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amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

Rupert (Competent) posted this on Monday, 16th July 2001, 19:44

visit and sign up...

Not sure about the T`&C`s but anyway..

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

Rupert (Competent) posted this on Monday, 16th July 2001, 19:53

well I`ve signed up... and I can`t see any sign of the free vouchers as promised...I`ll be sending them an email then...

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

Rupert (Competent) posted this on Monday, 16th July 2001, 22:20

crisis averted... the coupon will come out in 3 days via email....

Also get another one at:


For both these minimum spend £7.50 - one per order

This item was edited on Monday, 16th July 2001, 22:54

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

Monged (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 15:54

Still waiting for my femail coupon... anyone else got theirs?

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

cheese_mcphee (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 16:10

I`m still waiting for both of them, but i did get Rollcage for the pc from lineone :)

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

McBain (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 9th August 2001, 08:39

Don`t get me started about lineone and their "free" coupons.... I signed up for lineone back in May about the time when there was a free HMV voucher and an Amazon voucher.... The Amazon voucher took a month and a half to arrive...

I am still waiting for the HMV voucher... i`ve emailed them a million times.... and get the same answer "we are investigating and you should get it very shortly" i`ve been having this same email for 2 and a half months !

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

chrisinbath (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th August 2001, 08:43

Me neither, seems to me that they are taking the p***.

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

Hodge (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 9th August 2001, 12:41

I signed up to LineOne over a year ago - got my voucher within 10 days or so...and rollcage. But they`ve recently been acquired by a big European company (about a month or so ago, I think - can`t remember the name though), so policies may have changed, or may just be the usual company take/merge over problems.

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

clayts (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th August 2001, 19:16

I did eventually get my HMV coupon, but only by constantly badgering them until they got sick of me and just sent me one.

There was an address that you could e-mail - I`ll have a dig around in my Outlook and see if I can`t locate it. Hopefully will post later.

RE: amazon £5 coupon.... FREE

tripodjw (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th August 2001, 11:57

I`ve not had any of them. Hmmphh!

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