Page 1 of Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

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Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th February 2004, 20:05

this may be bold statement, but i cant think of a worse film ive seen. its truly dreadful. the film insults the human intellect with its tired and humourless jokes.
i dont think i even smirked once. the michael jackson bit may have been funny if they hadnt gave it away in the trailer.
im absolutely appalled that s***e like this even makes it to video nevermind the big screen.....

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

SittingPretty (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th February 2004, 20:49

I kinda smiled at some bits... but what I didn`t get is, the `SHAKKKKKASPEAR in Love` woman, killed in the cinema, in the first movie... why is she in this one????? Did the new directors never watch the first??
Won`t watch again I doubt.

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 6th February 2004, 21:35

i must admit i liked the other 2 film`s, but scary movie 3 really sucked it was friggin awfull and was very glad when it ended.


general nobody @

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Friday, 6th February 2004, 22:06

I hated all three, and now we`ve got a fourth to look forward to.... :(

Expect the worst and you won`t be disappointed

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 00:04

Parodies only work up to a point. They`re essentially weak films due to their lack of originality (insomuch that their entire plots and premises are stolen from other films), and dragging them out this far stretches their appeal very thinly indeed.

`Not another teen movie` has played it just right, it`s worked as a parody of several films at once. If it tried again it just wouldn`t work

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 02:16

it was ok, definetly not the worst film of all time (I have seen far worse). Better than 2 but not a patch on the superb 1st installment. The main problem with 3 was they showed all the best bits in the trailer and that spoilt it. I hear no 4 is in the works. Bring it on!

:p:p:p D-I-C-A-N-I-O :p:p:p

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

LondonLee (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 11:58

The second one had to be the lamest of them all, even though I haven`t seen 1 or 3.

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

chewie (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 15:34

They`re all bad films (like Stantz pointed out). But I had a couple of laughs and it`s definitely not the worst film ever made. Although the highlight of the screening was getting the Shaun Of The Dead trailer. For anyone who watched and worshipped the TV show Spaced, then they should be very excited :D

My DVD Collection
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter how wrong it is ;-)

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

ebony.branch (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 16:00

I quite liked Scary Movie, and I thought Scary Movie 2 was at least as good, possibly better. Haven`t seen 3 yet.

RE: Scary Movie 3 - the worst film of all time?

555 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th February 2004, 17:32

the worst film of all time??? my god havent you seen the postman! This film i found highly amusing, no hilarious moments but funny all the way through! better than no.2, not as good as no.3

You say pyscho like its a bad thing

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