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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Backing up emails

random username (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th July 2003, 21:56

Hi, I don`t know if anyone can help, but I`m looking for a way to back up one single folder of email, and send it to someone. They want to be able to add this folder to their outlook express, without affecting their existing emails. I don`t want to have to send them my other folders, just the one.

Is this possible in a way that is either very cheap or free?? I know I could save each mail individually, but there are rather a lot of them.

Thanks :-)

RE: Backing up emails

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th July 2003, 22:29

See this thread for details of how to do exactly that.


RE: Backing up emails

random username (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 8th July 2003, 22:45

I tried the dragging into explorer thing, but where emails had the same titles, it kept trying to overwrite them?? The other one, where you have to rename the files, I don`t think I want to attempt, as the importing into outlook express will be done the other side of the pond, by someone not very technically minded (they lost their mail somehow, hence the need to send them). :-D

Does anyone know a way round the name thing? As I say tho, needs to be dead simple, as I`m not going to be there to oversee the other end?

RE: Backing up emails

Tubs74 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th July 2003, 08:54

Why not just forward all of the emails on to them? Then they can put them in whatever folder they want.

This space for sale

. <--- Except this bit, its mine.

RE: Backing up emails

random username (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th July 2003, 12:46

What they need, is about a years worth of daily correspondence, both the received and sent folders. It would take years to forward them all :-(

RE: Backing up emails

Monged (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 9th July 2003, 18:35

With OE closed, go to Start -> Find -> Files or Folders (or whatever the equivalent is if you have Win2k/XP) and search for *.dbx

Copy (not move) the two dbx files corresponding to the folders you`re interested in to another, preferably empty, folder and rename them to something you know not to exist already on the target machine, e.g. oldsent.dbx and oldinbox.dbx

Email the files or send on CD-ROM to your friend as necessary.

Your friend then needs to:

Create empty folders in their Outlook Express client called (for example) oldsent and oldinbox making sure to use the same case as the files you have sent. Then click on each folder within OE to display it, this should create the corresponding *.dbx files

Shut down OE

Search their hard drive for the folder (a search for *.dbx will find it) and copy in the oldsent.dbx & oldinbox.dbx replacing the newly created ones

Remove the read-only attribute if the files were copied from CD

Restart OE, the emails should be in the new folders.

Should work even between versions 5 & 6 of OE, as the file format is the same.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th July 2003, 19:38

RE: Backing up emails

random username (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 9th July 2003, 19:26

Thanks, I`ll show them the instructions, hope they can follow them. They seem fairly straightforward. :)

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