Info and forum posts by 'Pete-MK'

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Joined on: Sunday, 23rd December 2001, 02:26, Last used: Friday, 6th September 2013, 05:47

Access Level: Elite Donator

About this user: 13.5 stones of wit

This user has posted a total of 14229 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 1.72 messages a day, or 12.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 46 messages, which is on average 1.53 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: 2024 Olympics Paris

Par Mizan says...
"Also the Minions sketch was good, never heard minions talking French before LOL.

Fun Fact - Despicable Me was a 100% French production before it was picked up by Universal and redubbed (& lip-synched) with Steve Carrell. But the Minions were already perfect so nothing was changed. The original voice actor was brought on board when the franchise went 100% stateside and the guy got set up for life.

Writer`s Release

RE: New(ish) GFX card no signal

Yes. 6+2 connecter straight from the PSU. The setup is exactly the same as the GPU that's in right now and working. I literally swap like for like. I know it has power as the little red light goes out and the fan spins. It's just not talking to the MB as far as I can see

Writer`s Release

RE: 2024 Olympics Paris

It got better at the end. the BBC commentator struggling to translate in real time what was being said (he has a degree, you know), but he did ok, bless him. Then the spirit of jean Michel Jarre vomiting all over the Eiffel tower took over for 20 minutes while everyone tried to figure out why the Olympic torch was on a boat with Carl Lewis, Rafael nadal, a very nauseous Serena Williams and some other woman, heading the wrong direction up the Seine

Then echoes of 2012 as the torch was passed from French olympic legend to another. Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and all that.

(Sidebar, I applaud them for this: what they did at 2012 was amazing & inspirational. letting a bunch of young athletes share the torch and light the cauldron together was breathtaking. And then 4 years later thay gave it to a solitary person who was quite well known. And Tokyo did the same with Osaka. It;s like they either weren't watching or didn;t get the point. Or didn't care)

Then the cauldron was lit. Well, some orange lights and a smoke machine turned on under a Mongolfier-inspired balloon then, which slowly, very slowly lifted into the air. I;m guessing the seemingly artificial flames are to ensure the whole thing doesn;t catch light and come crashing down on some inquisitive visitors.

Then it was time to hook up Celine Dion to a safety cable while standing near the edge of the Eiffel Tower's first level as she mimed to a pre-record of an old Edith Piaf song. They'll say she sang live, but the woman can hardly breathe these days, bless her.

Writer`s Release

RE: New(ish) GFX card no signal

Sorry, should have said. Borrowed a VGA cable and hooked the MB up directly to the monitor so I could see what was going on. The new BIOS (which I'm quite impressed with) showed every slot empty on the board

So as far as the MB's concerned, there's nothing there to interface with, and no choice of GPUs to set as primary

Writer`s Release

RE: New(ish) GFX card no signal

Bit the bullet & flashed the BIOS, which was nowhere near as painful as I though it would be. Now it's all nice and blue and mouse-controlled.

BUT - still no GFX card detected, not showing up anywhere. There is power running through the card as there's a little red LED near the 6+2 socket that turns off when it's plugged in. But the BIOS screen shows all slots empty

And as there's no Nvidia card detected, the installation software aborts and it's back to square zero

Writer`s Release

This item was edited on Friday, 26th July 2024, 18:08

RE: 2024 Olympics Paris

This opening 'ceremony' just isn;t working for me. I have the 2012 olympics on Blu-Ray. Might watch that instead

Writer`s Release

RE: 2024 Olympics Paris

Not an auspicious start - co-ordinated attacks on train lines around the country cripple the network on the launch day

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F

Snaps says...
"Is Eddie in that good nick or was it in the contract they had to de-age him?"

You know what they say

Writer`s Release

This item was edited on Wednesday, 24th July 2024, 22:45

[VIDEO] RE:Post Trump fallout

Don't mean to spam, but had to share

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Meidastouch may be a tad on the biased side, but the talking heads at Fox speak for themselves

Writer`s Release

RE: New(ish) GFX card no signal

The newer card has one HDMI & 3x DP outlets. I'm only using HDMI and it's what Max was using as well. The card that's currently installed uses the same. 

There does seem to be an update for the BIOS available, but it's through 3rd party vendors as support for the MB was dropped years ago. There is an .exe update avaialble, although when I try to install it give an error message telling me that the BIOS is legacy, but system information tells me it's UEFI.

I really don't want to flash the BIOS within BIOS in case I brick the board. This is another thing I have minimal experience of and looking at older forums, this does seem to be a common issue and it's mainly due to the interface with the monitors rather than anything deeper. At least that's what I'm hoping.

I am due an update at some point but that'll have to wait until the finances are healthy enough.

I may load the relevant drivers beforehand and see if that makes a difference.

Writer`s Release

RE: Biden steps aside

Nobody likes it. Especially anyone who's heard of project 2025.

Writer`s Release

New(ish) GFX card no signal

As a pre-emptive guess, I'm going to blame the very old motherboard, but here goes

My youngest has just got a new GFX card & PSU for his PC, and bequeathed the castoffs to me, although they're both less than 6 months old. They both worked fine in his setup, so I know the 600w is enough to power the system

Installing the new card (RTX 3050) is resulting in no signal to the monitor. All leads & cables are correct, I've popped the older card (AMD Radeon RX470) back in so I know nothing's borked and at the very least I've got a new, slightly more powerful PSU in the case.

The motherboard, for info, is an intel DQ77CP (CPU 1) housing an Intel Core i5 2400. It's served me well and tries to keep up, bless it.

Google has given me a touch of advice, like hard resetting the monitor, but still no. I do have the AMD drivers on board for the existing card, but one assumed the new card would bypass them and install their own (which has happened in the past)

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Regarding debates, watching the BBC live feed talking to Fin Gomez from CBS news - there was a debate with ABC scheduled when Biden was on the cards. Now it's Harris, the Trump cult are very reluctant to go ahead with that one - but are very happy to continue if it's switched to Fox

That to me shows they're actually a bit scared

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

It is Harris, but Biden's staying on until the end of term. Couple of thoughts

This means any future debates will be between Trump and a headstrong, forthright and very intelligent person, which he's never faced before.

Sadly, while Obama was the first black American to be elected president, I really, really can't see the majority of US voters electing a black woman into office, regardless of their capabilities.

But one can hope. Because when you have people like this being allowed to vote, you're going to need all the hope you can find

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Deadpool & Wolverine

Heck of a tonal shift here. The new-ish tagline 'This isn't the movie you think it is' couldn't be more apt.

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Star Wars: The Acolyte

AdamR says...
"As far as I'm aware, Disney have cancelled season 2. The lead actress, Amandla Stenberg, is supposedly suing Disney for breach of contract because of it."

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Tell me it's a cult without telling me it's a cult

Writer`s Release

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th July 2024, 12:19

RE: [VIDEO] Star Wars: The Acolyte

Very, very unenthralled. Whole thing seemed kinda pointless, aside from the 'big' reveal at the end, plus there seemed to be an off-screen cameo that doesn't quite gel with the supposed timeline 

I'm 100% sure that was Palpatine on the phone

Writer`s Release

RE: The Euros

And those ever-so-humble Spaniards have been chanting 'Gibraltar is Spanish' from the victory parade

At least our players never joined in with all that '10 bombers' rubbish

Writer`s Release

RE: Laptop or desktop

I have both but vastly prefer the PC. I've had the lappy for a few years and despite have a complete reinstall it's still slow as hell. Plus the Z key has packed up so when i'm over with the boys I invariably take the wireless keyboard along.

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Judging by what actually happened, it seems you can lay on a warehouse roof with your AR pointed at the primary for several moments before anyone does anything.

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Looking at the footage available, it seems like the SS snipers had the shooter in their sights sights for at least 5 seconds before they took him out. If fingers are going to be pointed it'll be at them for the time being

Also a lot of talk about the shooter using an 'AR-type weapon' that his father had bought 6 month before.

But it'll still do nowt about the arguement for gun control.

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Turns out the shooter was a registered Republican

Maybe he took a look at Project 2025 and snapped.

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] Post Trump fallout

Someone just tried to shoot Trump. They missed and grazed his ear.

Instead of complying with the secret service, he stood up and raised a fist in defiance, putting everyone around him in danger. Not only the agents sworn to protect him, but everyone of the brainwashed masses assembled to see him.

He's no longer a sociopath. he is by definition & instinct a psychopath, and I no longer have any empathy with anyone who might think he is in any way a mentally stable persona capable of holding office

Would I be happy if the would-be assassin had finished the task? No. Am I happy he missed? Ask me in December.

Writer`s Release

RE: [VIDEO] 4th of July... Our independence day?

I'm completely convinced at this point we subscribe to the same channels on YouTube

Writer`s Release

Captain America: Brave New World

Stay to the end

Writer`s Release

RE: The Euros

We do seem to come alive after the subs have come on. Think I'll tune in to the final 15 minutes before the end

But realistically, I'm being realistic about our chances and just hope we aren't humiliated that much.

Writer`s Release