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Sat Nav for Palm Handheld

Ripper (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 21:14

Going on holiday in July to Wales and neither me nor my girlfriend are any good at reading maps (i`m ok but find it gets in the way of driving). Girlfriend has a Palm Tungsten T3 and has decided that she`ll buy us a Sat-nav system for it. I`ve had a look and seen about 3 different ones:

Kirrio GPS Navigation Pack
Navman GPS 4470
TomTom Navigator

Has anyone got any recommendations of which one would be best to go for or any other makes that I haven`t mentioned. Any online sites that are good to buy them from too? Not bothered about bluetooth. Notice that Tomtom don`t seen to have the palm version on their website anymore but not sure if the new Navigator 5 which they have as coming soon covers both PPC and Palm PDA`s.

Would appreciate any suggestions (sat-nav related :p ).

RE: Sat Nav for Palm Handheld

tifoso (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 22:27

Hi Ripper, my company car had a Siemens VDO system fitted for 3 years which was good. Anyhow I`ve had to give up work through ill health and last week was given as farewell present a Palm zire 31+ kirrio gps system. Once you put the whole country on an SD memory card, the system is absolutely brilliant. I was not expecting the level of mapping to be anything like the pukka £1500 company job, how wrong I was... it`s much better!!!
For £225 all in it`s totally fabbo. Just my opinion though.

RE: Sat Nav for Palm Handheld

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th May 2005, 23:05

You have a T3, get a BT GPS receiver (about £100) & d/load demo maps (9 days life, turn the date back every day to extend the life ;) ) & free viewer with voice prompts etc etc from Mapolis, otherwise you are just duplicating kit by buying a another Palm\Pocket PC

Always handy to get a power cable kit as well that could power the GPS unit & adapter to power the Palm.

If you want the early (more features, less buggy) version ask & I will send them via pm.

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

This item was edited on Friday, 27th May 2005, 00:19

RE: Sat Nav for Palm Handheld

Ripper (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 28th May 2005, 12:29

Thanks for the suggestions. I`ve showed my girlfriend the screenshots for the different ones and she seems to prefer the look of the Kirrio one, she finds the way it`s laid out easier to read.

Rassilon, the packs we are looking at don`t include the pda, they are all add on packs. The girlfriend prefers the idea of buying a pack instead of all the pieces separately. Since it`s her money i`m leaving that decision up to her but I appreciate the ideas.

I`ve looked at the tomtom website and their new Navigator 5 seems to be for both PPC and Palm, no idea when it`s supposed to be out though. The Navman 4470 seems to be hard to find, not seen any sites selling it so far (probably just not very good at finding them).

RE: Sat Nav for Palm Handheld

tifoso (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th May 2005, 14:13

Just as an add on to my earlier thoughts. Personally I hate the 3D view on sat navs, but that might be because of 3 years driving about in 2D. Either that or I`m just a shallow person ;)

RE: Sat Nav for Palm Handheld

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 29th May 2005, 10:06

The girlfriend prefers the idea of buying a pack instead of all the pieces separately. Since it`s her money

Thats kinda what I was driving at, for the limited use of GPS for my needs the BT GPS receiver, coupled with free demo maps & viewer does the trick for me.

Tried it yesterday with far better results with my Tapwave replacing the old Tungsten T (which always used to crash out, while running out of memory).

Some pics may follow shortly of the lash err setup.

Basic idea is cradle hot glued to the facia (ageing Cavalier), power lead & plug.

This connects to the power cigar lighter lead for the GPS\Tapwave devices (was bought for a Ipaq & suitably modified).

The GPS can sit in the glove compartment on on the dashboard, the Tapwave off centre close to the driver.

Journey end Tapwave in pocket, GPS & power cable locked away safely in the glove compartment. :)

I quite like the Helpdesk people in a benevolent (as opposed to malevolent) way as they do some valuable work in preventing us being inundated by every halfwit who can work a phone.

This item was edited on Sunday, 29th May 2005, 18:18

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