Info and forum posts by 'Ripper'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 2nd May 2001, 19:47, Last used: Sunday, 2nd January 2011, 01:07

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 93 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.08 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: RAM questions

I`ve just bought memory from Crucial, 2x1GB matched pair, to give the old pc a bit of a boost. At first it came up with the PC4000 Ballistix memory but on the left hand side, there are some options. If you tick the box for PC3200 (DDR400) and deselect the PC4000, you should get some much cheaper options that will match your board. My 2x1gb are costing me a total of £72. I`m not that bothered about not having flashing led`s as my case isn`t clear.

The memory should be put in as a pair, if you only have 1x1gb, you won`t get the full speed as the memory can`t do dual channel. If you have 2x512mb or 2x1gb the memory will run as dual channel and get up to full speed for your board.

RE: Any decent 1080p panels around for under a grand?

According to the Toshiba website Here it shows the 42X3030D as being 24fps compatible. There is also a 37" version available (37X3030D) which some websites have for under £800 (Dixons have it for £753, if you shop around you can probably get it at somewhere decent for less). Depends on what size you want.

RE: Would you buy from this setup?

Looking at that site, they`re all `region free` and after looking at the Transformers set (caught my eye as it was on the front page):

All DVDs are presented in full screen. Exactly the same as it was shown in American television.

DVD Format: Format-Free DVD-R (Plays in both
PAL and NTSC DVD players)

I guess that`s their subtle way of saying they`re copies. Not sure how they can sell them as Brand New and Sealed though.

RE: CD WOW - Is this the end of them?

I got the same e-mail, when I clicked on the link it took me to a news story about a serious fire. No mention of them but it was concentrating more on the death of the fireman. The link it took me to was Here

This item was edited on Wednesday, 6th June 2007, 13:21

RE: Is this DVD company any good?

If you go to the FAQ page there are these quotes too

Is Revok Film Prodigies illegal pirate operation?

We are definitely not a pirate operation. The section of American copyright law known as "The Berne Act" clearly states: films unreleased in the United States, including original version of films altered and/or edited for release in the United States, are not protected by American copyright; thus, they are considered public domain. The entire purpose of our company is to provide (otherwise unavailable) films to movie fans. We do not offer videos owned by American releasing companies. If a film should become available domestically we immediately stop offering it to our clients.


We digitally transfer disc images on DVD-Rs for the best possible picture quality and DVD-R playback is fast becoming a standard option on all DVD players made today.

So as far as they are concerned, they aren`t `pirates` but their dvd`s are all copies.

RE: HMV Sale

hmmmm, just in time for us to use our compensation vouchers (or not ;)).

RE: A message from

Not sure if anyone else had a response to the compensation form but I received an e-mail today. The compensation is 12% off my next order and lasts until 31st of December ( a whole week and a half to make use of it if I was stupid enough to order through them again :/ ). Considering i`m still waiting for confirmation of them receiving the returned cd, any kind of refund or sign of them sending out the correct order in time for xmas I doubt i`ll be making use of the offer. Pointless getting 12% off anything when they either don`t send them for weeks or send the wrong things. HMV have turned themselves into a joke with this customer service.

RE: A message from

Well since I ordered the cd (was a pre-order) they`d changed the website. Now they have the option of 2cd or dualdisc. Only problem is the 2cd only lists tracks for 1 disc and has the same catalogue number as the single disc.

I phoned the customer services number on the back of the packing slip (0207 4671109) and got through to someone who advised me to send it back special delivery and they would have to refund postage. On my original e-mail confirmation the order stated `Ozzy Osbourne Under Cover: 2cd: Includes Dvd GBP 9.99` for the item so they can`t say i`ve got the right version. What`s even more worrying than their online customer service is the fact that the high street stores are doing the same thing. Popped into Metrocentre HMV last night, 2 options of 2cd or dualdisc. All the 2cd ones were single disc like the website. Prices online have also changed since I ordered, no longer £9.99.

Still waiting to hear about compensation and the package was delivered earlier this week to them and i`ve heard the usual response, nowt. I`d recommend calling the number, I had to wait 10 minutes in the `small` queue but at least I got someone to acknowledge the screw-ups (it was also the customer service guy who pointed out that they were advertising 2cd versions with the same catalogue number as 1 disc versions). I e-mailed the guy my tracking number and details of how much the postage cost to return to them. Can`t see it being sorted out in time for xmas and the cd was ordered as an xmas pressy.

RE: Anyone had a " one bell" on your mobile from a 0702 number??

I had one last week just as I was leaving work. Can`t remember the exact number but it began with 070. I knew it was one of those dodgy numbers so just wiped my missed calls. Probably the same company. Had none since but will keep an eye out.

RE: A message from

Now please don`t shoot me down if I`m wrong about this, but isn`t the Ozzy CD actually a double-sided disc with the DVD on the other side?

There are 2 versions of the cd, the single side and the dual disc. HMV were advertising the dual disc as a 2cd edition, which is the one I ordered and paid for. The version that arrived was the single side edition. I opened the packaging to make sure and it`s definately single sided. Still no reply to the form I filled in either.

RE: A message from

Well i`ve completed the form. Hope I get more luck with that since i`ve had no reply to either of the 2 messages sent through the web contact system. Never had a problem with HMV`s online service before but not happy with the service this time.

My order included the new Ozzy Osbourne Under Cover 2cd. Paid the extra for the 2cd version as I wanted to see the dvd. Was very disappointed when the version that arrived was only the single cd version >:( . Giving them until tomorrow night to give a decent response otherwise it`s a trip to the postbox on saturday morning to return it postage unpaid to HMV. Will never use HMV again, plenty of reliable sites out there who can have my money instead.

RE: Which Blackadder Boxset?

According to the bbcshop website the new boxset is released on 3rd October. Doesn`t make any mention of The Cavalier Years though. It`s a 6 disc set.

RE: Sat Nav for Palm Handheld

Thanks for the suggestions. I`ve showed my girlfriend the screenshots for the different ones and she seems to prefer the look of the Kirrio one, she finds the way it`s laid out easier to read.

Rassilon, the packs we are looking at don`t include the pda, they are all add on packs. The girlfriend prefers the idea of buying a pack instead of all the pieces separately. Since it`s her money i`m leaving that decision up to her but I appreciate the ideas.

I`ve looked at the tomtom website and their new Navigator 5 seems to be for both PPC and Palm, no idea when it`s supposed to be out though. The Navman 4470 seems to be hard to find, not seen any sites selling it so far (probably just not very good at finding them).

Sat Nav for Palm Handheld

Going on holiday in July to Wales and neither me nor my girlfriend are any good at reading maps (i`m ok but find it gets in the way of driving). Girlfriend has a Palm Tungsten T3 and has decided that she`ll buy us a Sat-nav system for it. I`ve had a look and seen about 3 different ones:

Kirrio GPS Navigation Pack
Navman GPS 4470
TomTom Navigator

Has anyone got any recommendations of which one would be best to go for or any other makes that I haven`t mentioned. Any online sites that are good to buy them from too? Not bothered about bluetooth. Notice that Tomtom don`t seen to have the palm version on their website anymore but not sure if the new Navigator 5 which they have as coming soon covers both PPC and Palm PDA`s.

Would appreciate any suggestions (sat-nav related :p ).

RE: To all Forum regulars and new visitors...

Downloaded and joined today. Couldn`t get Ripper though, someone already had that name. Joined the team as Ripper666.

This item was edited on Sunday, 23rd January 2005, 15:26

RE: Porn Star name generator

Real name gives: Sandy Asstronaut
Username gives: Sandy Pimplebutt

What a lovely pair of names to choose from

This item was edited on Sunday, 3rd October 2004, 19:33

RE: US ADULT DVD`S ship to the uk. They are the adult part of dvdpacific. Their prices are pretty cheap compared to some uk based sites and they have a pretty good range. Once onto the site hit browse and there`s a list of 254 studios to choose from. Never had any customs problems so far, always select surface mail as it`s cheaper and so far always only took about 8 days from the states. Have a happy shopping spree.

RE: Civil servants - a political football once again <<sigh>>


I`m already a member of the PCS. Joined up back in January. There`s a lot of members from the building in it now.

RE: Civil servants - a political football once again <<sigh>>

I`m one of the people who work at newcastle, not the longbenton site but the benton site. Where I work has now become understaffed (many have left to go to the inland revenue, same job but earning £2000 per year more), many others are looking for new jobs at anywhere they can get, we are bringing more work into the building and we can`t get extra people due to the recruitment ban. Our telephony agents are treat like dirt, sometimes by the customers but mainly by the upper management. They work themselves into the ground and get told they need to do better, never being told how well they are doing. At the same time, they keep going out of their way to help the customers because they really do want to help people, they just get so sick of the way management handles everything these days.

In my job (i`m an AA) i`m low paid (made more money as a security guard), do my own work, about 3 extra duties that no one ever asks if I have time to do and half the time have to also do half the work of a higher grade since they cut our team down and the one remaining AO we have is now so overworked that she`d need to work all 7 days just to keep things managable. I get paid no extra for doing anything extra, it`s not part of my job and I really don`t have the time to do it but we`re just expected to get on with it and look happy. I don`t complain about it because the management don`t care about us low people enough to even listen and everyone else in the building is in the same position as me so i`m no worse off than anyone else. Morale in our place is rock bottom, only thing is it`s starting to cost a fortune for all the leaving do collections as they are now becoming at least weekly.

To the person that said sack even more and get rid of benefits. Well we deal with pensions too, so when you`ve paid all your life into your state pension (your NI contributions) you might be a bit upset when you don`t get it, but that`s just because the people that work it out and pay it to you are now either unemployed or so overworked that you`re broke and starving before they even get round to looking at your claim never mind actually doing it.

RE: Mad sky over Gateshead..!!

Haggis, I used to work over at Kibblesworth (near Team Valley) and I saw red nights like that on a regular basis. Used to be great to look at. Only seen a couple like that lately since I now work normal hours in a normal job.

RE: Info on Masterplug Auto Scart Switcher from Argos have a different powered one from Joytech for £39.99 Here.

Does anyone else have this one? I`ve been thinking of getting it for myself but want to be sure it`s going to be worth the money (got one of the 3-in-one`s from Argos years ago and get loads of interference from it). Seems to do a similar job to that £79.99 one but for less money. They also sell them in silver for people with silver stuff (all black myself).

RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

I pay £5 per month for the union i`m in (PCS) . Only joined just over a month ago. I`m one of the poor people on the low wages.

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

but what I didn`t get is, the `SHAKKKKKASPEAR in Love` woman, killed in the cinema, in the first movie... why is she in this one????? Did the new directors never watch the first??

Even though she was killed in the first movie she`s been in all 3, playing the same character of Brenda Meeks. Can`t really blame the new director for that one since the original one didn`t seem to be that bothered either.

I must admit, I had a good laugh at the 3rd one, found it funnier than the 2nd one. The rest of the people there seemed to laugh quite a bit too and the cinema was pretty full. Certainly not as smart as the first 2 though.

RE: sky digibox for freeview?

For freeview you need to have a Digital Terrestrial box. The old ITV-digital boxes and the new Freeview boxes are that type, along with those Integrated Digital tv`s that some places sell. A Sky Digibox is Digital Satellite. It will receive the old Analogue Terrestrial channels through the ariel but for any digital channels it needs a mini dish connected and pointed at the satellite. The Sky Digibox has no Digital Terrestrial tuner.

It`s also worth noting that even with a mini dish, the Freeview channels aren`t fully available without a Sky subscription (ITV2 is on one of the Sky packages), although ITV1, C4 and 5 are available Free To View (requires a FTV card which they`ve stopped selling as of 31st January). The BBC channels are all Free To Air and don`t require a card at all anymore. Basically, for Freeview through the ariel you will need either a Freeview or old ITV-Digital box. I`m sure someone on here will be able to give a more detailed explanation but hopefully that`ll help to answer your question for you.

RE: Some PC memory related questions... can someone help?

With the memory, it might need another pair of 256`s to be installed for it to keep the dual channel. Can`t say for certain though but the motherboard manual should tell you what it needs (long day at work so can`t remember these things today). If you are going for a new hard drive, you might want to try one of the SATA drives. From what I remember your motherboard supports them and the Western Digital ones are said to be good (especially the raptors but they are high priced). Both extra memory and a faster hard drive should give an increase in performance. With a SATA drive you can keep your old drive where it is and use it for downloads/games and stuff while letting the newer faster drive have the Windows installation.

RE: What is your posting ratio?

I`ve gone from 0.05 shooting all the way up to a whopping 0.07. Getting dizzy all the way up there.

RE: TCM on SKY where`s it gone?

TCM has changed over to being part of the Family Pack, so no longer available FTA/FTV.

RE: Building a new PC, advice required please (installing a motherboard)

The Dual Channel in 1 and 4 was only for the giga-byte boards, due to them having 6 slots (2 banks of 3) so it`ll be different with the IC7 (4 slots, 2 banks of 2). According to the manual (just looked at it on the net, sad life) the Dual Channel will need it to be in either 1 and 3 or 2 and 4, IC7-Max3 Manual. Should be a fast board. The Aero 4 Lite should be easy to fit (i`ll be getting the same fan for my P4 3.0 in the future) and some people are saying it performs better than the Non-lite twice the price version. No idea about the cathode though, not got one.

Your power supply will need to support the P4 though, their boards have 2 connectors on them, the standard ATX one and a second one, 4 pin, called ATX12V. The 4 pins are in a square shape so is isn`t confused with the standard 4 pin power supplies for the hard drive/cd drives. As was mentioned above too, you`ll need at least a 300w supply. If your supply doesn`t have the P4 power connector or is below that you`ll need a new one. Overclockers have a few but avoid anything by Q-tec. They`re cheap for a reason and a good quality 300w supply will work better than their 400w ones. They`re getting a reputation for unreliability. A 330w Antec will cost £50 or £45 for a 350w Enermax. They`re much more reliable and should run the pc with no problems. If your PSU is 300w+ and has the connector though, then it should be fine.

RE: Building a new PC, advice required please (installing a motherboard)

Should be a nice fast system there. You don`t mention what graphics card you`ll be using though.

I`ve got the GA-8KNXP board and my case is a bit old (full tower, not very deep though) and with the memory, I can`t fit it into the slots properly as the hard drive blocks the bottom 3 slots. The board will work the same as yours, memory for Dual Channel will go in slot 1 and 4, so don`t put them straight alongside each other or they`ll work in single channel instead. I`m buying myself a nice new case today from Overclockers, the Lian Li PC 70, no window but with where the pc is, wouldn`t be able to see into it if there was one (not gonna pay the extra £20 for the windowed version). Once it`s all transferred over, i`ll be working at full speed (finally).

I`m also assuming that you have a PSU to put into the new case? You`ll also need some sort of camera because once it`s all built, you`ll wanna show off the window and lights to everyone ;)

As for TFT`s, the best choices seem the be the Hitachi`s that Overclockers sell, the Hyundai Q17 (same as the Hercules but a better pixel warranty) and the LG L1710B. They seem to be the most popular monitors and with fast response times. I`d stick with the 19" CRT for now though, get everything else up and running before splashing out on the TFT