socket and component DVD connections ( I think ) which the Panasonic does`t have.

Damn....I thought I`d made my mind`s your fault Westy!

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

Interesting stuff...I think I`ll go for the Panasonic PS12 (100Hz) any thoughts anybody?

Oh yeah..I went to Currys and looked at the two Panasonics side by side and the 50Hz set looked terrible next to the 100Hz....and a lot of the other makes of 50Hz sets also looked poo next to the 100`s...I`m sure my TV at home doesn`t look that bad...are they doing it on purpose so everyone goes 100Hz?????

RE: Any advice on home cinema systems

Like me...I`ll second that..I use Ebay a lot

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

Going off the subject slightly, I`m still trying to decide if I go for 100Hz or not on a Panasonic 28 set. Does 100Hz have any effect on DVD playback or is it just TV?

RE: Any advice on home cinema systems


Other people here will no doubt recommend other products but the system I`ve been using with my Toshiba DVD for the past 3 Years is the Yamaha VS10 (now discontinued) & I have been VERY happy with it. I live in a terraced house with a small living room and its fine. The `night mode` is perfect for recucing the boom effect.
Here is a link to the new model I have seen this in Currys for £199.00 but its not on their website.

This item was edited on Friday, 9th January 2004, 10:47

RE: Panasonic Auto feature - is it any good?


I`m considering buying this TV also. Is the trouble you are having just with the Freeview channels or does it do it on dvd`s and terrestial channels? If it does it whatever your watching I`d say that the TV has a prob.
How do you find the TV other than this? Is the picture good and did you consider the 100hz version?

RE: Hi-Fi & Cinema DSP effects: What do you think?

I like to use the `night mode` a lot on my Yamaha as everything seems a lot more detailed and clear. But I do keep switching it off and on trying to decide which is best cause I know with it off is how the dvd was intended to be listoned to.

RE: All In One `Home Cinema Unit` ...whats the best??

Hmm...£300 to £500 but would consider paying more if its worth it..if you know what I mean

All In One `Home Cinema Unit` ...whats the best??

I`m in the market for replacing my DVD player and Yamaha 5.1 system ( can`t remember name off hand) for a all in one system basically cause I need to save space.Any idea`s

Having said that I`m intrested in DVD I don`t know!!

RE: Panasonic PS1 Question

Cheers for the replys Guys.
Comet are doing the 28DT4 (& you are right, it is a brand new version) for £429 and the 28PS1 for the same price according to the (although the PS1 is £379 if you buy over the net rather than in store) I think I`ll go for the DT4.

Happy new year and thanks for the help.

Panasonic PS1 Question


I`ve considering, well going to upgrade my current 28 Panasonic Widescreen. I was going to go for the Panasonic PS1 but then the Wife noticed the IDTV Panasonic 28DT3.

does anybody know if this is the same as the PS1 but only with added free view or is it an older model?



Yeah...thought about that...but the 50hz only has two scarts if I`m right & I need 3..or will when the missus makes me go NTL dig...for 24hr `C BEBBEES`


(sorry bout `shouting` at you...something weird happened)

This item was edited on Friday, 4th July 2003, 19:23

RE: Help required please for DD/DTS System purchase

Does anyone else have any views on how the Panasonics surround sounds??

RE: Help required please for DD/DTS System purchase


Just a query really about your current TV with the built in Dolby Digital?
My parents are after a new TV because they had a dvd player for xmas. They are also interested in surround sound as well but my Mother has a thing about having speakers all over the place...bless.

So I figured that a TV with DD built in would kinda solve this problem apart from the rears of course. I`ve been looking at the specs on a Panasonic 28 with DD & DTS for £759.

Now do these tv`s have subs built into them and would the surround effect be `good enough` for my olds, if you know what I mean?

By the way I have a Yamaha VS10 connected to my DVD and think it does the job brilliantly. Don`t know if you can still buy em or not??


Sony TV & DVD connection prob??


My parents have a Sony TV & DVD for Xmas.
Both are RGB compatable and I`ve plugged the scart into AV 1 on the TV which carries the RGB signel but the player doesn`t auto switch to RGB or AV1 when the player is switched this right?

When the scart is in AV2 then it automatically switches to AV2.
They`ll also soon be having a video recorder...where should this be plugged?

I found the Sony handbooks a bit poo compared to my Panasonic.


RE: S Video Problem

cheers...will tell him to try it...

S Video Problem

My Brother has just got a davs800 & when he connects it to his Panasonic Widescreen via a S Video to Scart lead...he gets a picture only its in black and white...any one got any ideas???


Rear Surround Positions

I know this has been talked about countless times but just seen a article in one of the `home cinema` mags that says the rears should be level with the listening position with the tweeters on a level with your ear.

I have mine postioned just at the back of the listening postion, angled towards me with them about 5ft of the floor.

Hows everyone else got theirs?
Is there a `best way` to postion?

RE: Advice please: Im after a 36" Sony, 100Hz TV. Where is the cheapest place to buy?

Can anyone convince this guy to go for a 50Hz Panasonic or Tosh and leave Sony alone...believe me, you`ll thank me later.
But thats just my personal view through bad experiences

RE: DVD player for my parents - advice needed.

From what i`ve seen on this forum last few months...go for a Tosh or Pioneer.

RE: Ps2 DTS??

Any player for around £100 will perform better than a Playstation.

`Which` reliability reports 2002 for Dvd`s and Tv`s

Thought some of you may be interested in this from this months `Which` Magazine.

Widescreen Tv`s Top 3 most reliable brands are...Matsui (98%), Thompson and Toshiba(97%), followed closely by Hitachi, JVC and Panasonic (95%).

At the bottom of the list is Sony, Sanyo and Bush with Sharp way down at the bottom.

Dvd players are generally reliable with JVC and Wharfedale (100%) at top
and Hitachi and Matsui at the bottom (91%)

This item was edited on Monday, 29th April 2002, 19:58