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Widescreen TV experts??

MAckem1973 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 23:07

Just bought this new widescreen tv (Philips 32 Inch w/Pixel Plus) and im happy with it- its just the picture sometimes seems a little out of focus and there is some motion blur (especially noticable in football matches).

Do you think this is just something to put up with due to the high resolution? or can it be remedied?


RE: Widescreen TV experts??

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 07:21

i am no expert in these matters but i would suggest you may have problem... i have two w/s tvs and dont get any of these problems...

sorry i cant help any more, but as i said i am no expert, :)

`I plan to live forever, or die trying` ;)

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

Mike Osborne (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 08:59

Is it a 100Hz TV? If it is the problem is being caused by the processing associated with this technology and is something you will have to live with unless the set can be switched back to 50Hz. The benefits of 100Hz television are dubious especially given the price premium.

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

bigfan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 14:17

Some 100Hz TVs feature quite a bit of motion blur. Others don`t so much. The chances are that is what is causing your problem.

Personally, I think 100Hz is great unless the picture is fast moving - such as a football match. I`m fairly sure your TV will have a flicker reduction mode - turn this off and all should be well.

If it`s still not right, get in touch with where you bought it from

Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 15:56

I read/heard somewhere that the Pixel-plus function makes motion blur worse.
Can you switch it off ?
All 100hz sets seems to suffer from it though,which is why I haven`t bought one.
Football is a priority to me,so it`s not funny when it`s blurred !
Can`t see you getting a refund/exchange unless you can prove it`s a fault.
I think,this time,"they all do it sir" is actually true !

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

MAckem1973 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 21:53

I think it is 100Hz yes, I`m not sure you can switch to 50Hz but you can switch of "Pixel Plus" which is a buzz word im sure- that electrical companies bring out to make people rush to buy them.

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

phelings (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 23:34

The best picture quality available is from standard CRT 50hz sets.But as these are limited in size,home cinema buffs are forced to go for plasma, projection etc.These give the option of big ,big screens but motion blur is par for the course.Some people say their set is ok,bit they are either less picky or not watching anything like football.Sky Digital on a plasma is a bad move,but obviously you can`t get away from it all the time.Plasmas are great at a distance or with a good source like dvd.They make a good source look excellent-as long as you are not too close.Some people make the mistake of buying a large plasma as its the new thing,put it in their normal 12` by 12` room,and realise they have just wasted £5000 on worse pictures than before.Basically,good looks excellent,and bad looks diabolical.
Most of these sets have a bucketload of picture processing tricks to sort out 100hz type problems.Have a play with those until you get the best you can.

This item was edited on Thursday, 8th January 2004, 23:39

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 9th January 2004, 02:02

OK, here`s it in a nutshell.

Pixel Plus enhances the screen resolution by interpolating pixels between actual pixels.
(similar to that which Fuji digital cameras do), but usually this has the effect of TV signal in, good quality picture out, DVD or high quality picture in, not so good picture out.

Silly, I know, but thats from experience, and I`m also pretty sure "pixel plus" *cant* be turned off!
It can on the "Demo" (which is a bluff, one half pix plus "on", but the other half has ALL PICTURE PROCESSING turned off!), but AFAIK it`s on permanently.

Unfotunately, you are one of the few people who buy these sets who can see the downside to their picture.
(It may be a little out of focus, but that should affect every picture you watch, not just some)

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

Leigh H (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th January 2004, 10:52

Going off the subject slightly, I`m still trying to decide if I go for 100Hz or not on a Panasonic 28 set. Does 100Hz have any effect on DVD playback or is it just TV?

RE: Widescreen TV experts??

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 9th January 2004, 11:01

100hz is 100hz. If you`re watching a DVD of football you may notice it. I don`t think the effect changes according to the source - it`s really WHAT you are watching.
I have a Sony 32nx200 and have never noticed any blur that is often talked about. What I do notice though (anybody else??) is on some programmes where the credits go quickly horizontally, they can be pretty unreadable..
Try and see it in action first. Also try for a 100hz that allows you to turn off the digital processing. It`s funny but I never noticed the `flicker` of 50Hz before I got my 100Hz TV. Now, if I turn back to 50 Hz you really notice it - it almost seems simulated to make the 100Hz look better... But looking at some 50Hz TV`s I really notice flicker - especially if not watching the TV directly and see it from `peripheral vision`.


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