Info and forum posts by 'Monged'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 15:52, Last used: Wednesday, 9th February 2011, 23:32

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Backing up emails

With OE closed, go to Start -> Find -> Files or Folders (or whatever the equivalent is if you have Win2k/XP) and search for *.dbx

Copy (not move) the two dbx files corresponding to the folders you`re interested in to another, preferably empty, folder and rename them to something you know not to exist already on the target machine, e.g. oldsent.dbx and oldinbox.dbx

Email the files or send on CD-ROM to your friend as necessary.

Your friend then needs to:

Create empty folders in their Outlook Express client called (for example) oldsent and oldinbox making sure to use the same case as the files you have sent. Then click on each folder within OE to display it, this should create the corresponding *.dbx files

Shut down OE

Search their hard drive for the folder (a search for *.dbx will find it) and copy in the oldsent.dbx & oldinbox.dbx replacing the newly created ones

Remove the read-only attribute if the files were copied from CD

Restart OE, the emails should be in the new folders.

Should work even between versions 5 & 6 of OE, as the file format is the same.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th July 2003, 19:38

RE: bargain at Jungle - Civ III (PC)

Er - what else could Civ III mean?

RE: ANGEL SEASON 3....£27.99

Not accorfing to this they don`t:

"Your credit and debit cards are not debited until the goods are despatched."

RE: `Wonder Boys` going cheap down under

Is it any good? Michael Douglas sometimes gets on my nerves, although I liked him in Falling Down & The Game.

The Katie Holmes appearance may just swing it, though I hear it`s a minor one...

RE: Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back (R1) £9.25 delivered

Well, I ordered The New Guy yesterday (my first order with DVDSoon) and just got notification that it shipped, if it arrives without a hitch I`ll consider using them again.

RE: 10% off all DVD players etc at ARGOS

LOL... thanks for cheering up a twuly myserable Frigay


Yep. Soul Survivors is a poor rip-off of Jacob`s Ladder and another flick I can`t think of just now, the only reason to see it is if you`re a big Eliza Dushku fan.

Check out the caps of her scenes at the board if you want your appetite whetting, but be quick about it... you can register to view recent posts for free, but unless you pay for access old posts drop off the bottom.

The post you want is numbered 80073 and it`s already way down the list.

D`oh! Edited to add the address of the board:

Login page:

This item was edited on Thursday, 7th March 2002, 19:21

Angel Season 1 R2 £51.99 + del @

If you`ve got a left-over Pringles voucher you can get it for £51.10 inc delivery - be quick about it though, the vouchers expire today (28th)!

This is the cheapest I`ve seen the R2 version.

RE: Superman DVD - Special Edition - £9.99 inc. p&p

Not bad but I`m sure saw it in town yesterday for £7.99 - Woolies I think (Nottm branch).

RE: Kiss my shiney metal @$$!

Kain^, it`s more likely financial reasons than `legal` reasons. Fox can make far more money through repeat showings in syndication if they don`t release the DVDs Stateside. This is why R1 Buffy was delayed. Fox can legally release them when they like, since they make the show.

RE: Phantom Menace - Just out of curiosity, does anyone FAVOUR this film to the others?

"tinkering leads to hate and hate leads to suffering" - LOL, Tom T.

To answer the question of this thread, I rate them V -> IV -> VI = I

The Pod Race and Darth Maul make the whole film worthwhile for me. And Amidala`s outfits. Not too keen on JJB or Qui-Gon, or in fact most of the Jedi council. And Lucas writes crappy dialogue!

RE: Phantom Menace - Just out of curiosity, does anyone FAVOUR this film to the others?

Maybe they should re-do the Sinbad films with CGI too? Clash of the Titans? How about King Kong? Where does it end?

Lucas needs to learn that there comes a time when you have to abandon a film for better or worse. This new habit of constantly tinkering with past projects has got to stop. The replacement of perfectly good stop-motion or puppets with (sometimes less convincing) CGI does a great disservice to the art & skill of the original animators.

Just look at Yoda. Frank Oz IS Yoda. That one CGI shot in TPM of him walking is so obviously not Yoda it`s embarrassing.


This item was edited on Friday, 16th November 2001, 18:07

RE: - anyone awaiting DVDs from them?

Buffy S3 arrived today. Similarly to Grunt boy, I received no e-mail to inform me of the despatch.

Now if I could just get back on the bleeding site I might order some more stuff... ;o)

RE: VAT FREE DVD`s - cheaper than !!!

I phoned up Tesco customer services and politely requested that they extend the offer due to non-availability of the site. A charming woman called Jenny logged the request and said that mine was not the only such call and they were considering what to do...

I notice the big "VAT FREE!" splash is now gone from the main site...

RE: - anyone awaiting DVDs from them?

I`m beginning to get a sinking feeling about Tesco...

Ordered Buffy S3 on 7th even though it was out of stock, figured they`d get more in this week & send as a backorder.

Order was accepted and I received an order number by email.

Box set came back in stock 13th, order status stayed at "Accepted".

Today (14th) cannot access my order status as it seems you must go through the "warehouse" you ordered from. Of course the DVD warehouse keeps giving 404 type errors, what with the VAT-free offer and Christmas looming large.

Phoned customer services on 0845 7225533 at 5.45 today, spoke to a very nice man called John who said he couldn`t check my order status, the only people who could went home at 5.30.

Also, worryingly, he said items that are out of stock when ordered may be given an order confirmation number but the order is in fact cancelled so I`m not even sure I will get the thing at all!

It sounds to me like their system is a) badly designed and b) stretched to breaking point...

If I get no joy tomorrow I may just give up and get it from somewhere else. It`s no good offering something cheap if you can`t fulfil your orders...

(edited to add:) Forget emailing them with queries as John said expected response time was 7 days! So the only way is to phone them during office hours. Welcome to the age of the train... ;o)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 14th November 2001, 18:27

RE: Evil Dead 2 £12.99 at Morrisons

Ha! Teach me to act on impulse... Play247 have it listed for £11.99 delivered but "temporarily out of stock".

Evil Dead 2 £12.99 at Morrisons

At Netherfield, Nottingham.

Might be available cheaper elsewhere but it was right there in front of me... I couldn`t resist...

If Bruce Campbell`s commentary is half as funny as on the first film it`ll be well worth it.

RE: £5.00 voucher

I think I`ll have me a Salvador (Special Edition) for £11.85 inc. p&p...

Ta muchly!

This item was edited on Sunday, 30th September 2001, 20:25

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

Still waiting for my femail coupon... anyone else got theirs?