RJS(undefined) posted this on Monday, 3rd December 2012, 01:14
Heh, you don't really have to say exactly, just anonymous voting in the poll. I suspect most of us are over a certain age, as the rest are all on Facebook. :)
miikeyblue82(Elite) posted this on Monday, 3rd December 2012, 19:57
Wow. You`re all well old...
RE: How old are you?
bandicoot(Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th December 2012, 16:10
Well 3 of us are in the old foggy 61 to 70 status
At least we can retire at 65, unlike you younger lot, who have to work on till you drop
RE: How old are you?
Snaps(Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 4th December 2012, 16:14
Quote: bandicoot says... At least we can retire at 65, unlike you younger lot, who have to work on till you dropOh yeh? You paying me a pension then? You`ll know when I`ve retired from the sound of the nails being hammered into the lid.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was. Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary
RE: How old are you?
Brooky(Elite) posted this on Friday, 14th December 2012, 19:03
wait your not alone I am one like you three now 4 I am 61 yrs young, too old for most on here but still make a good pot of chicken soup, wink wink. btw why are you asking for our ages, we too old to be here?
This item was edited on Friday, 14th December 2012, 19:09