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Hardware Forum

S Video Problem

Leigh H (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 1st June 2002, 18:36

My Brother has just got a davs800 & when he connects it to his Panasonic Widescreen via a S Video to Scart lead...he gets a picture only its in black and white...any one got any ideas???


RE: S Video Problem

clayts (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st June 2002, 18:41

Check the TV manual : it may be the case that you have to configure the TV SCART socket in a menu somewhere so that it reads the S-Video signal correctly : it won`t be set as default (otherwise everything you connect to that SCART would be black and white, funnily enough !).

Failing that, it could be the case that the SCART-SVideo lead is the wrong way around (the signal is one-directional) : you must ensure you use one that specifically states FROM S-Video TO SCART.

This item was edited on Saturday, 1st June 2002, 18:42

RE: S Video Problem

Leigh H (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 2nd June 2002, 18:41

cheers...will tell him to try it...

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