Info and forum posts by 'Ivan Dobsky'

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Joined on: Friday, 25th February 2005, 12:47, Last used: Sunday, 8th November 2009, 20:24

Access Level: Elite

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This user has posted a total of 912 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.13 messages a day, or 0.88 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Coming soon in 2011 - The ultimate Kermode rant.

I quite enjoyed the first, although I couldn`t ever view it as more than just time-passing entertainment, but I found the second film so boring I actually fell asleep (at home, not in the cinema). As a consequence I`ve not bothered with the third.

RE: ID for Job Application - Proof That I Am Entitled To Work In This Country?

I don`t think a photo driving licence is acceptable.
The list of acceptable ID comes from the Home Office and I had to go and pay for a copy of my birth certificate a couple of years ago when it turned out that I wouldn`t otherwise be employable. (My parents had just taken the `short-form` certificate all those years ago rather than a full version)
This has now been law since about 2002, I think, but obviously not all employers are aware of it.

RE: All Hands On Deck - Who`s About & Who`s Overboard!!!!!!!!!

Here today, but I`ve been off quite a bit this summer - 5 stays away from home during the holidays.
Not that it makes much difference, since I don`t seem to have much to contribute when I am here.

RE: Short Little Jokes To Make You Groan

I started reading Othello the other day, and I just can`t put it down - it`s so `moor`ish.

(Shamelessly stolen from a comic whose name I didn`t catch, last weekend)

RE: Anyone played Evony?

All I know about the game is this story from The Guardian.

RE: Well, SOMEONE had to cheer everyone up after all this misery..

We have a boy and a girl, and it`s a nice set-up. Ultimately, though, the important thing is just that they`re healthy.

RE: Michael Jackson rushed to LA hospital

If `these things come in threes`, as they often say, then we`ve had Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and MJ in two days.

Except... Demi Moore just said on Twitter that she`d heard Jeff Goldblum might have joined them - surely not?

RE: Michael Jackson rushed to LA hospital

Some sites now reporting he has died, apparently.

Light the blue touchpaper Mr Mitchell

This article by David Mitchell is going to upset a lot of people.
I can see where he`s coming from and personally I agree in principle to what he says. Having said that, I`m just going to leave this link here and see what happens...

RE: Charlie Brooker - What A ****!

I don`t think you got what he was saying.
His point was that `the media` have made her out to be this hideous beast that has an angel`s voice, when in fact she`s just a bit plain looking. He was having a go at the news media, not her at all. As I recall (and I`m not going to go and re-watch it yet to back up what I`m saying) he never attacked her looks himself, but rather suggested what some of the broadcasts seemed to be saying about her.

This item was edited on Friday, 1st May 2009, 01:42

RE: Internet Explorer 8

Been using IE8 for a while and I`m fine with it. My computer, however, is getting a bit too old to handle too many new things and isn`t quite so keen...

I`ve never really got on with FF, so I`ve stuck with IE and not had any problems - yet!

RE: Meet fluff Junior!


RE: Is the WEA still active?

If you lot start going after bees, I`m starting a splinter group.
Even though one stung me on Saturday and it still itches now, it was one of mine so I forgave him. As said before, without them we`d have a lot less choice of what to eat - they are responsible for 70% of apple pollination, for example.

RE: Jack Cardiff RIP

I was very sad to hear this earlier. His body of work is amazing and the number of directors who have praised him over the years speaks for itself.

RE: RIP - My Big Bro

Very sorry to hear that.
Remember that all our thoughts are with you.

RE: Dear god- Corden and Horne

I agree with Ben. I thought it was pretty good (not actually great though) - and that Al Murray wasn`t.
About 5 minutes into H&C, I was feeling pretty disappointed, but then things picked up and I enjoyed the rest. The `old schoolfriend` sketch was brilliant, as well as the camp reporter.
According to the Radio Times, next week`s episode is better, as well.

RE: Watch the news - short story

I enjoyed that.
It moves at quite a pace, making it very easy to read through. I could sort of see how it might end, but I still chuckled when I actually read the last line.

Thanks for that, looking forward to your next efforts.

BAFTA Awards

I`m not at all upset, but I am certainly surprised by the big winner tonight - Super Mario Galaxy got Game of the Year!

Sounds like it was a good show (and yet it`s completely ignored by the main TV channels), with a few other shocks as well - no awards for GTAIV being the main one.

The winners:

Gameplay: Call of Duty 4
Casual: Boom Blox
Sports: Race Driver: Grid
Story and Character: Call of Duty 4
Strategy: Civilisation Revolution
Best use of Audio: Dead Space
New Talent: Boro Toro
Multiplayer: Left 4 Dead
Best Technical Achievement: Spore
Original Score: Dead Space
Handheld: Professor Layton and the Curious Village
People`s Choice: Call of Duty 4
Artistic Achievement: LittleBigPlanet
Best Action and Adventure: Fable II
Best Game: Super Mario Galaxy

BBC report here

RE: What are you doing?

Oh yeah, year 8 reports.
Got to do mine by the end of next week - all eight of them! :D

Right now I`m putting off doing the tiny bit of work I need to do tonight, it`d be easier to just get it done, really.

RE: Car tax question

Well found, that man!
I went looking for something similar, but obviously didn`t do as good a job as you and gave up...

RE: Car tax question

Glad you said that hunsbury.
I renewed at the end of January and so I`ve thrown out the stuff that came with the tax disc now, but I was sure I`d read when I went online that there was this 5 day period as well. My understanding was that as long as you had actually renewed in time then you were OK.

RE: Twitter...

I thought I`d give it a go after the BBC hyped it so much recently, and I like it very much.

I`m `following` a fair few celebrities and those that tweet regularly are usually quite interesting/funny (@wossy, @stephenfry, @serafinowicz, etc. to do things the Twitter way). I`ve also found myself updating it more than I ever did my Facebook status - I barely look at that since joining Twitter.

Give it a try and see what you think...

RE: FFS of the Week: Disabled TV Presenter May Scare Children

My kids hadn`t made any comment at all about it until the Mother-In-Law pointed it out. Now they are simply curious: "Daddy, what happened to her arm to make it like that?" and similar questions.
Most young children don`t notice `difference` in the same way that adults do, anyway - we live in a rural area where it`s unusual to see anyone who isn`t white, but they didn`t make any comment about skin colour when a recent visitor to their school was black, just about what he was wearing!

RE: So what`s your reaction time?............

Not even going to say how I did...
I kept blinking at the wrong time!

RE: When the Wind Blows

Funny thing, coincidence.

I was looking at the `subbrit` sit today myself. My father-in-law has an old ROC (Royal Observer Corps) observation post on some land he owns and I was checking a couple of details about it.
The observation posts are all over the country, so there`s probably still one near you (although many have been demolished/filled in). To find out, just go here and select `advanced search` on the left - put in the name of your town/village and see what comes up.

RE: Cliches - at the end of the day who cares ?

One from the TV news (and probably on the radio as well) that has been winding me up lately is an overuse of the word unprecedented.
Everything they report on seems to be an unprecedented occurrence nowadays. I`m sure it`s often (strictly speaking) true, but there must be another way of saying it, just for variety`s sake, mustn`t there?

RE: Oscars 2009 nominations are in

Don`t forget Dame Judi Dench in Shakespeare In Love, Best Supporting Actress winner for 8 minutes of screentime.
And, having just checked that out on IMDB, I found out that:
The shortest ever performance was by Beatrice Straight in Network (1976), as she appeared in only six minutes of the film.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th February 2009, 00:27

RE: Smeggin` Hell Red Dwarf is back!

Answers to some of your questions (possibly) about this are provided here by Kryten himself, Robert Llewellyn.

RE: Announcement *Now with pictures*

Ruby was one of the names we (very) seriously considered (eventually losing out to Ava).

RE: How not to run away from custody..

I read about this earlier, just as my form were coming in for afternoon registration - my sudden laughter got me a few odd looks! (odder than usual that is)