Info and forum posts by 'I Dawson'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 20th March 2001, 12:20, Last used: Tuesday, 19th May 2009, 20:34

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 51 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.04 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Record onto DVD from Sky+?


Can anyone tell me if you can connect a DVD recorder to a SKY+ box and record onto discs from it to archive etc - I keep getting conflicitng information from SKY customer services!

Many thanks

RE: Sky+ Question

Many thanks for the information

Sky+ Question


Can somone tell me if it`s possible to watch programs recorded on a Sky+ box in another rooms using a magic eye?

Also. I have been told that certain programs, not just Sky Box Office films, are encrypted so cannot be recorded onto a conventional DVD recorder - is this true?

Many thanks

RE: 5.1 DIVX DVD Player - £32.99 at Aldi


Anyone had problems with this player skipping the first second or so of mp3s & CDs?

I was wondering if I had a duff machine or it was common to all of them


RE: 5.1 DIVX DVD Player - £32.99 at Aldi

Hi there

I was looking for a cheap DivX player for bedroom, so I bought this - so far so good.

Comparatively solid build, decent remote - lousy instruction manual. I thought I knew a bit about these things, but may have to phone helpline for setup queries, it makes no sense.

Plays DivX files I`ve tried so far fine, XviD (unpacked bitstream) fine, I don`t have any packed bitstream to try as they play back jerkily on my other player. Also plays mp3s burnt onto DVD, not sure about wma.

Only problem is fluorescent blue light behind the tray, which stays on all the time as far as I can make out! If you can put up with this then so far, for £33, it seems like a really good buy.

Lacks optical digital out, but I guess u can`t have everything, has component video output.

Hope this is of some help.

RE: H&B?

Thanks for the info



Anyone know much about this company & if their products are any good.


RE: Dual 860 DVD Player


Might just be my bad luck, but bought a Dual 859 a few months ago & no problems, pretty good machine.

Decided to get a 2nd, but appears to have been replaced by the 860, but bought one as they seemed pretty similar.

I`m now on my 2nd - both have had different faults. Asda are fine at exchanging/refunding, but I`m going to look around for an alternative.



Their service is now abysmal. I`m hardly getting any discs sent out at all. Numerous complaints made, but I just keep getting standard email replies. Definitely time to cancel membership!

Asda Duraband Home Cinema Speakers


Anyone bought these or know anything about them? Currently only £35 in Asda - obviously not going to be great, but possibly OK for bedroom etc??

Any info would be greatly appreciated



Thanks very much for the advice....I shall go & track down a Pioneer!

BTW....does it have RGB in for recording from Sky etc?




I`m can`t decide between Pioneer DVR-420 and Toshiba RDXS32.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

RE: MailboxMovies / DVD365 problem


From experience I would avoid anything to do with DVD365. I was charged a month`s rental because they claimed 1 disc did not arrive back in time - it was posted 4 days before the end of the trial. It has taken 2 months to resolve & I had to involve credit card company.

RE: ASDA Dual 859 Firmware Update?

Many thanks

I`ll give it a try

ASDA Dual 859 Firmware Update?


I purchased a Dual 859 DVD/DivX player from Asda a couple of weeks ago. There seems to be very little info about this machine anywhere.

Does anyone know if there is a firmware update available? It plays DivX files fine, but Xvid files play back jerkily.

Many thanks

RE: Lovefilm, Online Rentals Ltd


By chance I just got an email off them about log in probelms and they also suggestedadding MC/

Unfortunately that doesn`t work either and still no DVDs

Really poor service

RE: Lovefilm, Online Rentals Ltd


I`ve had real problems since my account was moved over to them from DVDs and I can`t login to the response yet to my emails


Thanks very much for the info - I`ve got a Pacific 900 & it won`t recognise mpegs at all, didn`t expect it to play DivX, Xvid.

I`m thinking of changing it for a 1002. My old Dansai plays these files no problem.



I realise loads has been written about this player already, but can somene confirm whether the Pacific 1002 mk2 player will play mpegs burnt onto CD/DVD as data files? I have just bought the Pacific 900 and this won`t recognise them.

Many thanks

RE: Cheap And Cheerful "Plays Anything" DVD Player


Apologies if this is a really daft question, but if a DVD player is capable of playing DivX files, does the DivX file have to be copied onto a DVD R/RW disc, or will the player read it from a CD in the same way as, for example, an mpeg file?

Many thanks

RE: Cd Wow DVD Rental


I had to hassle them for the £8.99 voucher, not the most impressive service.

RE: Multi Region DVD Player for £30.00? Suggestions?


I bought a Pacific 900 from Asda a few weeks ago at just under £30, seems fine so far and can be made multiregion.

RE: Good DVD Writer

Thanks for the recommendations

Good DVD Writer


Can anyone recommend a good internal DVD writer?

Many thanks

RE: DVD Rental sites...which one?


It seems a lot of people recommend Screenselect and have had problems with CD WOW. Having tried both, I found CD WOW far superior, 3 discs have so far failed to arrive from Screenselect.

Grease Sound Query

Not sure if I`ve got a duff copy, but has anyone noticed that the German soundtrack is of far superior quality to the Engish one, which sounds quite muffled.

RE: Splash DVD

Thanks for the reply, I will avoid them!

Splash DVD


Are these lot any good? Ordered some goods about a year ago & had to wait ages, wondered if the service had improved of late as some of the prices are pretty good.
