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bargain at Jungle - Civ III (PC)

Wedge G (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th October 2002, 09:13

Just ordered civ III at for £13 (plus p+p come to £15ish).

Been wanting it for a while, but Game are still charging £30 for it. Cheapest I had seen it for was play at £23.99.

Now it gives me an excuse to get the add on at christmas to try the turnless mode - fantastic!

RE: bargain at Jungle - Civ III (PC)

HugoMorse (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 27th October 2002, 09:31

I just went to check it out and saw it was Civilisation III - I got all excited about nothing!

RE: bargain at Jungle - Civ III (PC)

Monged (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 27th October 2002, 10:20

Er - what else could Civ III mean?

RE: bargain at Jungle - Civ III (PC)

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th October 2002, 16:24

lol, knowing Hugo it could be something some would find distasteful! ;-)

This item was edited on Sunday, 27th October 2002, 16:24

RE: bargain at Jungle - Civ III (PC)

HugoMorse (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 27th October 2002, 19:43

LOL, you know me well Anil. I take it you saw my post re: Scrapbook.

Civ is a name I haven`t heard in a long time, well, since my Amiga days actually! I thought it was some knid of cool, greatly reduced credit card sized organiser or something!

RE: bargain at Jungle - Civ III (PC)

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 27th October 2002, 22:35

Hugo, let me know what you think about Scrapbook when it arrives. Slightly off topic, I recently got Anchor Bay`s Shocker as a trade for a DVD, though I haven`t watched it yet. Reviews seem to think it`s all right, have you seen it?

RE: bargain at Jungle - Civ III (PC)

HugoMorse (Competent) posted this on Monday, 28th October 2002, 18:30

Hi Anil,

Sorry I haven`t seen Shocker, but out of interest Enemy On PC sent me this link for Scrapbook but my cheque was already in the post:

I would really recommend Cannibal holocaust uncut though, £26.50 inc. P&P from - it is really sick, esp. when they start chopping up real animals. Otherwise you may be able to import from suzuma or lfvw, although these may get caught by customs. If you thought Blair Witch was good or crap, then watch this and it will show you a real docu style horror flick.

Visitor Q is funny and quite sick too, but not overtly graphic and Maniac (not UK) version is supposedly very good, but I haven`t seen this yet either.

This item was edited on Monday, 28th October 2002, 18:36

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