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Labour in meltdown - discuss

Mikeonfreeserve (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 17:48

Raging price inflation, banks knocking on the door for cash after irresponsible lending, fuzzy policy on Iraq, no referendum on the EU constitution that isn`t and a front bench of buffoons and lightweights....roll on the election, I say

RE: Labour in meltdown - discuss

mbilko (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 18:24

You forgot to mention taxing the poor to pay the rich didnt u?

RE: Labour in meltdown - discuss

Andy c (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 18:30

Unfortunately i think all the major parties will offer more of the same.
What a state this country has become when you can be fined for over filling your bin so the lid won`t shut. A London council considering charging £75 a year to parents dropping kids off at school (they pay as much road tax as everyone else).
Loading bays in London where you get a ticket if the cameras dont see you coming back to your vehicle within 3 minutes of parking up to start loading even though the boards on the lamp posts allow 20 minutes loading time!
The list goes on of all these crazy laws brought in which appear to serve no real purpose than to bring in revenue.
Got the first canvassers for the local elections tonight.
Took great delight in explaining i wouldn`t be voting for their party or the other two as my vote would be going to the bnp (Not true but i wanted to see their reaction which was a picture. They asked why and i replied the other parties seemed more interested in helping every other nation other than their own).
The worst thing is i really don`t know who to vote for but i don`t want to waste my vote.

RE: Labour in meltdown - discuss

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 18:32

Yeah, and tactical voting against the Conservatives was never a real option in the last couple of elections, eh?

RE: Labour in meltdown - discuss

SidShady (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 19:42

I gave up voting even before i was eligible. When i turned 18, I voted but i knew it would be my first and last time. Just wanted to do it once in my life.

I hear so many people saying `no vote, no say`.

Yet what I realized all those years ago was that I had no say anyway. All I would be doing is saying who gets to dictate what happens next. Ever since I can remember, everyone is pee`d off at the last party thats in. So to hell with... I get to stay at home and same my fuel.

RE: Labour in meltdown - discuss

admars (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 20:09

I got apathetc when I turned 18, first time I could vote, I thought right, I`ll read the pamphlets, won`t just vote for who my parents do, I`ll make my own mind. I soon discovered each of the 3 main parties want the same things unlike the others who don`t ?!?!

14 years later, local election leaflets, same thing, you could take the mast heads off each, and you wouldn`t know which is which.

Each wants more police on the streets, but apparently the other parties don`t, they are the only one!

Each one, has a photo of a man pointing at a pot hole saying our roads are disgusting, we want to fix them, the other parties don`t!

I could go on, but there`s no point :(

i will vote, because I do think, that if you don`t you have no right to moan. But saying that I think voting should be compulsory, but there should be an abstain box.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 21:11

RE: Labour in meltdown - discuss

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 22:18

Brown was quite well summed up by Ian Hislop.

The tragic figure of a person who finally gets the job he`s been chasing half his life only to find that he`s incapable of doing it.

He`ll continue blundering about until time runs out and he has to call an election.
All the Conservatives have to do is not fall out massively amongst themselves and look like at least a viable alternative and the country will vote out Brown.

Parties aren`t elected Governments are voted out.

RE: Labour in meltdown - discuss

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 22:25

You forgot to mention taxing the poor to pay the rich didn`t u?

Yeah, I couldn`t thank them enough for doing that! I`m likely to be around 182 quid worse off thanks to that cracking idea!

Still in classic "New Labour" fashion they did it just before the local elections. They will never get my "tick" again!!



"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve (1953-2004)

RE: Labour in meltdown - discuss

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 22:45

I try to avoid talking politics, because there`s nothing more divisive in a forum except perhaps talking religion or football.

I`ve been a lifelong Labour supporter, but in the past five or six years I`ve been feeling increasingly betrayed by New Labour (or Tory Lite as I prefer to think of it). I`d love to have a viable alternative to vote for, but if I give my support to the Lib Dems (who seem to be further left than Labour these days), Cameron and his hyenas will sneak in the back door and we`ll be in for a 1980s revival.

Lovely if you`re one of the yuppie elite but pretty sh*te if you`re not.

The bottom line is that all politicians are shameless, nest-feathering hypocrites and crooks, and all we as voters can hope to do is make sure the least crooked of the buggers get into power.

J Mark Oates

Go and have a look at
You know you want to.
Go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on...

This item was edited on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 23:52

RE: Labour in meltdown - discuss

Ivan Dobsky (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd April 2008, 22:55

Well said Mr Oates - you`ve basically saved me posting.
Exactly my sentiments, perfectly expressed - except that I probably will end up voting Lib Dem at the next General Election (no local vote here next week) despite myself.

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