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Is it really worth joining the union?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th October 2003, 15:24

There are a few people where I work who are in the GMB union, and all the years that I`ve worked, I`ve never felt the need to join any union.

Is it really worth it?

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RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th October 2003, 16:46

Depends on what you might need them for. I`m a member of the NASUWT and was extremely glad of my rep`s support when a female pupil (11 yr old) accused me of assaulting her. It even got to the point where I was questioned by the plods at the nick. My union rep was there with me all the way.

After all her classmates had been interviewed (the assault had allegedly taken place during a lesson) her parents decided to take it no further (ie every single child in the class said she was lying - apparently some of them even made me out to be some kind of hero!!). However, even though I, my family and most of my colleagues (the head seemed to distance himself from me for a while) knew I`d done nothing wrong it was a very distressing time. Makes you wonder why you bother sometimes.

Anyway, by joining a union you should get support (including legal assistance) should things go tits-up for you.

Just my experience.



RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th October 2003, 18:26

Think of it as an insurance policy. As Si states above, sometimes things can go horribly wrong. If you`re not backed by a union rep who can call on legal experts, your employers could literally enforce anything on you.

The most important thing about being in a union is the collective strength which will always be used to fight for rights for the greater good. Unions negotiate your pay increase every year and you have a democratic right to vote for and against that deal, in the same way that you have the right to vote people in (or even stand for election yourself) or out if you don`t think they`re coming to scratch.

For those people who go "well, we`ll get the pay increase anyway" and then spend the rest of the year whinging about it, I have nothing but scorn for you - if you were in the union, you`d have a voice, and would realistically be able to change things.

And, of course, your union will always be able to negotiate special rates for things like personal loans, home insurance, free non-employment related legal advice, travel insurance, shopping vouchers, you name it.

Anyone who says unions don`t change anything really need to read up on some recent social history. If it wasn`t for trade unions, there`d be no minimum wage, no working time directive, very little employment rights, no paid paternity and maternity leave, etc, etc.

Join up - you know it makes sense :)

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

This item was edited on Friday, 17th October 2003, 19:27

RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

random username (Elite) posted this on Friday, 17th October 2003, 21:11

Yes, join up now!! Even if its only for someone to ask the occasional question, they come in handy. And if you ever get in serious s***, are unfairly dismissed etc, you`re really going to need them!!

RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 18th October 2003, 14:26

I would agree with everything everybody has said already.
Only thing I would add is if your job is in in anyway involved in the public services joining unison would be a far better decision than the GMB.
Unison gives its member`s more say, there`s more member involvement and has far more influence than the GMB.


RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th October 2003, 12:54

I work at Asda in Wakefield, and they are treating the staff really unfair.

At one of the managers meeting, the GSM manager, who is in charge of running the entire store, said to get rid of all the old night team, as we seem to moan alot.

Now he`s trying to enforce a cut in our breaks, we get a canteen once in a blue moon, we are very under staffed and the GSM manager has instructed the night managers to treat all of us like s***.

You think I`m exagerating, seven people on nights have left already within a space of one week and more are leaving every month.

The day staff get treated better than us, yet they don`t do any filling of the shelves, so at 2 in the afternoon, the shelves are near enough empty, until the night team come on.

So as well as doing our job, where all the orders come on pallets, we have to empty the cages and racking, from the warehouse which is supposed to be there job.

I`m only touching the surface on what goes on at that place, its like the Roman empire, only instead of the managers killing each other, GSM or Personel give them two choices, a real crappy position in the store or get out and find a new job.

There is so much arse licking at that place between managers that they don`t give a f*** about the staff.

The GSM`s answer to the night team is `your feet arn`t nailed to the floor and there`s the door.

They think that the law and the workers rights don`t apply to them only Asda law.

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RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th October 2003, 18:17

Floyd - you and your coleagues should all join Usdaw straight away and exercise some collective muscle.
This sort of thing would not be tollerated in a unionised workplace.

RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th October 2003, 18:27

Thanks for all your advice, I think I will.

Apparantly unions arn`t allowed to advertise anymore. Does anyone know why?

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RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th October 2003, 19:51

unions arn`t allowed to advertise anymore

What ? In the workplace ? Yes, they can - whoever told you that is talking out of their rear window, matey >:(

DVD Reviewer

Webmaster of Area 450 - independent Sampo DVD site

RE: Is it really worth joining the union?

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 19th October 2003, 20:09

I`m in the ISTC (Steel) Union..................fat lot of good it does tho`....................they`re all virtually in cahoots with management, and as much use as a chocolate teapot!!

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