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Panasonic PS1 Question

Leigh H (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 29th December 2003, 13:55


I`ve considering, well going to upgrade my current 28 Panasonic Widescreen. I was going to go for the Panasonic PS1 but then the Wife noticed the IDTV Panasonic 28DT3.

does anybody know if this is the same as the PS1 but only with added free view or is it an older model?


RE: Panasonic PS1 Question

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 19:42

The DT3 has the built in freeview decoder and is 100Hz which will give you a sharper picture.(Ps1 is only 50Hz)

RE: Panasonic PS1 Question

spuddie007 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 21:24

The Panasonic TX28DT3 is an old model Panasonic with 100Hz and iDTV. The newer model is the Panasonic TX28DT4 which is 28" Pureflat 50Hz iDTV but the 28PS1 is 28" Pureflat 50Hz with no iDTV!


RE: Panasonic PS1 Question

phelings (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 30th December 2003, 21:29

Don`t worry about 100hz.It introduces more picture problems than it solves.This is why 100hz sets have so many different processing tricks added-to get rid of the problems 100hz brings with it.100hz was introduced for one reason-to get rid of 50hz flicker.Now a good many people cannot see flicker on 50hz,especially below 36" screen size,so a lot get it as the salesman will say `its the latest thing`.
Panasonic is universally praised for its 50hz sets in the AV press for their superlative picture quality-the same cannot be said for their 100hz sets.
Some people see the plastic faces and blurred movement of 100hz as an improvement,just as some people cannot see 50hz flicker.In the showroom,look at a 50hz and 100hz set side by side to see which you prefer-its the only way

RE: Panasonic PS1 Question

Leigh H (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 31st December 2003, 12:29

Cheers for the replys Guys.
Comet are doing the 28DT4 (& you are right, it is a brand new version) for £429 and the 28PS1 for the same price according to the (although the PS1 is £379 if you buy over the net rather than in store) I think I`ll go for the DT4.

Happy new year and thanks for the help.

RE: Panasonic PS1 Question

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 31st December 2003, 19:22

The DT4 is a crackin telly, but there are downsides:

100Htz introduces what they call "motion blur" to the set.
Watch anything really fast moving (say, football and the keeper just booted the ball upfield) and it will give a sort of "strobed" effect to the ball.
(think this is one of the problems Phellings is describing)
Most obvious motion blur is if you watch anything with horizontally scrolling titles (like, say, a kids programme with birthdays etc on the bottom of the screen).
If these are scrolling pretty quickly, they can be almost unreadable.

Next up, 100Htz tends to pastellise colours, and again, why I think Phellings has said "plastic faces" above, as thats exactly what it looks like, although, watch a frame a tell me the brown from the red from the pink and I bet ya have some trouble ;)

All 100Htz does is display two frames for every one normally displayed, nothing else. This ends up with no flicker, and the problems above.

As Phellings has said, go see them side by side, I generally say exactly what he said above to a customer: If you can`t see the flicker, then there`s no point paying £50 to £100+ to get a flicker free set.

Next, the iDTV functions.
Great. Freeview in da telly, all off one remote. Now watch as you have to reset the AV outputs so you can record a Freeview channel on your VCR.
Then, that hated of all things...the telly goes faulty and gets sent to a the kids gonna react now that CBeebies aint about `cause the telly`s getting fixed?

Seperate freeview is better from those points, and generally get any required software updates faster than the iDTV`s do.
(if you want the look of "no extra box" some Freeview receivers have a remote "mouse" available to hide the box and only have an IR receiver showing.)

Soz for the droning on, hope it helps, but if ya wanna get a "neat" box, get the PS1 or the PS5 with 50Htz.

If you want 100Htz, then the DT4 as the inbuilt freeview is kinda a freebie anyways.

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: Panasonic PS1 Question

phelings (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st December 2003, 21:48

Jimbo,where are you a salesman?

RE: Panasonic PS1 Question

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 1st January 2004, 06:02

Jimbo,where are you a salesman?

In a shop very few online people know :D

Soz, but I try to stay anonymous as to the Retailer I work for as I`ve had the odd "idiot" appear in stores I`ve been in saying I said "xyz" is ok etc.
(and don`t ask me how they tracked down the store I was in at the time!!)

Plus...I`ve worked for almost every major electrical retailer <grin>

Feel free to ask about any info I can get hold of though...have friends in most high street/out of town Retailers ;)

Jimbo : oÞ

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